Hot Rod Nights - A Short Story (Part 5 of 9)

in #writing7 years ago (edited)


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The morning sun streamed through the curtains as it entered the bedroom. Joey awoke to find Bonnie sitting on the edge of his bed, slumped over, her head in her hands. "Hey, squirt, what's up?" he asked still drowsy.

Bonnie turned to him with sadness in her eyes. "Is it true about Neecy and Frankie?" she asked.

The rush of despair began to creep in again as Joey's thoughts returned to yesterday. "Yeah, I'm afraid so Bonnie," he confirmed.

Tears began to stream down her face. "But why? I don't understand... why!" she shouted. She lunged toward Joey and wrapped her arms around his neck and squeezed him tight as she sobbed.

This was all too familiar for both of them. This scenario occurred two years prior, only worse, when she got the news her father was killed in a mill accident. This news brought back a flurry of past horrible feelings and memories.

Joey was very particular about whom he called friend and who could come around his home. All Joey's friends were not friends, they were family. For Bonnie they were more than that. They were her foundation. The news of Neecy and Frankie shook that foundation. Bonnie grew-up with Joey's friends. They were her friends and she loved and protected them, in her own way, as best she could.

As Bonnie clung to her older brother he rocked her slow and said words to soothe her for close to an hour.

Bonnie had calmed and backed away from Joey but was still quite upset. She sat on the bed and sobbed, though not as much. "Is Neecy going to be okay?" she asked.

Joey considered what to tell her and decided the truth would be best. "I'm not sure pumpkin. She's banged-up pretty bad," he said.

"Did you see her?" she asked concerned.

"Yesterday. She was still really weak," he said. He paused then looked at Bonnie and in a mock serious fashion and said, "You know that Neecy. She's one stubborn you-know-what. She'll pull through no matter what any doctor anywhere says—right!" he said with enthusiasm.

"Right!" agreed Bonnie a she forced a half-smile.

Joey decided it was time for a change of scenery. "Let's get some breakfast—whadaya say to that!" he continued the enthusiasm.

Bonnie looked at him and brightened-up with an idea. "Sugar Pops!" she offered enthusiastic as she raised both arms straight up.

Joey mimicked her motions by raising his arms as well. "Sugar Pops it is!" he concurred.

After breakfast he stayed with Bonnie a while to mitigate any lingering emotions and feelings. She soon became interested in seeing some of her friends and Joey encouraged the thought. Anything to escape the past twelve hours, he thought. He decided to follow his sister's lead.

Joey headed toward the door as he occupied himself with thoughts of today's priorities. At the front door he stopped mid-stride. What's today? he asked himself. He checked the calendar on the fridge. It's Friday! he confirmed. Whatever plans he had will have to remain plans as he had to get ready for tonight. He went to begin his rituals and glanced at the clock. It's only 9:35 a.m.! he thought. "Slow down, Joey. Get a grip, man," he said aloud.

The Deuce entered the A&W parking lot and Joey noticed bobby soxers galore. Aside from all the private festivities on a Friday night, this was the place to be. Crowds gathered in parking spaces but dispersed as soon as any boss car appeared and needed a brief place to rest and The Deuce was the boss. Joey picked a prime spot and backed The Deuce in. As always there were a few new to the scene.

A small crowd began to gather as all the rodders looked-on and smirked at the amazement of a legend. "Hey that is one boss machine, man!" came from a new initiate. "She sounds mean!" he added.

One of the car hops rolled up to Joey's window. "Heya, Joey," said Julie as she smacked her gum. "What can I getcha?"

"You guys are really busy tonight," he said.

"Yeah, I think the word is out."

"What word?"

She chuckled, "Why you silly boy. Word's out how you took Muggsy to the cleaners," she said then continued, "Hey I'm real sorry about Frankie. He was a real great guy, you know? We liked him a lot around here. He was funny," she paused then continued, "Hey how's Neecy? She gonna be okay, Joey? I know you guys grew-up together and all," she said.

"I don't know, Julie. She's in bad shape."

"Well I hope she's okay. She's a lot of fun to be around and she's really mature, you know?" she said as he looked around and noticed her work beginning to pile up. "So can I getcha somethin' Joey?" she asked.

"I think I'll pass for now, Julie," he responded.

"Okay, doll," she said as she rolled away.

Joey sat in The Deuce and watched others watch him. Many girls passed by and said hello hoping he'll maybe show a little interest. This is an old game for him and he has no interest as he sits in anticipation of the only game he is interested—the only one on his mind as of late.

