Introduction to my completed novel Reborn: The first book in a paranormal series making its debut for you, on steemitsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #writing8 years ago

I have been writing since I was a child, though it didn't truly become serious until about seven years ago with the start of a series that had been tumbling about in my imagination. When I finally decided (with my husband's motivational push) to sit in front of my computer and get the words down, it became an obsession. The first full year of its creation, I lived in this other world. I laughed and cried and fought and fell with my characters. There were nights I wore spots in the floor in my pacing as I tackled the difficulties of what they faced.

I have heard of the completion of a novel being compared with child birth, for me it was not just the labor and pushing forth into the world, but also the raising of the child as I edited, revised, and rewrote- or children would be more accurate since the second novel came barreling forth on the heels of the first- and I spent eighteen months nurturing them both.

Life got strange for a bit after this, not in relation to it, but it greatly affected it anyway. You see it was at this point that my husband and I had a bit of an awakening. We already knew that there were many things wrong in our world, but we hadn't gone deep within the rabbit hole to that point. But a number of events led us in that direction, and for a time my 'children' were put to the side. Not forgotten, but shelved.

When we emerged there followed a period of readjustment, much like coming out of a movie theater into the bright afternoon sunshine...if that theater was down miles and miles of tunnel and deep within a cave in Mordor. It has only been the last six months that we've truly found a balance in fact. We made peace with the things we cannot change, we live as closely to the way we all should as we are able, and that is, as they say, that.

Once I found my footing again I took my 'children' back out and reacquainted myself. A third 'child' began to form. The one thing that was missing from this equation was a place for these 'children' to live, to be seen and known. And I began looking at the many facets of self-publishing, and then...

steemit. My husband discovered it more than a month before I joined, (kicking myself for the delay) and thought it would be a good outlet, if not for my books, then at the very least for creative practice. Which is the way I've been treating it thus far.

Today Again is a fun challenge, writing a book for steemit itself is much like telling a story out loud and having it recorded. No time for revisions, just write and post. And I will continue telling this story to its conclusion (which has shape but no definition as of yet, I'm as curious about where Lissa and Caleb will go and what they'll ultimately become as anyone who is 'listening' to it right now).

But I feel it's time for my first and second born, Reborn and Renewal, to be brought fully into the light. They have had an audience, among friends and friends of friends, who have found them extremely engaging, with a substantial cast and a large panoramic stage, and with the advice and encouragement of new friends I have decided to begin.

I posted The Scene a week ago which was taken from the first book, and is effective as a prologue. To make it easier to get started, I am going to post it here as well. I truly hope you enjoy the adventure as much as I did.

Anna awoke to agony. Her entire being was on fire, the blood flowing through her veins a river of lava. There was a strange whimpering noise coming from, it's me. She felt panic rising in her chest and bit down hard on her lip, forcing the eerie sound to cease. She slowly opened her eyes then quickly shut them against the excruciating pain of light hitting her pupils.

She managed to drag her hand to her face and massage her eyelids before hesitantly cracking them open again. Little by little she widened them and her ears seemed to pop and all at once she could hear sounds above the dull roaring in her head. She was accosted with voices-screaming, shouting and...cheering? What the hell, she thought feverishly, and believed that fitting. She was on fire, people were screaming, she was in hell.

Panic gripped her as she heard the eerie keening again and she bit down on her lip once more, forcing herself to reason. If she was in hell, wouldn’t she be filled with bitterness and hatred? She pictured the faces of her friends and love for them burned fiercely inside her. She calmed and made herself focus.

She was lying on a cold cement floor and appeared to be facing a wall. The loud and terrifying sounds were coming from somewhere behind her. She knew that when she turned she’d be in the middle of a nightmare, but unless she planned on lying here forever she had to figure out where she was and what to do, and that required facing it. She took a deep breath and nearly screamed, her body hurt so badly. Clenching her teeth she slowly turned and immediately wished she hadn't.
Help me, please, she thought desperately.

There were people in the center of the room and they were fighting like feral cats, clawing and ripping, biting and tearing into one another. Flesh was splattered with blood in pieces scattered across the cement floor. Not real, her mind whispered in horror, this can’t be real. Panic began to build once more and she tore her eyes away from the gory scene to look at the others in the room, those on the sidelines cheering. It was as if they were gathered around a dog fight, but instead of dogs they were people who now behaved like rabid beasts.

She heard more keening noises and bit her lip again, but it wasn't coming from her. She slid her gaze down the length of wall and there were other bodies, mostly female, lying in fetal and contorted positions. Ten feet away a pair of sightless eyes were facing her...dead her mind supplied, he’s dead.

Suddenly a girl leapt up from her place against the wall and started spitting and hissing, saliva flying from her mouth as she snapped at the air. She did not appear human and Anna was filled with a bone numbing dread as the taste and scent of blood overwhelmed her every sense and she was sooo hungry, and she wanted to eat, and Oh God ravenous....

