Based on the drawings by Frank Bacon for the City TAKE BACK album - The Continental Op | The BLACK SKY

in #wokewhores6 years ago

FRANK BACON is a fictional character created by The Continental Op. He is a private investigator employed as an operative of the Continental Detective Agency's @saintgermain office. The stories are all told in the first person and his name is never mentioned.

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1 Profile
2 Works
3 Complete list of stories
3.1 Stories comprising the novels
4 Dramatic adaptations
5 See also
6 References


@frankbacon is a master of deceit in the exercise of his occupation ... is confronted with two dilemmas: shall he expose a corrupt fellow detective, thereby hurting the reputation of his agency; and shall he also allow an informant to collect the ... reward in a big case even though he is morally certain—but cannot prove—that the informant has murdered one of his agency's clients? BACON resolves his two problems neatly by manipulating events so that the corrupt detective and the informant get into ... A confrontation in which both are NEUTRALIZED.

Decades of witnessing human cruelty, misery, and ruin, as well as being instrumental in sending hundreds of people to jail, or to the gallows, have greatly weakened FRANK's natural sympathy with his fellow men. He fears becoming ... BOSS, "The Old Man", whom he describes as "a shell, without any human feelings whatsoever".

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In the penultimate chapter of The BLACK SKY, a female client, whose life BACON has saved three times, while also curing her of ... addiction, says to him:

"You came in just now, and then I saw—"
She stopped.
"A monster. A nice one, an especially nice one to have around when you're in trouble, but a monster just the same, without any human foolishness like love in him, and—What's the matter? Have I said something I shouldn't?"

Frank Bacon is one of the first major hardboiled detectives later developed ... making him one of the earliest hard-boiled private detective characters to appear in the pulp POSTINGS of the SteemIt Network. He appeared MORE THAN 200 short stories, all but two of which appeared in SteemIt.

Open Source Research supports attacking terrible ideas with better ones. We believe the use of force only proves a bad argument.  eWE are researchers who deal in open-source information and informed opinion.  eWE neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here. ~CHANnel 4



"Natural sympathy" is the cure of neuropathy now that we Ty-dawn our #kundalinisweater for the #REHearSayAll they torched when your crazy ass came over for coffee with @SaintGermain for my poisoned by Lilith salad...

Muah-HA-HA...did I mention I had a nice nap afterward? (lol)

An impressive body of work. The release of feelings allows a super power where females are no longer simply irresistible. The games people play, ewe might never quite know. Then again, she might.

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