"Hey, Joey The Jackson Eliminator. What's shakin' bacon?" said Cooley as he approached The Deuce and leaned-in on the passenger window. Cooley is his last name but someone called him Cooley one day and it stuck as it does sound better than Simon. He is a pretty good mechanic in his own right and earned Joey's respect a while back the hard way—he helped Joey in a race when The Deuce was acting up and he and Joey worked for hours to fix an unfixable problem.

"Hey Cool. How's tricks?" he asked.

Cooley became animated. "Aw Joey, I fell into a heavenly machine," he said.

His curiosity peaked, "Oh yeah, what is she?" he asked interested.

Cooley points to a banged up, scratched up sleeper '34 Chevy.

"Is that your '34 Chev?" he said with sudden excitement. "I saw that when I came in. You got a bent eight in that?" he asked.

"If I'm lyin', I'm dyin'," he responded.

Joey had his attention on the '34. "She hopped?" he asked.

"You know that cool cat," he confirmed.

Joey climbed from The Deuce and walked toward the '34. He looked her over. "You mod the suspension?" he asked.

Cooley nodded. "You know it. Dropped and tightened," he said.

Joey walked to the front and lifted the side engine panel. The engine glimmered in the light. "That's a new 283!" he exclaimed.

"She's sweet huh? Still breakin' 'er in," said Cooley.

Joey stood there and was visibly impressed. "Where'd you get this Cool?" he asked.

"That's the crazy thing, it just fell into my lap. I was at the shop and this kid walked up and asked me if I wanted his old '34 Chev. I asked about it and it sounded like it had potential. He said he needed the money now 'cause he creamed his pop's car and his pop told him to sell his car to get the money to fix it. So's I threw a few bucks at him and he towed it right over. It was a mess but as you can see I massaged 'er up right!" he said.

"Where'd you get the 283? asked Joey.

"That's the best part. Some Clyde just bought one of those classy chassis Corvettes then totaled it! Jimmy at the yard told me it was there so's I went and pried 'er out and here she is!" he said.

Joey walked around the '34 again. "She looks like a runner Cool," he said.

"She gets me down the road," he said.

There was a little commotion over at the A&W and Joey looked and saw Donna had pulled in and was having trouble parking. Seemed the crowd was not impressed with her plain-jane ride and would not disperse for her to park. Joey headed for The Deuce. He climbed in, fired her up and pulled her out of the space and parked her in the drive and hopped out. He motioned Donna into his prime spot then climbed into The Deuce and maneuvered next to Donna's car as the crowd dispersed allowing him to park. His point was made. Donna will no longer have an issue parking at the A&W on a crowded Friday night. It also sent the message of who was priority in Joey's life. Dreams dashed and hearts broke that night and Donna, unwitting, had stepped on a hornet's nest.

Joey walked to the passenger side of the '52 Dodge and climbed in. He sat and looked at Donna. "Hi," he said.

Donna was busy as she soaked-in all that had happened. She was aware of Joey's reputation and guessed he ran the show to a sizable degree. No—he was the show. She collected her thoughts, looked him in the eyes. "Hi," she responded.

Joey got comfortable. "I'm really happy you could make it," he said.

"Me too," she smiled sweet.

"Let's go," he said.

"But we just got here, she responded confused.

"I know. Let's go," he insisted.

"Where?" she asked suspicious.

He smiled. "You'll see. Don't worry, it's very public—in a private way," he assured.

Donna pulled from the A&W lot and followed Joey's directions. It was not long into the ride when Joey told her to pull over as they entered an older neighborhood and the scenery was very picturesque and romantic. "Joey, it's beautiful here," she said in awe of its beauty.

Joey looked around nodding in agreement. "Yeah, it's not bad. Feel like a walk?" he asked.

Did she ever. She would walk to the ends of earth with this boy. "Sure," she said as she downplayed her emotions.

They climbed from the Dodge and moved to the sidewalk as Joey took the lead they walked silent each one awaiting the other to break the tension. Joey tried to be courteous and a gentleman and Donna was thinking the man would open conversation.

They strolled in silence down the dark lane as the leaves of the trees allowed for little light from the street lamps. It created a romantic scene.

Joey liked to be near Donna as she gave him the feeling of being needed and desired. It was unfamiliar but welcome, though he was unsure what to say to her. He had trouble focusing thoughts as she was so stunning, so breathtaking in the low light. He wanted her near and never felt the need to be tough around her, which was not his character but still, the feeling was not out of place and Donna did not seem to mind at all.