NO,NO, NO! I will Not become that, I will Not become that, I will Not become….that.

The alien craving finally receded and she took a long breath, exhaling slowly before returning her attention to the center of the room. She saw the snapping girl in the midst of the carnage and recoiled in horror as the crazed female jumped on another girl’s back tearing half of her neck away with her fucking teeth! Revulsion writhed in her stomach and for a terrifying moment she feared she would start retching and alert others to her conscious state.

She was distracted by a wheezing sound a little to her left and turned slightly, staring into the eyes of a girl who smelled of death.

Smelled of death? The girl was still holding on, but somehow Anna knew it wouldn't be long. The pain and fear reflected in the unfocused gaze tore at her heart and she wished she could comfort her. But self-preservation was a powerful thing.

She turned away from the girl and an image came to her. Jake, her memory hissed, and she searched the room for the one who had done this. The lying, deceiving, monstrous bastard who had done this.

She located him standing on the sidelines, laughing and taking money. He’s taking bets, her horrified mind whispered. A tremor vibrated her body as tears of devastation burned the insides of her lids.

She had to get out of here. Get away, lose her mind, or die, those were her options. She tried to turn in another direction but a fresh wave of pain scorched her insides and she gasped silently, squeezing her eyes shut and rocking back and forth. After an eternity the feeling waned and she could breathe again.

When she re-opened them the only thing that had changed was the now empty stare of the girl lying dead beside her.

She caught movement to her left and turned to see more men entering the room. Her brain finally processed that she was lying in a corridor. She was facing the large basement where the carnage was taking place but she wasn't inside the room and she could now see the exit which was twenty-five feet down the length of wall.

If she could just crawl past the entryway she would be out of sight to the observers inside, and then if she could just get through the door...

As she eyed her destination an enormous male burst through the entrance. He was over six and a half feet tall with a black coat stretched across his broad muscular back and shoulders. He stood on the threshold, his huge hands clenched into fists, and she could sense the fury rolling off him.

He turned slightly, glancing down the length of wall, and she saw eerie lights flashing in his eyes before they came to rest on her face. For just a moment the fury was replaced with something else.

Never in her life had she seen someone so beautiful, his eyes were shimmering ice blue with gold flecks set in a face that appeared to have been chiseled off a statue of a Greek God. Even his hair was otherworldly, with different colored golden highlights. His gaze continued to rest on her, his eyes flaring with an intense despair that sliced straight through her.

The look faded as quickly as it had come, replaced by rage, and his lips pulled back from his teeth in a snarl as he leaped across the space into the room, throwing bodies out of his way with so much force they flew in every which direction. He stopped in front of her enemy and roared in a language she had never heard.

Jake cowered, and as he attempted to speak the god-like man ripped his head from his shoulders and threw it into the far wall where it exploded.

The violence of the act stunned her already overwhelmed senses, and she was certain what she had just seen could not be real. She may have been able to convince herself of it, if not for the pain slicing at her nerves and thrumming through her blood.

Her eyes were glued to the scene and with the exception of the mutated humans everyone had flattened themselves against the wall, none wanting to be a bi-product of the god's fury. He stalked up to another group of cowering males and growled. With a wide swing his enormous fist caved in the side of a man’s head while he grasped another by his neck and lifted him. He hurled the dangling form into a wall and she could hear bones shattering. He turned and wiped his hands off on the shirt of yet another and spoke with a sneer curving his lips.

As she watched she began to feel a glimmer of hope. This terrifying male was one of them and it appeared he did not approve. Maybe they weren't all evil, maybe he was going to break this up and take her somewhere safe. She held her breath and watched him step away from the men. He took one last look around the room, and she saw that the flames in his eyes had extinguished, leaving shards of ice in their wake. He strode away and the fighting resumed.
He didn't stop them, she thought miserably, as her small sliver of hope died.

The pain returned with brutal force and as she felt her life ebbing she sensed a presence looming over her. He was standing there watching her die. She heard him walk away and felt her heart skip, then stop all together.

NOOOO, her mind bellowed, NOT MY TIME! With every ounce of strength she possessed she willed her heart to beat. You will NOT DIE and leave Jenna and Austin to shoulder that kind of guilt! You will NOT DIE and take the last piece of your father's heart! You will not die, you will NOT. DIE.

Her heart stuttered back to life and resumed its steady beating, and gradually her body grew stronger, fighting off the pain.

I’m going to make it, she thought with a sudden rush of immense gratitude.
Please, please let me get out of this place.

Another group came through the entrance and walked up to the opening of the room. Their backs were to her, blocking the view of the people inside. Ever so slowly she began crawling her way past them.

