Welcome to Freeworld Farms

in #freedom7 years ago (edited)

From childhood we are led to believe that We, the People are the focus of government, that the things done in our name are for us and that we collectively steer the ship of state and in doing so improve our lives.

As a people we want simple things: a full belly, a dry back, a safe place to raise a family and a few simple diversions to make our lives more enjoyable. Above all we want the freedom to move about, live where we choose and to express our beliefs without fear.

But something is terribly wrong. Our wishes are not being expressed by our governing bodies. Our freedoms are eroding. The promise is the same but it has become apparent that government is serving another master and not We, the People. As we awaken to this fact more discrepancies surface.

  • Though securing the border from illegal immigration would be an easy task, it still isn't done.
  • Though 80 percent of the people want genetically modified foods at least labeled if not banned outright, they are forced down our throats.
  • Though the majority of citizens don't want our government going to war and wasting precious treasure in foreign lands, government ignores our wishes killing innocent people while toppling duly elected governments to install compliant puppet regimes, lavishing them with expensive weapons and foreign aid while, back home, 42 million Americans go to sleep hungry each night.
  • Many people sleep under cardboard in the streets when there are 24 vacant houses in the US for every homeless person.
  • The food and drug regulatory bodies that claim to protect us instead endanger us with fraudulently tested pharmaceutical drugs, hormone and pesticide laden factory farmed foods, potentially unsafe genetically modified organisms and environmental policies that destroy the natural world on which all life depends.
  • The oil and gas industries pump and sell our resources on the world market using fracking technology that pollutes the aquifers and oceans and causes damaging earthquakes.
  • The government treats the veterans who supposedly protect our freedoms, like dirt.

Our forefathers fought hard for liberty from oppressive tyrants. We the People have fought many wars to supposedly secure what we believed would ensure our freedom. And yet day by day our freedoms are disappearing.

While most of us want simple, comfortable lives, there are a few diseased individuals—approximately one percent—who want far more. It's no secret that those who seek positions of power possess psychopathic traits and the more psychopathic they are the higher they climb the ladder of “success.”

I have no doubt that if Charles Manson had not been abused as a child, had instead been nurtured and loved, he would today be the CEO of a multinational corporation, a politician in high office, a hedge fund manager, a high ranking military officer or a banker. Instead of becoming an infamous and charismatic murderer, his disease would have been conveyed into more covert and socially acceptable channels—acceptable to the other psychopaths who make the rules and run things, at least.

All psychopaths suffer from psychological and emotional derangement. They are abnormal. Their pathology is organic and untreatable. Psychopaths of low intelligence lose control and usually end up in jail, but intelligent psychopaths learn to hide their derangement in order to become successful. The most dangerous of these traits are an inflated sense of self-importance, lying, paranoia, lack of compassion and an insatiable need to control. That is why they aspire to great wealth. Money is power—the power to control. Driven by paranoid delusions, the concept of enough is oblivious to a psychopath.

Once you realize that people who seek positions of power suffer from mental aberrations, emotional and spiritual deficit, some of the discrepancies in our culture begin to make sense. As the great comic turned cynic George Carlan once said, “They don't care about you at all, at all, AT ALL!”

But it's even worse than that. The psychopaths in control cannot relate to the average person. In fact, they regard those of us who are normal as mere farm animals. That's right, farm animals. Like the rest of the material world, to the psychopathic aristocrats who run things, we're resources—human resources to be developed to serve their needs—milked like cows, plucked like chickens and slaughtered like pigs; we're their crop of consumer/producers, biofuel to stoke the economic engine that makes the psychopaths rich and leverages their power.

How does a farmer view his livestock?

Let's use the horse as an example. Horses like to be in open fields to graze and gallop and group together. They are gentle, social creatures by nature. The farmer, however, sees the horse in an opportunistic way. If the farmer can capture the horse and “break” it, he can hook it up to a harness and a plow. The farmer puts a bit in the horses mouth that punishes the horse if it doesn't obey the commands of the farmer. Now the horse has to work before it is allowed to eat or associate with other horses. The horse has to plow the field, pull the harrows, the seeder and the mower and then pull the hay wagon to the barn or carry the farmer around on its back. In this way the horse's “productivity” is maximized. The horse now produces far more than it personally needs and the farmer gets the surplus to sell or trade, while the horse is locked in a dark barn until it is needed again. Though the horse could kill the farmer with one swift kick to the head, it fears the farmer and simply goes along to get along.