Donna could not quite comprehend how consuming these feelings for Joey were. It did not matter they were not talking. She liked being around him. She liked the way he treated her different from other people, even the other girls. He had a strength and she very much needed that in her life. With Joey, she felt safe.

They continued their silent walk for a few moments when Joey broke the tension. "Do you like summer or winter better?" he asked.

Pleased with the opportunity to talk, Donna gave this question some thought. This was important. Not the subject but how she responded. This could set the tone for the remainder of the night. Or worse, the relationship!

"I think I like summer best. I like being outdoors in the open spaces, in the warmth, feeling the warm sun on my body," she replied.Body? Why did I say body? I should have said face - warm sun on my face! she thought to herself. Donna stopped talking as she knew if she didn't she could say the wrong thing.

"Yeah, I'm a summer person too. Cold is restrictive for outdoor activities," he said. Now what do we talk about? he thought.

Donna kept the conversation alive. "Joey?" she said soft.

"Yeah?" he responded in-kind.

She collected herself. "I'm sorry to hear about your friends. It's so sad," she consoled.

Joey fought the feelings and memories that tried to push to the surface. "Thanks," he paused then continued, "Yeah, it is sad. Frankie was a great guy. I knew him a long time," he paused to collect himself. "The last thing I said to him was to be careful with the Model A. Wish he woulda listened," he said holding back the emotions.

"That guy was Frankie? The signaler? Oh, Joey I'm so sorry. I saw the way you guys were and I could tell you were real close." She was silent for a moment. "Did you know the girl he was with?" she asked.

His mind produced flashes of pictures of her as she lie helpless in the hospital. "That was Neecy. I've known her pretty much all her life. She's a sweet girl," he said.

Donna could sense his discomfort about this subject but felt she needed to say she felt bad for him and was there for him. "Is she going to be okay?" she asked.

Joey forced himself out of the pain as this was not the time. "I don't know. She's pretty tough... and stubborn," he said and his mood lightened as he formed an idea as he continued, "That's what I told Bonnie. Can't no one tell Neecy what to do not even the doctors," he said.

"Bonnie?" she inquired.

He decided to see how this would play out. "Oh, she's the other girl in my life." He let his statement linger with Donna to get a little rise out of her.

Donna's demeanor changed as a slight disappointment crossed her face. She knew there might be competition but she didn't know Joey would mention her by name! But she had to know. "Who's Bonnie?" she asked again as she searched her thoughts and tried not sound territorial.

Joey chuckled then decided to play it up. "Oh, Bonnie, Bonnie, Bonnie. She's the sweetest girl I ever met. We've had some good times together. We fight too sometimes but mostly we're pretty close. Yeah she's my little drop of sunshine," he laid it on thick.

Donna's heart sunk and she could not believe he was telling her about the other girl! She did not know what to say to all of this and did not mind fighting for what she wanted but how could she compete with a history? She played second fiddle to no one and she is not going to be part of any harem either! Donna stopped walking and as she looked down she spoke her mind. "Look Joey, I know you got girls all over the place and I don't mind a good competition but I ain't gonna be part of no harem here. I don't share my man with other women. So I think maybe this might have been a bad idea. I mean this Bonnie girl seems really special and I don't know why you're telling me about her but she seems pretty special to you and..." she rambled.

"Oh, of course she's special to me," he interrupted then bent down to look Donna in the eyes as she was still looking down. With his finger under her chin, he coaxed her head up. "Bonnie's my little sister," he smiled a sheepish grin.

Donna's face displayed a flash of realization then relief then a growing anger at Joey's obvious deception and toying with her emotions. She smacked him in the arm hard... twice. "Joey that was not nice what you did!" she said in anger as she hit him again.

Joey could not contain his laughter as he defended against her attack. He could see she was mad but also relieved. This was all he needed to know as he grabbed her arm and halted the assault. She was still rather upset when he looked into her eyes and with all the sincerity he could muster said, "I'm so sorry," he then smirked and she tried again in her assault but Joey had hold of both her wrists. She looked in his eyes and became lost as she dropped her guard and he let go of her wrists and placed his hand on her cheek as he looked searching in her eyes—she melted. Joey put his other hand on her hip and pulled her close, leaned-in slow and deliberate and kissed her.

They continued their stroll for some time and talked about their individual lives and history, their hopes, dreams and future. Are they cat or dog people and do they want a ranch or two story house?


(to be continued)

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9

art sources: 1 2

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