Actually, everyone has blue eyes - yes, even you.

in #writing6 years ago (edited)
Y'know, the thing about a shark, he's got lifeless eyes, black eyes, like a doll's eyes. - Quint, Jaws (movie)

Why do we always want what we don't have? 

Before I start whining in this post, I figured I might as well acknowledge to you that I'm extremely happy to have eyes that function well.  I have 20/15 vision, and I'm grateful for sight.

For the rest of this post, I will proceed to whine.   Vanity, thy name is dreemsteem.

I have extremely dark eyes.  So dark, in fact- they look black. The only time you can see the distinction between the pupil and the iris is when I'm looking directly into the sun. (Warning: do not look directly into the sun) I've never liked them! I've always wanted crystal-clear, light eyes. When I saw the movie Jaws, not only was I terrified to go in the ocean for years..... but I also found a new hatred for my eyes.

"What did he say???  lifeless, black eyes???  like a SHARK?!?!"  

 It wasn't until I married my husband (who has a fascination with my sharky eyes) that I stopped hating them so much.  He says they sparkle.  I do not believe him.  But I don't hate them anymore.

Do I still want light, clear eyes?  Yep.  Yep, I do.

There are several options out there for people like me who would like to alter the appearance of their eyes. Colored contact lenses are the least invasive option, but for very dark-eyed people - they always look very.... cyborg-ish.  It's a word.

Did you also know that there is an actual procedure that slides a flexible silicone covering through a slit into your lens that will cover your iris.   I've seen it.  shudder  It's definitely a step up from contact lenses as far as a realistic look, but the disadvantages of irritation, infection, and .... well you know - BLINDNESS was a *slight* deterrent for me.  Was there no alternative for a black-eyed girl?

Then.... I found it.  

The fact that blue me away:  I ALREADY HAD CRYSTAL-CLEAR, LIGHT EYES.

This is not a joke. This is absolutely a fact.  Everyone has light (blue or green) eyes. What changes their appearance is a layer of pigment on top of the iris.   For me, I have a large amount of black, lifeless, SHARK PIGMENT on top of my eyes.  (Thanks, Quint.)

Well, that's all well and good, dreemsteem - but how to remove such pigment and reveal the lovely shades beneath??

A few years ago, as I was wandering around YouTube, I came across a video that claimed to be a subliminal message to whisk away those pesky pigments.   After a good laugh, (I may or may not have actually listened to said video for a few minutes) I was about to turn off YouTube and resign myself to my fate.  But.. hold the phone- what was this?  An actual scientific-looking video claiming some new research?

Dr. Gregg Homer from Stroma  had discovered a way to use a laser to deliver short bursts of energy to disrupt that pigment, allowing the body to naturally rid itself of the destroyed pigment cells, revealing the light-colored eyes underneath in just a matter of weeks.

Green, blue, or brown… your eye color is just one part of who you are. Darker eyes are mysterious and beautiful, but just beneath the darker pigment lies your unique shade of blue or green. The lighter shade is also a part of who you are.If you want to lighten up, STRŌMA® may be right for you. 


Did I sign up to be one of their trial patients?  I'll let you venture a guess.  I'll never tell.

As of yet, they haven't released any of their before and after pictures yet, but I can tell you this: They have become VERY excited and their website has gone from a boring research site to an attractive, user-friendly site that is geared towards marketing this service soon.  They approximate that the service will be $5000 for the color change.

What a world we live in!  But $5000? No matter how badly I want this procedure, I simply can't justify that price tag to exchange my perfectly-functioning sharkies for a pair of baby blues.  Also...

STRŌMA® is the leader in permanent eye color change, with its revolutionary STRŌMA® Laser System. Its patented laser initiates a natural metabolic process that gradually eliminates the superficial pigment in darker eyes to reveal your natural underlying color. 


Did you catch that?  The procedure is permanent.

Permanent?  Was that hesitation I just felt?  After years of wanting to trade places with my pretty-eyed peers, did I truly not want to jump at the chance when the solution was so near at hand?   What can I say?  Forever is a very long time.  My hubby might develop a new attraction to my brand-new iridescent irises, but I might start to miss being his sparkly-eyed girl.  