Please don’t let anyone choose this moment to spring from the wall she thought fervently. It felt as if it was taking too long but she was afraid any sudden movements would catch in their peripheral.

After what felt like a small eternity she reached the entrance and dragged herself through it. She moved out of sight and used the wall to pull herself to her feet. There was a stairway straight ahead and as she was gathering strength to climb it she heard footsteps above her. She looked around wildly and spotted a crawlspace under the stairs. Throwing herself in it, she drew her knees to her chest.

The pounding of feet over her head as they thundered down the steps nearly stopped her heart once more, but they continued forward into the melee without a backward glance.

Exhaustion overtook her and she knew she had nothing left. She could only hope to go unnoticed. She felt her eyelids sagging and sleep came like a thief in the night, hauling her away.

Logo made by the incredibly awesome @papa-pepper


I realize the story started 8 months ago, but is new to me. I have only been on steemit for 45 days now. I love to read though. I left a comment on a much newer post of yours about doing a TOC, I did that and now am enjoying the read. Thank you in advance for your story. intro down now into the meat of the story, and it seems like it might be a meaty one at that.

Hi there! Oh, it's definitely no problem, I love that you're getting into it now :) Sorry if I missed your other comment, the past couple of weeks have been super hectic and I was experiencing a bit of burnout- I will be back to reading and commenting regularly next week.

What a great introduction for your novel!

Thank you! That's very kind :)

Ah, Wonderful writing! I'm very jealous that you managed to get some stuff published, well done! I'm an author of sorts too. Are you self published, or have a publisher? Just out of curiosity. Either way, this is great!
Edit: Just realised I've already spoken to you a bit lol, hard to remember screen names.

Ahh, no, I was on the verge of self-publishing, I'm set up to do it...but decided to put it through here first after talking to different people about it. I am, however in the process of self-publishing yet another book. When I finish the process I will write a post about how it's done so others can follow my lead! ;)

That would be great! I would really like some advice on how to do it, so when you do, please give me a heads up :)

Is my favorite genre, excellent writing, congratulations dear friend @dreemit for this beautiful material

Oh, wow! This was such a wonderful read. The best stories are always the ones with the best backstories, and I'm very excited for this one. I remember when I self-published my debut novel as well (which I'm currently revising right now in preparation for a paperback release), it had such a cathartic feeling to it like relieving a long-standing burden. I won't post the link just yet, I want everything ironed out before the re-release. I'll announce it on Steemit with all accompanying links as well :D

That's awesome! What is it about? I'm sure it's amazing, can't wait to read it!! :)

I really want to reveal it when it's ready for its (long-awaited) re-release. If I didn't know any better, you might just press the Buy button on the Amazon when I give you the link! So, in a way, I'm saving you from impulse buying it, my friend :D

Dang, you've got my number, I would totally want to buy it right now!

Haha! That's why I'm holding the name until it's ready for consumption! I only want the best quality to be put out, and that one has really gone to the meat grinder, professional edits and all.

I understand, I would feel the exact same way :) But what about a back of the book blurb, can you give me the premise?

Oh, sure. It goes like this: Eight stories, Three days, One catastrophic event that ties them all together. This chilling exploration of the human condition in the face of imminent demise begs to ask what it means to be truly alive.

Oh that sounds totally awesome. I can't wait to read it!!

What delicious reading. I know that sounds strange but I can't wait for the next part!
And I agree about the first part - the part you mentioned about writing and how it affected you. That's when the muse has you and the world of imagination takes over. It's wonderful when that happens, isn't it? That is until my husband looks at me sideways and tells me "NO" and "Put down the duct tape." LOL

Thank you! From you this compliment is delightful, magnificent, tremendous! I adore you!
Duct tape.... LMAO!!
I have been busily putting up a chapter per day, so already chapter three beyond the prologue, a few pages of reading for you ;)
I've missed you :)

This is the first night that I haven't been completely obliterated by my job. It's supposed to be an office job but small warehouse and I'm learning the boxing and shipping part of it. Very labor intensive. I haven't wrapped a pallet in DECADES. LOL
Duct tape is my friend. Shrink wrap is NOT. hahaha

Shrink wrap, nooo, any and all plastic wrap hates me.

Oh ok so THIS was the post I was looking for. Glad I read it already. Cool you posted this twice with a little extra insight and got double payment. Smart move.

Well, when I initially posted it I hadn't decided if I was going to put the book through here, and once I did I needed it to be accessible since it had been more than a week since I put it up. Thanks for calling it smart though, lol. I feel that people should be able to re-post, especially when it's been a long time. When I start posting the playground series again, I am definitely going to put up my old ones, probably talk about them and then put them all in three separate posts. I wasn't as known at the time, so a number of them got passed over, in which case I don't feel bad about it ;)

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