The Steemit Writer’s Studio Episode #2

in #writers7 years ago

Just to briefly reiterate why I begin The Steemit Writer's Studio.

I did so to create a platform that turns up the volume for writer's allowing them to take a step back and look at the path they have chosen and take inventory of where they have come which will help give them some perspective on what lies ahead in the future.

With each episode we will explore not only the different subjects we write about but what leads us to these subjects and where do we see our work going.

Todays's conversation is about the writing process.

Our Guest For Today in the Writer’s Studio is @lymepoet.

Just to name a few hats she wears. First, she has the best job of all and that is being a mom.

She is also a Poet, Content Creator, A Ghostwriter, Blogger, Self-taught artist and photographer and a Lyme disease advocate.

This is @lymepoet’s introduce yourself post:

These are some of her other articles but don’t stop here I want to encourage you to go to her blog and read many of her other posts which are great, her skills as a writer are multiple.

I commend her for being real about what she is feeling or experiencing at any given moment. And I honor her and bow before her for her incredible strength as she struggles with the constant burning pain of Lyme disease while living the many expressions of her journey and what it is like to live with Lyme disease as well as some reactions she gets from others who like many of us don’t always know what to say or how to respond.

I met @lymepoet when she reached out to me to be a ghostwriter when I published my very first post for the Steemit Writer’s Studio. I took her up on that offer mainly because after visiting her blog I was incredibly excited about her and I saw so much more than a ghostwriter and I wanted to connect with this woman and see what we could do together.

Now here is what she had to say about her writing process:

“My process is unconventional. I don’t focus much on the creative process. Most of the time I try to remove myself from it in order to tap into the subconscious and extract the raw thoughts. I let my mind wonder unrestricted by judgment. I turn into an observer, a vehicle, a carrier of ideas that need to be incubated."

"My only rules are to sit down daily for one hour and write something without feeling failure. For me it is important to allow my inner thoughts to express themselves, acknowledging my emotions. My desk is literally everywhere, as I developed a habit of writing down everything. I always carry around a small notepad to jot down my ideas."

"I could say that the illumination is my favorite part of the creative process when my thoughts reach the threshold of consciousness and connections are being made. That’s where I like to play with words, looking into ways of layering new meanings to a word. I find it magical."

"Sometimes I pour my heart and soul into a poem and I don’t feel it needs any editing. Other times, I take a more methodical approach. I think of a topic, something that I have seen, read, heard, or experimented, that sparked my creativity and I write down my thoughts on it. It may be shaped as a poem or just some sentences."

"Once I have completed this step, I revisit my notes and ask myself how can I convey my feelings or the images I want to express to the audience? How can I make the reader see the world through my eyes? I take out the unnecessary words, and focus more on my imagery".

The last question I asked @lymepoet was:

With your writing what would you like to accomplish on Steemit?

“I joined Steemit because I liked the idea of having all my writing in one place instead of various social networks. Besides poetry, I also write health-related articles. parenting, travel, healthcare and blog post My two goals for steemit are to increase my audience and raise awareness about Lyme disease.”

I would like to thank @lymepoet for being our guest on this episode of The Steemit Writer’s Studio.


Well seems I get to know so much about her, already, u didn't know when you started this but it's simply amazing, my goodness!
So anyway I can be of help to this cause I will gladly oblige

I feel blessed that @lymepoet. For your writing ofcourse but particularly because I am struggling with an invisible illness. Struggling so much, and tiring of the struggle.
When you write I hear myself, even when you talk about having a little dude and choosing between play dough and acrylics and preferring the acrylics, you describe my day.
Trying to put your illness aside and parent. And drawing and writing to express that. And your books!
Thank you ren. I am grateful to meet @lymepoet. Ren knows how grateful I am.
Desperately so.
Lyme poet... Hello.

Thank you @rensoul17 for writing such a beautiful post. When you invited me to be a guest for The Steemit Writer's Studio, I imagined you would only quote me, nothing more. Imagine my surprise this morning, while reading this post. I am humbled, honoured and deeply touched by your kind words. I am happy that our path have met, here on Steemit. I look forward to collaborating with you. A big thank you and a warm hug!

So much of a warmth heart and soul ...

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