Unless, of course, Stroma chooses me as one of their trial subjects.  Then, all bets are off.   (oops)

*Capt'n Dreemsteem caricature created by @kryptik; blue eyes added by @scuzzy


I bet your eyes are as lovely as your personality so I say - do what makes you happy but in my green eyes you're already gorgeous :P

hehehehe my hubby reeeeeeeally doesn't want me to get rid of his "sparkly" eyes... but i told him.... we'll see. hahahahaha

maybe if they lower the price!!! LOLOL i don't know.. my daughter and oldest son have incredible eyes
and my hubby too... light eyes are so magical :)

(and i love you andy!!!! hehehe)

These are the cutest eyes I every seen in my life!

LOLOLOLOL why thank you - i made them myself after looking in the mirror!!! hahahahaha

but i happen to like the blue eyes that you gave me ;)

I know your eyes are beautiful! But, wait... I may have underlying blue eyes... where do I sign up to be a trial subject again? Oh my, vanity is likewise my middle name, my friend. You are not alone.

hhahahaha right???? blue or green!! which would you prefer?
i actually think i would like grey! I did have grey contacts before and though my husband loves my "sparklies" he would always say - ohhhhhhh you look pretty today!! (when i wore my grey contacts)

he never noticed the connection - but of course... i did :)

so i think he would like me either way! hahahahaha

and... i really really dont like the color of my eyes. hahahaha but i have a hubby that is gaga for them!!! that should be enough, right? LOL (but won't he be gaga for greys too??? LOLOLOL)


if i cant have grey eyes... can i have your eyes??? just mail them to me - ok? LOLOLOLOL

Ummm... the silver will be mailed to you, for sure. I have to keep my eyes to enjoy all the shinies, gold and silver, LOL!

Hahahhahahaa!!! Ok... I have something to send to you too!!! I sent you an email 😉

It just shows to go you that people can be dissatisfied with the most unimportant things.

What? You have 20/15 vision and you're unhappy with your eyes???

Hmmm, what would I give to have 20/15 vision? Or, eyes without floaters?

That's OK; I'm gettin' 'em in The Glory, courtesy of my Creator... :D One of the things I'm very much looking forward to.

Will we be able to change our eye pigment then? Probably... ;)



Correct! lol I did admit that this was a post full of vanity in the very beginning!!!! LOL What can I say - we are human - with human bodies... and human discontent!!! If I loved the color of my eyes - I would write about it.... but i do not. so i write about that! hahahahaa

And i did say that I'm QUITE satisfied and GRATEFUL for my vision ;)

I just needed to grumble a little myself, and give you a hard time... ;) <3

i understand... the grumbling has come for me too. hehehe i just hide it ;)

My eyes look quite close to Cerulean blue.

do you want to hurt my heart?? why do you hate me???? LOLOLOL

Lol, such a Drama

hahahahahahahahaha!!!!!! i just laughed so hard!!!!!!


I'll tell you one thing as the proud owner of bluish-grayish eyes... The Sun Fs you really hard, and on top of that I hate wearing sunglasses. So, usually lighter eyes are much more sensitive to lots of sunlight, and if you still haven't decided think about it, I'm used to squeezing my eyes with the lowest light around :) but going from total shark to baby blue might be too much :)
Also my opinion is that aesthetics shouldn't mean too much in this world, but then again, I'm just beauty princes - haha :D
To get back on a serious note.... There is no army choir singing about blue eyes anywhere, but the dark one?

yes... when i wore grey contacts - it affected my eyes the same way. I had to wear sunglasses when i wore them.... but @svemirac!!!! i neeeeeeed these beautiful eyes! hahahahahaha

my daughter - she has really light eyes - and she is the same! In the sunshine - we have to tell her when to open her eyes when we're about to take a pictures!!! because she can't keep her eyes open while we're all posing (if we are outside LOL)

of course aesthetics don't mean so much - i agree :)


p.s. my grandfather used to sing this song hehehehehe

I hope you do NOT go through with this procedure. These are your eyes!! Firstly, I will tell you this. I worked in a hospital. I knew doctors. I knew the opthamologists very well. I asked them about know the procedure that changes your vision to perfect? They told me that if they thought it was a good idea, they'd be's dangerous. Very.

My son works for Lasek. It's dangerous. Your eyes are very special organs and they don't usually recover from trama. Surgery is trama.

You have eyes. God gave you the color of them the same way he gave you the color of your skin and hair.

Please please, love what God made and don't fall for any of the fringe medicine or procedures. Remember, I've seen a LOT from my 15 years at a hospital.

