The Slacker's Guide to the Great Remission, Preface: The Economic Crisis Returns. Part 2

in #writing6 years ago

continued from here

pig at trough.jpg


The American liberty bell is cracked. It no longer rings true. Hungry pigs now squeal at their half-empty trough, forcing the government, through their media, to begin a psyop campaign against the people. In true Orwellian fashion, talking heads insist that slavery is instead freedom and the newfound relief from a slowed down treadmill is a grave danger. They declare the economic remission to be an economic crisis and have initiated the greatest theft of American treasure in history.

It has never been more obvious that government is not representative of the people who allow its existence. Government serves itself and the interests of big business corporations and the wealthy elite. The vast majority of people are merely resources, national chattel to be exploited, used up and then discarded. Those in control husband citizens as animals, slaughter us like pigs in for-profit wars, milk us like cows of our hard-earned wages. Business-controlled government herds us into corporate feedlots to suckle the leeches of industry while passing more laws to force us into an ever more restrictive consumer culture, bleeding us of the fruits of our labors through taxation—not to regulate the businesses that enslave us—but to tighten the straps that bind us to the grindstone. If the economy slows its juggernaut of destruction and we the people find the time to rest, the government declares it an emergency and steals our children’s inheritance to reimburse those who speculated and lost, to keep us in debt and force us to work, to inject our lifeblood into the sputtering economic engine of social and environmental destruction.

The propaganda machine is at full throttle. As more and more people acquiesce to the futility of attaining economic Nirvana, the media insists that consumer confidence is high, that the economy is in recovery, that their trillions of freshly minted dollars will let us plunge deeper into debt to purchase the luxuries they call necessities at an untenable price.

And indeed, it seems to be working. The economic crisis appears to be reviving. Oil speculators are back in the market driving gasoline past the $3 mark. Stock prices are inflating, though fewer people are getting by. Productivity is increasing, which simply means that the depleted workforce is working longer hours for less pay. Commodity speculators are driving up the cost of foods to squeeze the last penny from those who can least afford it. As even more people walk away from their homes, greedy investors buy foreclosures, driving prices and rents back up even as homelessness continues to rise.

Marie Antoinette said, “Let them eat cake,” and the peasants stormed the Bastille to free the imprisoned and employed the guillotine to re-equilibrate their society.

The FEMA concentration camps are finished and await occupation. Has the monetary defibrillator revived the beast or is it gasping its last breath? Only time will tell. Are you prepared?

To be continued...


It seems to me, that here on steemit it is pretty much like in the "real world" - the important issues find little response... so, let's pimp up the SBD and SP joining some of the funny / creative stuff - and try not to get too frustrated about it ;-)

You're right. I'm about to post something that refers to that.

From your last post on my part one, you said something about "getting my post into your feed." Did it not show up in your feed? I was wondering if that happened since it didn't show up in the "new" feed and not one (both, lol) of my followers upvoted or commented, even to criticize it. I know, I know. I'm a bit of an obsessive compulsive.

From this reply I'm going directly to post my next article. If it shows up in the "new" feed it will probably show up in your "follow" feed. If it doesn't show, I'll get back to you and edit this post. If it does, (which it probably will), then all's well (this time). This could be a huge problem. Please let me know either way and I promise I'll quit whining about my problems. Thanks.

Edit: Didn't show up in the "new" feed but did show up in your "follow" feed. Now I just have to figure out what's going on. Off to

In many ways this platform turns out to be just another "distraction" with the "bread and games" energy that fills most of the world we live in today... the fast-food and mostly the UN-agreed-state-of-the-art-thinking is pimped up... We will have company over for lunch tomorrow - a fellow German Steemian who has been on board for over a year will come with his family. Maybe he can give me some advice that will turn things into more positive light again... The German Community here is really helpfull, but most of the content they are interessted has not much to do with the life I am living ;-) I hope I did not put too much garlic on the porc-roast, hehe

What you say is undoubtedly true. The only difference between Facebook, Twitter and Reddit is the platform. The people are still the same. And here we have the added corruption factor of monetary gain.

For me it's about people seeing my stuff. No publisher would ever touch what I write. Here I can post and let the people decide if what I write about is pertinent to their world. Ted Kazinski, the Unibomber had to kill people to get noticed since no publisher was interested in his manifesto. If Steemit were around when Ted was writing, he wouldn't need to kill to publish. He could post it all on Steemit and be ignored with the rest of us. Hahaha!

Just got finished reading this post by Larkin Rose. I think there's a lot of wisdom in what he is saying. I tend to be harsh and push people's nose into my opinions. It's sort of my nature since I think what I write about is very important and I have been accused of being pushy before. That's probably mostly Narcissism on my part.

I need to step back and examine the tack I've been taking and make a few mid-course corrections. I think people are beginning to fear commenting on my posts because I always have an answer. I need way more humility. I don't have to compromise what I write about, just present it in a more genteel, less egotistical way and be more receptive of other's opinions.

I hope I did not put too much garlic on the porc-roast.

I don't think that's possible, is it?

have to read this comment of yours in a few minutes - just put out a contest - your should join, haha - guessing the winter veggies

hehe, toooooo much garlic - impossibiiiiileee :-) You are hitting some very important points in what you were saying before the garlic!!!! Go for it!!! You're on the right track there :-) big hug and biggest Cheers from the Seven Mountains in Germany you can imagine <3

Nice Post Bro.Keep It Up.

Definitely not prepared. But hopefully with reminders like this I might be.

Lots more advice to follow in the coming days...some of it tongue-in-cheek. You can decide which is which.

Dammit, I'm bummed I missed this piece too. That was a disturbingly accurate description.

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