in #woxfi3 years ago

Hello FAMS,

This is an generic Update post That our Contracts have successfully been validated in Nile Test-net in #Tron Network and now we are doing some extensive tests before Launch . As we have made an ANN on our New #WoxFi Discord Server About this , we would like to make this Post to all Users of Steem Who haven't Joined our Discord Server .


New Contract with energy consumption while interacting with contract will be 50% Contract 50% User making it cheaper for everyone to interact with the contract i.e staking , unstaking , transferring , selling and buying .

The New Contract will be deployed prior Launched with a Supply of 1000000000 With precision of only 4 digits .Circulating Supply shall be calculated on the basis of tokens hold by users , Staked Contract and Treasury Contract . Remaining Contracts shall be held in a holding Contract and only be transferred to stakers on every epcoh when their staked tokens rebases .

A TRC20 Contract shal be launched to bridge steem to our DAO providing direct exchange of steem for steem users , and steem held in wox-exchange steem account will peg those WOX.STEEM Contract. However this shall be a one-way transaction. WOX.STEEM Token shall be used to bond and mint WOX in a discounted rate . There is only one way to convert back your steem and that is sell minted WOX for TRX and buy steem with trx in any centralized exchanges.

First staking shall be Warmup locked for 7 days i.e 21 Epoches. After the first 21 Epoch of DAO is passed any new Staking will only lock for 3 Epoch prior Being able to unstake. You shall still earn Rebase Rewards while on warmup Period .

Bonding mechanism will allow users to bond WOX.STEEM, WIN-TRX LP, USDT-TRX LP, WBTT-TRX LP and WOX-TRX LP to Mint WOX Tokens at a discounted rate

All Steem deposited in wox-exchange account shall be powere-up and delegated to our @bidvote

We are also looking for Supporters , marketers and Influencers around steemit and globally as well to expand our reach to the Entire #Tron userbase . As steemit and Tron DAO are strategic partners this is gonna be one of the greatest synergy after the Steem-Tron Integration and we would like to welcome members of the Partnership to be a part of this amazing Ecosystem

We will Launch THE DAO on 21st of Jan ( Or Even Before that).

Moreover Taking steem to even higher posibilities by bridging it to AMM Model DeFi shall help expand and gain more visibility to our Ecosystem as well as we shall be able to stake a lot of Steem in coming future if things go as planned .
In this crucial time we need all steemians support to make new heights on this synergy .

Join our Discord : https://discord.gg/fayCPpa48T

There is also a logo contest going on our discord and winner will receive $22 worth of #WOX tokens .

Lets Show our Competitors what a synergy will look like .

Hoping our User-base Grows as more as possible , i will Tag few peoples here and if you think it was a useless tag please feel free to comment and we shall remove it


You may also join our telegram Channel : https://t.me/worldofxpilar


For more detailed Understanding of #WoxFi #WOXDAO , please visit our posts .

* We Fork , We Build We Innovate *

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.21
TRX 0.13
JST 0.030
BTC 67203.60
ETH 3513.52
USDT 1.00
SBD 3.20