This doesn't necessarily make the farmer a psychopath. He is like one in this respect however: he unquestionably sees the horse's wishes and even its life as less important than his own, exactly the way the psychopaths in power consider the vast majority of everyday people.

Let's take our horse analogy a bit further. What if the horse had to buy its own harness, the plow, the wagon, even its horseshoes and then had to pay the farmer to shod it? What if all the animals on the farm not only had to produce everything they needed but also had to buy all of it from the farmer? What if somehow the farmer could pay the animals wages for their labor, give them something worthless and abstract—let's call it money—that the farmer convinced them had value and then get them to use that to buy back from the farmer the same stuff they produced with their labor, stuff they need simply to survive? The farmer wouldn't need to go looking for a market for his produce and he could print the money himself and then skim off some of it to trade with another farmer or even take over the other farmer's farm. Wouldn't that be the ideal situation for a farmer?

In some ways slaves had it better than this. They were like our first horse. All they had to do was work and the plantation owner was responsible for their food, their shelter and their health: a huge expense to the farmer.

With this understanding today's dilemmas aren't so confusing. We, the Farm Animals, now work for wages, some of which we must give back to the psychopathic farmer for the privilege of working. We have to buy patented seeds and pesticides from the farmer, rent the land that used to be commons, buy and build our shelter to a code that increases farm profits, pay for our own medical care and buy patented medicines that cause more diseases that require more patented medicines. If the food makes us ill, that's good for the farmer. As long as we stay healthy enough to be reasonably productive, buy what we need to stay alive and then die soon after our productivity begins to decrease, the farmer is happy. He's even willing to lend us the money for the stuff we need before we do the work, as long as we pay him back a lot more than he lent us.

Why aren't the borders controlled? If you had a farm and the fences were in such poor repair that the neighbor's cows wandered into your field, cows that you could sell at the auction, butcher for meat or milk dry, would you work hard to maintain your fences?

Veterans are just farm animals that have already served their purpose, which was to enlarge the farm or secure the farm from other psychopaths who would take it over. Laying hens that no longer lay are destined for the soup pot. A good farmer does not waste his grain feeding useless eaters. They've served their purpose and the sooner they pass on the better.

That's not to say that being a psychopathic farmer is easy. The farmer can't let too many of his animals get hungry or they'll become restless. They'll stop being productive and begin to break things. That's why a bare minimum of social services need to be in place to keep this from happening: Food stamps, unemployment insurance, social security and welfare. This maintains the illusion of being cared for while doing little to reduce profits to the farmer since it is all paid for by We, the Farm Animals who continue to produce and pay or by simply printing more money.

The key to making the nation-farm work is to never let us know that those in power consider us farm animals. We must be convinced that we are totally free and in charge of the farm, that the farm is there to benefit us. That is why young farm animals are taken from their families at an early age and subjected to ritual conditioning, which the farmer calls education, in state-sponsored institutions. This conditioning is then reinforced by a media culture infused with propaganda carefully designed to divert attention to trivia and obfuscate the reality of our situation.

The farmer has another trick too. He promotes the differences between all of his farm animals. Chickens are different than pigs are different from sheep are different from horses. This sort of multiculturalism breaks the farm animals into discreet groups and this grouping is encouraged by the farmer. The farmer then seeds each of these groups with ideas that they are “exceptional” or perhaps being oppressed by another group, or maybe the farmer will point out that horses have nicer stables than the chickens in their tiny coops. Look, pigs wallow in mud while sheep graze in grassy pastures. This creates distrust, causing friction between the farm animals making it difficult for them to see their common plight and band together against their common enemy, the farmer.

