More Wood, Chicken soup and I eat some brains

in #wood8 years ago (edited)

Hello to all steemit people!

Ok so today is sunday and ...uff just yesterday I finished my work with wood (again pun intended).
I am at my house in the village 2 Mai from Romania.
So in the first post I received some wood and started to cut and arrange the wood in the back of the house and cellar.
If you want to see the first part here you go:
Something that I forgot to say in the first post was the types of the wood so we had:
-oak - very few pieces here and there.
Each type of wood has a important role . Pine and oak are very hard so they burn more time and you dont need to put more in the fire.
Cherry wood has a beautifull smell and olso burns long time (less time then pine but still).
The lowest rank on burning time has lime wood (tei in romanian language).
Lime looks very big but it is very easy to pick up and cut giving it a big weakness to fire and you will need to put more in the fire and more means money spent.
On the other hand when you put in the fire it starts to sing and creates a beautiful atmosphere for lovy-tovy stuff!
Friday till sunday evening we put the wood in the cellar and ouside....because the cellar got full of wood.

Then we cut the rest of the wood and bring it in a wheelbarrowand store it outside (in romanian - roabă)

We done cutting the wood and started to clean the place.
The wood was stored outside and now I was collecting the tree bark sawdust.

The next step was to arrange the sawdust and the tree barck in bags bags.

On the left we have the tree barck and on the right bags we have sawdust.

After that I sweep the place.

We dont let nothing go to waste, we will use all the parts of the tree. The tree barck and the sawdust is to start the fire.
In our climate we never know when it will be (100%) a terrible winter...and somethimes the winter last until string (it is rare but still).
So down you will see a mixture (you can call it a Life Hack) of sawdust and diesel oil.

In the past we just used diesel oil on the wood and voila fire...but and a big big but here after the financial crisis we started to use creative ways to spare our fuel, water and energy cost.

Finally nightime arrived and so we done with our wood!

As you can see I was very tired and right after this photo I whent and ate a chicken soup and some brains!!!

And now the brains!

It doesnt look like brains right? Well see this photo:

The recipe for brain schnitzel is like this one that I made in a previous post:

Only thing that is different is that you just need to add a fresh brain and the rest is the same.
For this It was used a pigs brain.

I said It was used because my mother made the soup and and the brain snitzel.
After my work with cutting, storing, sweeping, the wood and all that other stuff my energy was ...well even that I love to cook and not only cook but be creative, today (saturday evening) I was just a client and my mother was the cook.
Note:The chicken soup was made with ingredients from my home (I have my own chickens and some ducks too), and brain schnitzel with a fresh brain from a butcher that we know and respect. Nothing was taken from a mall !

After my diner I whent to sleep because I was very tired, but I found this in my bead:

It seems I will sleep again on the floor. Uff...

Thank you for reading this post and I will see you all next time!


Great post man, you have to respect the cat!
I followed !

Thank you very much @xardas and yeah she took control of my bed!

Bravo! @cynetyc excellent post my friend, a good bowl of soup does well, congratulations on another brilliant post

Thank you very much @jlufer I really apreaciate it!

Good Brain
Nothing go wasted

Yep it was delicious too!

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Thank you so much!
I did check your post as a starting project here on steemit and I must say that I support you 100%.
Steemit is growing and there are more and more writers/bloggers/vlogger who are making awesome content.
All that I earned here on this site I put in my steem power to be able to vote others as well ...but im limited to a number of votes then I have to wait. Projects like you @better are awesome because they can do more than a simple writer like me. But I want to do my part too and I will donate 2.614 steem to you. I know that is not much but rest asure that this is not the end ...I will try to help by upvoting 100% olso in hope that it will matter.

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