To Be Right, Or To Help?

in #anarchy7 years ago

If you’re a voluntaryist, and you argue with statists, what is your actual goal when doing that? Specifically, what are you trying to accomplish? Most of the time, most people aren’t really thinking about that. They argue, debate, pontificate and rant at each other, and at the end of the day little or nothing has changed.

The truth is, when people argue using the approach that “comes naturally,” it doesn’t usually do any good. But for voluntaryists, here comes the really uncomfortable question: If you knew that you putting in time and effort to change your approach would dramatically improve the results you’re getting, would you bother to? In other words, are you really just arguing for your own entertainment, or to feel “righter” than other people, or are you actually trying to help them understand something, for their own benefit? Think carefully before answering. I know from experience how easy and tempting it is to fall into “combat mode” during arguments, where the goal is not to convince, but only to win. But if you “win,” but the other person remains just as wrong as before, what was the point?

Now you might say, as I say myself, that publicly debating someone and “winning” might help convince any spectators to reconsider some things, even if you think there’s no chance of the one you’re arguing with changing his mind. But in private debates and arguments with people you know personally, where there is no audience, that answer doesn’t apply.

By analogy, if you were having car trouble, you could either hit your engine with a wrench and yell at it, if that makes you feel better, or you could go to the trouble of learning what to actually do to fix the problem. The trouble is that the latter takes a lot more time and effort. And it requires you to learn new information, and new skills. And it’s much easier and more fun to just be mad at that stupid engine for not working the way it should.

And that’s basically what I see when I watch most voluntaryists talking to statists—and I’ve certainly done my own share of that over the past two decades, too. And when a voluntaryist says, “I’ve tried everything, and they just won’t listen; it’s hopeless!” that’s usually the equivalent of the car owner saying, “I must have smacked the engine a hundred times with this wrench, and it still doesn’t work!” Well gee, I wonder why.

Pardon me for getting all mystical-sounding, but if you want to change them, you have to change you first. There are now dozens of people who can attest to the fact that yes, there really is a way to approach talking to statists—your friends, family members, coworkers, neighbors, etc.—in a way that is far less likely to just make them get emotional and run away, and far more likely to make them hear what you’re actually saying, and to understand. And yes, to end up agreeing with you.

To skip right to the punchline, if you’re content smacking the engine with a wrench and swearing at it, and if you find that psychologically therapeutic (even if rather ineffective), then have fun with that. But if you are willing to learn, in order to be able to teach, then find a way to get your butt to a “Candles in the Dark” event. Hopefully one will be happening in Florida, and one in Toronto, in the near future. But at this very moment, the only one scheduled for sure is happening down in Acapulco on February 13th and 14th, just before “Anarchapulco” ( starts.

You can get tickets for the Acapulco “Candles in the Dark” at the bottom of this page:

If you think that you've tried everything with all the statists you know, and that they're all hopeless, you are wrong. And if you're not willing to learn something new, then don't expect the statists in your life to be willing to learn something new either. And as always, if you attend a "Candles in the Dark" event and decide that it didn’t make you a significantly more effective “ambassador for anarchy,” you get your money back.

Amanda and I hope to see you there!


I feel that public debate is useful for reasons you say, so that others may see and benefit. I also feel that I have had real success in private conversations/ debates as well. Style is critical and audience varies. Different people respond to style very differently.

My point is that I think it is best to be as well tuned and practiced as possible. It's a numbers game. Just keep talking and try to do it in as helpful a way as possible.

Hi larkenrose,
Thanks for the great content

it is always best to act with compassion and not attack statists with full force. The only outcome will be that they think you're an asshole and they will still remain ignorant of other possibilities.

the best approach is a calm and clear-headed approach appealing to a person's sensibilities. Though State-sponsored education has made us vastly more irrational, certain logical realities make for a great starting point for hardcore statists.

If they have any logic while coming across viable points then not all that bad.

@colinhoward Totally agree! You have to set an example for others to follow. You can't convince anybody about anything by using violence or insults. People won't listen that way.

Always (or almost always, since sometimes one reacts emotionally enough) that I debate with someone my goal is to learn something, since one is not always right, there are always things to doubt, and the more knowledge one acquires, the more one poses new questions and new doubts.

Before I tried to change the way of thinking of the Socialists, but I realized that they do not seek the same objectives as one, so they think and reason in a totally different way.

Post-It really seems very important to me because you have presented many important things in a very beautiful way. It seems to me that a co-operation is when a man cooperates with a man in a work that is not too late for the person to rise above the man. The biggest means is that if a person is big enough to go up by one's hands, So quickly, the man is not late to grow up

@larkenrose To be right is to help! Each and everyone. For every reason. Compassion is our guide to survival and evolution. Humanity would have gone extinct by now without compassion.

Highest Regards

Hey. @larkenrose the finest procedure is actually a gentle and reasonable method declare a person's sensibilities. Though State-sponsored scholarship commit us tremendously over foolish, various compelling realities assuage a very good start line for naughty statists.
Keep clam & Shared Love
Great Regard

Nice post..... Well put together, @larkenrose thumb up

You're right! It doesn't pay to argue but instead it would be more useful for everyone if people would address the issues with compassion, empathy and use the methods outlined in non-violent communication. I know from my own previous experience that it takes more energy to argue than it does to sit down and actually listen to what the other party has to say and give solutions. Being respectful and courteous will gain more of a listening ear and attention to good ideas than coming off as forceful, domineering, rude, and distasteful. Great post, you gave me a lot to consider! Maybe I'll be at one of those events in the near future!

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