Would you rather? Let's talk, people!

So, first game was not that popular and I ended up losing 5 Steems, but had some interesting answers. Works for me! @getonthetrain was randomly chosen as a winner (because I liked all the answers) an received his reward.

I am too lazy to post a screen here, but just let me ask:

If we need to prove that we are honest people, what is wrong with this world?

With this rhetorical question hanging, let's play a second round of would you rather.


Question for today:

Would you rather have everything you’ve ever wanted but you die in one year OR live your life as it is now? Why?

Rewards this time: I will let a winner (the person with a best comment) choose if he/she wants 50 percent of Steem/SBD of the post OR if he/she wants me to flip a coin and receive either 0 or 100 percent of Steem/SBD of the post. Why so complicated? Because I am a gambling man and I want all the money to myself.

Seriously, I just want a good talk. Let's have it!


For more of my ideas, poems, observations, reviews, and thoughts, you can visit my lovely blog on Facebook!

Any follow, upvote, or(and) resteem is highly appreciated!

My job is to bring quality content to your feed. Your job is to interact (no one loves a nice discussion more than I do)!!!

Have a nice day,my fellow steemers! :)


If I were to have everything I ever wanted, two things would occur: 1. I would want something that I did not have as a result of this and 2. I would realise that what I just got made me no more engaged with my life than I was before - dead in a year - no thank you - we are the product of our words and actions and so I am here because this is me - to be someone else would be diabolical!!
My aspirations would be someone else's and the circumstances all shot out.
You can't always get what you want ... but if you try sometimes, you just might find ... you get what you neeeeed!
... haha. Happy, thanks....
Resteemed too because I think it is a good question - one year???
Pretty easy where you go with that unless you are Donald Trump trying to close down the Fed!!

Yeah, nice thoughts @ebryans. That is exactlly why we don't get everything we wanted just like that. It would change us radically. When you think about it more, this question kind of opposes a lot of logic rules, but hey, at least we can talk. And yes, it is in human blood to always want something more. That is why it is hard to answer thsi question, but because honestly, I don't think that someone has ever had everything they wanted! On top of that, I sometimes want completely opposite things lol. It would be nice to see how universe would make it happen :D
Thanks for resteeming! It is time to make everyone talk about life and other things (even if those things are stupid)!

I think the real question here is what would you choose @writingamigo ? What are your dreams that you would be willing to forfeit the rest of your life just to have one year of them? I'm curious now, you have to tell us what's on your intelligent thoughtful (possibly wild? haha) mind of yours.

Ha, I think I will start answering those questions while posting. haoccur to me that someone would care to hear my opinion hahaha.
I believe in this one rule that if something is given to you, it might be as easily taken away. However, if you earn it with your hard work and self-improvement, even Gods are helpless to tear it apart. You will forever keep what you got yourself.
That is why I would choose to live how it is, because if someone would give me it all, I would owe that something just a little too much. And I hate owing things!

Excellent point! If you upset the balance by having wishes granted, then yes, I think you would owe. But if you earn it then as you said, it's yours :) Please do answer it in posts, that would be interesting to read!

I will. This is one of my favorite games ever, because it is so simple and can spark a great connversation.

What a great question! For me I would keep what I have, because everything I've ever wanted is my soulmate by my side (which I have) to continue the incredible adventure of our lives together and also of watching the amazing beings we brought into this plane discover who they truly are and what they truly want out of this journey of life. There is nothing material that could compare ;)

Why do you bring beings into the plane? :)
But yeah, I am super glad that you have it all figured out. However, don't you have your own private wishes/desires which you would like to realize? I am talking about the ones, which we are usually afraid to think about, because they sound too silly or unrealistic.

That's my way of saying bringing children into the world, haha! And I don't have it all figured out, though I am ever trying to. Seeking the truth of life and answers to the big questions daily my friend. Hmm, I don't think anything is too silly or unrealistic. We are writing our own scripts and they can be as fantastical or simplistic as we desire. I don't think anything is impossible. Three questions are necessary to answer to figure things out- What do I really want, what am i willing to give for it, and do I believe in myself...and then ask those same questions every three months because things change! Just at this moment in my life what I really want requires living many years, watching my children discover all there is to know about themselves and this game/ride we are on. Questing after the big picture with my husband who is the other half of me. We began our relationship with magic and we continue to have it.

Yes, I completely agree with you. As long as you keep questioning things and being true to yourself, things should be all right. The universe finds a way to reward those on a right track!

I already have everything I wanted :)

Wouldn't you want nothing more? For example, to win that chess game of yours... or something else? Though, I am glad that you have what you want :)

That chessmatch has given me over 1000 SP. If that's losing, sign me up :)

Live my life as it is now.

I will live long and prosper, and I am making an active effort to move towards my dreams and desires.
I enjoy the journey and lifes struggle.

#onelove We have one life, but it never ends, only our body ends. only our bones turn to dust.

I like to think just they way that you do. Having high hopes for ourselves is a good thing to keep us moving forward. I want to believe that I will achieve everything I have ever wanted on my own hard work.
However, dying wouldn't be so frightening if we already had everything we wanted. So I still cannot answer this question 100 percent sure

Well, this is a hard question, there are many thing I would really want, but not so sure if it would be enough to die for. However where I'm at is such a horrible place and I would like to be in a better place someday. But on the good side I still have things that are important to me, and I see things are getting better. So my choice would be to keep what I have and keep looking to the future changes that would be on the way.

Great response, @ smysullivan! Changes might be hard to achieve, but it is worth trying! Can I ask you, where are you at the moment? I wish that everything will be ok

Thank you. Well last year I had mental problems that took me out of work. So right now my wife works. Had to move everything into storage and move on with my wife's sister but surviving and just taking steps to work on recovering. So pretty bad off but things are slowly getting better one day at a time.

I am sorry for your problems and really hope that everything will be better soon. It must be! My thoughts are with you!

Thanks I'm with you and sure it will all get better in time.

Ok, so @smysullenivan, you were half randomly chosen as a winner.
You have 2 options now: Take 1.6035 SBD and 3.486 Steem or gamble (throwing a coin or any other 50/50 game) to double up this amount. Tell me what you choose! I am an honest person, so throwing a coin would be best (but I can look for something in the internet so you would have a proof). P.S. if you gable: heads or tails?

Responce to below question, I would take the 50%, I guess my comment did not make it here when I tried on eSteem earlier.

No gambling this time lol :(. I sent you your winnings. Sorry for being so slow, but had to spend 19 hours in a bus

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