"Notes of a Young Psychotherapist" Kind of like the preface

in #writing6 years ago (edited)

Hello. Today you will see a very unusual article. I doubted for a long time whether it was worth starting to do something like that and could not decide for a long time. And today, absolutely spontaneously, I was inspired to write this foreword. You will not believe, but, your opinion and support is very important to me.


Kind of like the preface

"I never thought that this day would come. But, as often happens in our life, there often happen moments that you least expect. Today, once again, I was visited by an idea start writing a book. This time, the names and subjects of the book were born in my mind almost instantly. It will be a small (I give myself the right to mistake) autobiographical book called "Notes of a Young Psychotherapist".

Write these first lines I was prompted by 3 very interesting, clinical cases, on which I am currently working. Each of them deserves a separate story, but, now it's not about that.

Let's first tell why young? I, I never thought before that at the age of 30 I will consider myself young. But, again, as often happens in our lives, often there are moments that you least expect. To my perception (feel yourself young), I owe my beloved son, who gave me youth.

Why once again? All because I got a great zombie upbringing, which constantly persuaded me that it was dangerous to stick out, it was better to be a gray, imperceptible mouse, to which no one cares. My parents are not to blame for anything, because about 99% of the population are brought up in this way, which, in turn, generates a mass of complexes and made a person "one of the obedient herd", which is so easy to manage the rulers. It was my complexes and low self-esteem that did not allow me to complete my previous attempts to write a book. But all this in the distant past.

Thanks to my education and life experience, in my 30 years, I perfectly understand that I am a very happy person because I have everything to feel happy. It is not paradoxical, but in order to feel happy, I have enough - a great desire to feel happy and believe that I am and will be very happy.

You say that all this is nonsense. If this were enough to be happy, then all the people on Earth would be happy. Believe it or not, believe, but the desire and belief in success is absolutely enough for complete happiness. Due to the profession, I as a psychiatrist and psychotherapist, I often encounter situations where people need psychological support (in this notion I include psychological, psychotherapeutic and psychiatric help). No matter how hard I try to help these people (different combinations of psychological, psychotherapeutic and pharmacological treatment), but until the patient has a desire to be happy and believe that this has already happened, or happen, all my efforts run to waste.

The only thing that I learned from my unsuccessful attempts is that a person can not be helped until he wants it. But, if a person has a desire and a small belief that everything will be fine, then the positive outcome of such cases is beyond doubt. It is a pity that in the second case, they practically do not address me, because different psychological problems go by themselves.

From the above, the simple conclusion suggests that the psychotherapeutic's job is to encourage the patient to be happy and believe that everything will turn out. That's such ungrateful nonsense I do almost every day. I will tell about such cases in this book."

EN translation made @prettysnake
Previous parts:Предыдущие части:
****Вроде как предисловие "Записки молодого психотерапевта"
Зачем я все это делаю? Часть 2
Что такое “психологическая” проблема? Часть 3
Психологическая стойкость. Случай Васи и Коли. Часть 4

I look forward to your comments.

Appreciate life. Good luck to you.

Цените жизнь. Удачи Вам и добра.

Я в youtube - ANDRUTO
Я в facebook - Cranium33
Я в twitter - Andruto2
Я в instagram - alexeyborsth


Thanks @happyksu for the great design


ээ...леш, это гугл транслейт, или человек переводил?
аа, я вижу! жена переводила. тогда молчу.

Я в нее верю, с каждым разом должно быть все лучше:)

все прально, это дело тренировок.
я вот сначала на стим пришла после доооолгого перерыва в языке, я забыла все! хотя говорила бегло и даже правильно) вообще ничего не понимала и написать толком не могла, а сейчас многое вспомнилось, нейронные связи очухались;) не идеально, но пошустрее уже стало намного.
я просто к тому, что ты ж хотел с кем-то посторонним сотрудничать (возможно, за деньги, как мне подумалось), потому и спросила, ибо если б это делал наемный работник, который, возможно, тебе, как человеку непонимающему язык, впаривает, какой идеальный у него перевод. а если все свои и бесплатно, то нормально) жена помогает мужу в его идее - это так правильно!

Спасибо за пояснение. Ядаже не знаю как было бы дешевле. Теперь я перед женой в условном долгу а это может обернутся мне в не малую копеечку. Но, мне, сейчас нужно ее че-то занять, ибо она немного застряла в декретной суите.

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