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RE: Would you rather? Let's talk, people!

Well, this is a hard question, there are many thing I would really want, but not so sure if it would be enough to die for. However where I'm at is such a horrible place and I would like to be in a better place someday. But on the good side I still have things that are important to me, and I see things are getting better. So my choice would be to keep what I have and keep looking to the future changes that would be on the way.


Great response, @ smysullivan! Changes might be hard to achieve, but it is worth trying! Can I ask you, where are you at the moment? I wish that everything will be ok

Thank you. Well last year I had mental problems that took me out of work. So right now my wife works. Had to move everything into storage and move on with my wife's sister but surviving and just taking steps to work on recovering. So pretty bad off but things are slowly getting better one day at a time.

I am sorry for your problems and really hope that everything will be better soon. It must be! My thoughts are with you!

Thanks I'm with you and sure it will all get better in time.

Ok, so @smysullenivan, you were half randomly chosen as a winner.
You have 2 options now: Take 1.6035 SBD and 3.486 Steem or gamble (throwing a coin or any other 50/50 game) to double up this amount. Tell me what you choose! I am an honest person, so throwing a coin would be best (but I can look for something in the internet so you would have a proof). P.S. if you gable: heads or tails?

Responce to below question, I would take the 50%, I guess my comment did not make it here when I tried on eSteem earlier.

No gambling this time lol :(. I sent you your winnings. Sorry for being so slow, but had to spend 19 hours in a bus

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