And now that you've been given a stern'll move on to another post that I have not yet read. :)

Ughhhhhh why are you making good sense to me?????? Lololol

Did you talk to my husband!? Did he put you up to this???? Lololololol

I'm joking... I really do want those gorgeous clear eyes.... But I don't know if I could go through with it.

This was just the musings of a black eyed shark.... 😉

Because I'm old. :) So very old. 👵🏻

hhahahahahaha .... ok - you are forgiven then LOL
i will care for you in your old age hahaha

Okay.....everyone is born with blue eyes.....and most ppl's eyes turn blue when they are ancient. So you USED to have blue eyes and you might have them one day again. You can always dye your hair blue if you are desperate.....and I'll call you papa smurf :)

i just laughed out loud!!!! when can i be ancient?? i can't dye my hair blue cuz guess what color it is?!?!?!
darkest brown (almost black) to match my eyes
wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. LOLOLOLOL

You'd have to dye it right out - no color -white straw feeling kind of dye....theeeeeeennnnn you could dye it blue....or you could wear peacock blue lipstick and eyeshadow......that would be very sharpie doo chic. ? I think. :)

I have dark eyes too....I'll take a selfie (I hate my face) but you won't be the only one with dark coal eyes.

well if its me and you, sister..... then i will embrace mine if you embrace yours. hahahaha

I love your honesty here! I can see your hesitation because it's permanent...and what about that first moment you look in the mirror and you don't recognize your own eyes!

I am totally fascinated that we all have light eyes underneath pigment! It explains why babies all have the same color, and that it changes as they grow. It also explains why my mother-in-law used to have dark brown eyes and now they're hazel.

yes i saw a REAL video - of someone who went raw vegan for 12 years.... and their eyes changed from brown to hazel with blue specks.... BEAUTIFUL.

and now that I know that we all do have blue eyes underneath... i bet that you really could do that! but it would most likely not change that drastically for me since my eyes are so dark.

But toxins can cloud your eyes. Actually - i have a stranger thing that happens to me when I eat very clean.

The whites of my eyes turn so white - they actually look like a pale blue. My mom says i look like the people from the movie Dune who eat the spice hahahahahahaha (if you ever saw that movie LOL - if not - google Dune eyes - spice... something like that , you'll laugh!!! my eyes NEVER look like that. but she says it reminds her of it! LOL)

and... i mean - i have worn colored contacts for fun before... and - its not really like you don't recognize your eyes...
it's almost like wearing makeup. You just look a little bit different.

but - what i like about them - is they tend to brighten my whole face! i mean... i was joking about the cartoon - but look at what a difference it is... look at the cartoon with the dark eyes - and then with the light.

it really makes a difference in the whole face, doesn't it???

hmmmmm its making me think now hahahaha giving me another reason to eat clean ;)

That's so crazy that their eyes actually changed and lightened up! I know when we started eating clean and meatfree (I call myself a Stacieatarian so the only box I put myself is my own haha) years ago, one of the first things we noticed was how white our eyes got! Then we noticed it about our teeth too!

I know someone who's eyes turn that blueish white like yours! So I knew just what you meant! It's amazing!

I've never seen Dunes, so I did google it, and I laughed! That's so funny....your mom is just the best!

That's so interesting about the contacts being more like make-up! And you're right that the brighter eyes do lighten up the face...but the dark eyes are so warm and lovely!

Is my mom not THE best!?!? She's a funny one for sure! Maybe that's where I get my obsession with eyes???? Lololololol

Blind in the bathroom.ahhhhhh lolol don't started!!! Hahah

But yes.... Hmmm vegan lifestyle so I can have lighter eyes...only 12 years?? I'm intrigued! Haha

Haha I totally thought about your mom when you mentioned blindness!! I say go for it! Probably the best 12 years of your life! Well...not in comparison to getting married...or having a family...LCL

12 years.... Pshhhh didn't Jacob wait 14 years for Rachel???? This will be easy!!! 😂😂😂😂

Haha shoot 12 years is nothing compared to that!

A naturopath I did an iridology course with once told us that eyes can become lighter after detoxing. So get to it! ;-)

yeah!!! when i detox - the whites of my eyes turn so white that they almost look light blue??? crazy!

its a new reason to detox Deb!!!! hahahahaha which is coming uuuuuuuuuuup soon!!!

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