Once you wake up and realize that you aren't even close to being in in control of your destiny and that any institution that claims to protect your freedom is most likely in place to inhibit it—like that Orwellian security camera in the grocery store that is “for your protection”—current events make perfect sense.

George Orwell's farm analogy was ingenious and he almost had it right in his book 1984, but not quite. Modern day freedom is far worse than slavery; it's agribusiness and you're the livestock. Welcome to Freeworld Farms.

This is a repost that originally appeared in my old blog at The Transcendent Observer Thank you for reading it. If you like it please upvote, curate and resteem. Onward and upward!


This is a well written, polite and intriguing post. You do a really good job expressing your opinions. Your world view is interesting, that is I think I disagree with you on many points, but rarely have I seen them expressed so eloquently.

Differing opinions and worldviews is one of the few things that continue to fuel my admittedly attenuated optimism. As long as we can freely express our ideas we expose others to thoughts that might otherwise be prohibited or buried under the sludge of popular (read engineered) opinion. I love that.

So, what can we do to make at least a small change? this was the question for us many years ago, and ever since we've been coming up with more answers and actions... step by step... it is possible! The most important and very first thing that has to happen is: waking up and realizing :-) Cheers from Germany - on my way to harvest the very late potatoes in this very late summer sunshine here today

The first thing is to recognize the problem and not keep thinking we can fix it by using the very infrastructure that is enslaving us. Once people realize this truth they can then begin designing other options. While Steemit isn't the perfect solution since there is still a hierarchy, it is a very good beginning. It saps their power. So does non-cooperation, which is also a clandestine part of Steemit. And Steemit also seems to attract a more involved segment of the population, more people who are acting on their beliefs and way fewer airheads than Facebook, for example. I have yet to see even a mention of Kim Kardashian. LOL. One thing is certain. We can't "storm the Bastille." They'd mow us down without shedding a tear.

we do not have to storm the Bastille any longer - this were the mis-takes of our ancestors (mine were the barrel makers for the french king - who then had to run) this time is not about running... at least not for me and my family... and it is not about being mowe down... it's about humanity - about being human, about remembering our roots, about rembering everything - sweet dreams to you - I'll have mine now ...

When I was a kid I our closest neighbors had 8 boys and were very poor. I talked to the mother one time and she told me that her ancestors were aristocracy who fled France during the revolution. They swallowed the family jewels and then tried to book passage to the new world. I took all of this with a grain of salt, but then she added that they had to hide their hands because they weren't rough like a peasant's and stare at people instead of politely avert their eyes. Might have been BS but it did make me think about what that situation must have been like. Terrible and terrifying.

"not keep thinking we can fix it by using the very infrastructure that is enslaving us."
Also called "insanity" in some circles...
So here is my fear about steemit... is this just something to keep the useless eaters busy? I wondered about Ron Paul the entire time I campaigned my heart out for him... is he a "LIHOP" so those of us who are not happy with the NWO would self identify?
I do not think dan plotted to make a site that served an elite agenda, but they are masters at taking whatever comes along and using it or bending it toward their will.

Paranoia is not delusional when they really are out to get you.

I also wondered about Ron Paul. But then every attempt was made to push him out of the limelight, to keep him on the fringe. Trump had his own money and bought his way onto the ticket. He's a narcissistic idiot, but he's also a bull in a china shop. I just hope he can do some real damage before he's ousted. He is also educating the nation that the president has very little power to change things. The vast majority don't understand how the US government is supposed to work and the even vaster majority don't give a shit one way or the other. If you want to understand the position of the average Joe, just ask him this question: What's the difference between ignorance and apathy? They will tell you. I don't know and I don't care.

Steemit could very well turn into another Facebook. It's structured so that those who have the most end up getting the most. It's the same paradigm that powers the mercantile system. Plus, they make no bones about this being totally transparent. Every word we write is forever recorded and time stamped in the block chain. If ever the government decided to round up subversives and dissenters they could simply call for a kangaroo tribunal and present our anti-government opinions as evidence. Governments tend to round up and disappear intellectuals every so often to maintain the Idiocracy. It's called culling the herd. I think Facebook, Google and Amazon had quite a bit of help from the shadow government getting established and going mainstream. Why are they so dominant when there are multiple social networks, search engines and retail email outlets available? By design. They also have the power to take down emerging services that they don't like.

