in #poetry7 years ago (edited)

As I lay down on my bed and stretch my feet
hoping that tonight I'll get some sleep
I feel the fever coming, grabbing my ankles,
climbing through my calves. It rankles,
it burns, stings, it twitches and hurts.
I never invited this type of flirts
nor thought I'll have a romance;
to be honest, I never liked this dance.
These are only a few of the Lyme perks,
by the looks of it, it's the return of a herx.



Spirochetes ... you've gotta hate them.

There's a lot of people working on it though. I've been in communication with Eva Sapi at the University of New Haven. They've had some luck killing off the L-Form of Borrelia Burgdorferi, which is a really vexing problem as they have no cell walls and therefore are immune to the actions of many antibiotics. A small clinical trial was underway when we communicated (a couple of months ago).

Earlier this year, McGill published a paper in which they describe a way of attacking biofilms that is reminiscent of the approach Katie and I have been working on for the past couple of years.

The problem is that for so long (since Louis Pasteur), medical science has focused upon "planktonic" bacteria (free-dwelling bacteria) and not on biofilms (living in colonies protected by a protective EPS matrix). The differences between the two: in their metabolism; DNA expression and body morphology - are stark. There's A LOT of catching up to do and, unfortunately, the world of medicine moves at a glacial place when it comes to paradigm-shifting.


It is, however, changing. The amount of research into biofilms has increased significantly even in the past couple of years and the rate of increase is accelerating. What was once on the periphery is rapidly moving main stream.

It's tough, but hang in there.

Be careful, though, about what you read on the Internet ... there's a lot of well-intentioned baloney out there. There are Lyme sufferers spending a lot of money taking pills and extracts that cannot even survive passage through the digestive tract, let alone get absorbed into the blood stream (in meaningful amounts) or cross the blood brain barrier. Most of the botanicals work "because" they are chemically unstable. Curcumin is an excellent example (we've done a ton of experimentation with Curcumin). It's extremely useful, and hence the billions spent on it every year, but the existing products are all but useless.

Hi @quillfire! Thanks for stopping by. I love reading your comments. Each time you write, I learn a lot of new things.

You know that this is a good poem when I end up wincing in pain in empathy. Great job at conveying this experience; yet I'm sorry that anyone would have to go through such pain.

Sending you a virtual hug!

I like the way you infuse storytelling into the poem. good job

Thank you. I am glad you liked it.

This sounds painful. I'm grateful you are writing about it. I'm learning.

Writing helps blocking the pain. Thanks for reading it.

:( im so sorry you have to deal with this..!~ i had to google herx ... so your entire body feels inflamed?

You're so sweet for googling it. Not many would have done it. During a herx, some of the symptoms get worse.

Lovely poem, although it gives mixed feelings because I know it is referring to your own suffering and pains. Thanks for sharing.

Thanks for stopping by!

Excelent! I like it...
Look my new poetry: Sus colores al volar

Hey @lymepoet, I understand, I am feeling you and everything you are speaking of even though I don't suffer from lyme disease. I am clairsentient. So as I lock in to another person's spirit. I feel everything they are going through. I have another offer for you that will actually magnify your platform as a an advocate, blogger (which includes all of your work) and as a poet. Please let me know if you are interested and if so I will email you the details. Loving you much and sending you positive energy. I also apologize for the delay of the article but it is getting ready to come out within the hour. I have been dealing with my fibroids that I suffer from and when I do I have to shut everything down due to no energy.

Hi @rensoul17! I am sorry to hear about your suffering. I do hope that you are feeling better now. I wanted to say a big "Thank you" for featuring me in your post. That was quite a surprise. Also you can email me the details of the other project you mentioned earlier. Be well!

wow - powerful words and imagery.

ice on fire- can you imagine?

That's what Lyme does to you. It feels like ice on fire under your skin.

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