Check out the history of Trapster. I recently got pulled over at a cop trap and had my truck impounded for a cracked windshield, a bald tire, a loose battery, etc. They basically bent me over the hood and had their way with me. I figured there must be an app where you could report police activity to the community. The search engine only brought up WAZE, which is more about road construction and other blockages. It does have some mention of police, like when they're cleaning up an accident, but it wasn't what I was looking for. WAZE is owned by Google, who bought up all the similar apps and closed them down. Then I read a comment on another website who said, "Forget WAZE, Trapster is much better. So I went to their website and read the description and it was exactly what I was after. But then at the bottom it said, "Discontinued in 2014." I did a web search to see what happened. Long story short: They started in 2007. By 2009 they had 9 million subscribers. In 2010 they got hacked and the identity of its 10 million subscribers was stolen. It kept growing, though and by the time it went out of business it had 20 million subscribers! Does that sound like an app that is failing? I'm sure some black suit came along and made them an offer they couldn't refuse. But now where I live some guy has set up a local alert via text message. It isn't ideal. You get texts all day long. But yesterday the cops were on the rampage all over the district, pulling people over, setting up roadblocks and fining offenders. I didn't even go out. With cops like this, who needs highwaymen?

I will Steem on, though. I'm already older than I though I'd ever be and I've kept quiet for way too long. I wouldn't be surprised at the midnight knock on the door, or that ambush in a dark alley, or my own arranged suicide. But that won't happen until I'm noticed. As yet, nobody even knows that I exist.

"I don't know and I don't care." LOL! Being awake is not always easy. OK, it is almost never easy, but funny shit that is real is SO much funnier than contrived comedy. That about put coffee through my nose, thank you.
I am trying to get a group of "real" folks to just be our own support group. I am actual real world friends with a few steemians, picking up a few new friends here as I go. I have very much enjoyed chatting and hope you will check my blog often, and keep an eye out for a post that will be an invitation to "real conversation" or something like that. I am writing it in my head now, God only knows what it will look like by the time my fingers are done with it, but you are the kind of person I want to talk to here.
Steem on!

Thank you. Following you now.

Good post!
Not only do these perceived differences promote friction, but they also foster in us a willingness to police each other's behaviour and free speech and to spy on each other on our master's behalf. We are co-authors of our own misfortune.

Yep. I am a family farmer, just a very small operation not trying to make a profit, just eat real food. What I realized very quickly is that the government hates family farmers because we understand...
We love our animals, we give them free healthcare and free food and free housing... because we want to eat them.
Can't have socialists making that last leap of understanding.

I've farmed too and I'm also a carnivore.

We love our animals, we give them free healthcare and free food and free housing... because we want to eat them.

Because the socialists pretend to be in denial. I think that's how the government feels about us too if they were honest about it. Soylent Green (money).

You are singing my song! I hear you loud and clear, too bad others are so ill informed and are just sheeple being led to the slaughter. I became aware in the mid 90s that things had gone terribly wrong , it was my awakening.
Propaganda rules and nobody questions those in authority for to do so makes you a subversive or worse. Wrong is still wrong no matter what someone insists is right! Day is not night and night is not day. We all know it deep down and are too afraid to cross TPTB, there's simply too much to lose or so people think. They've already lost, they haven't realized that fact yet.
At the end of my rant, let me express my gratitude for this great post by resteeming. Thank-you for putting my thoughts into words so eloquently.
Edit: Just damn, I can't resteem due to it being 13 days old....that's a shame

Thank you for appreciating that post. This problem has been weighing on my mind for ages as well. It took me a long time to put the pieces of the puzzle together, but when I did, almost everything that is wrong with our society made sense. I also regret that more people didn't get to read it. I'm still new here and don't have a lot of followers...yet. I made 0.17 with that post. Hah! I felt like I was crying in the wilderness. I think I only had about 10 followers back then. Getting better. Thanks again for your support. It's sort of my soapbox. More like it on the way.

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