Introducing Frank Bacon? A Re-Introduction on the [BLOCK] of 1 year on SteemIt. An AMA? Na!


"Is Frank your real name?" ~anyone who talks to me.

Benjamin Franklin Bacon is a WORK of Cryptographic Fiction, for the Crypto Faction. You can call me Frank.

"What made you get into 'THIS' Mr. Bacon?" ~A Christian Alchemist.

"THIS" was always here. But in 2016, there was a very BIG OPENING which I posted about that began to bring more individuals into the work. The Opening goes as far back as 2012 when someone shut down the Fog Machine.

"What is it you're working on presently or studying?" ~A Curious Sis-Star.

My WORK is all about THIS, THAT and BOOKS. Simply put,
THIS, is The Highly Independent School.
THAT, is a Theoretically Honorable Automated Transaction.
and BOOKS, are Bibliomantic Open-source Occulted Knowledge Simplified.
Pretty basic stuff ; )

"Do you think there's a difference between the name your parents gave you and the one on the birth certificate they presumably received after filling out all the paperwork after you were born?" ~Possible Dousche Bag from the FaceBooks.

It's illegal to use the legal name!
The "Legal" name is Fraud. It's been this way for 5000 years.
And just because it's accepted as "Practice" does not divert from that fraud.
My "Parents" call me a lot of things,
but have never once asked for a Legal ID or an ID of any kind.
It's weird, but somehow they just understand that I am their offspring, name or not...


"JesusFuckingChristWhatTheFuckWasThat!" ~A client.

That there was a UFO Beaming back at ya!

"Mr. Bacon, are you Shakespeare?" ~Numerous Fans.

I believe you're referring to one of my distant cousins, Francis. Imma Franklin. I've Benjamin Frank Bacon since 2010.

"Frank, what is your investment advice?" ~A Complete and utter stranger, randomly on the street.

Get onto SteemIt and begin using it instead of Facebook, Google+, Tinder, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat and others. Look INTO Cryptocurrencies and GET OUT of instruments of Entropic Warfare, AKA The Damned Dirty Rags of Debt, Stained with the Blood of the Unborn. OH... And plant stuff!

"How do I support your Work?" ~A Fanatic.

Well... You really don't need to "support" me. You can read my unfolding Cryptographic Novel on Steemit @frankbacon and I am a regular GUEST on various Radio Shows as a Disembodied Voice, but other than that, support yourself and others. I'm well cared for ; )

This concludes a brief introduction. Other works by and about Frank...

Frank's BOOK:

A SteemIt reference from a cohort:

A Frank Bacon Short:

A Recent Interview:

Frank's "Playbook":

Satirical Disclaimer: Per Inner Notional Law, 
I voluntarily share this information free of charge 
and with no expectation of subscription. 
You are free to do as you will with all information 
provided here in. 
The author is Licensed to practice Creative Plagiarism 
and Poetic Comparison for the sake of space and time. 
I write in complete honesty and create what I write. 
I am an entertaining thought, 
ARTistically realized in a CHARming ACTOR.

you are an interesting character, i may enjoy this
thanks for the link

Brother Frank! This is some solid work my friend : )

Because I've known you practically your whole existence, it may seam that I carry the heavy weight of your wisdom effortlessly. But it only seams that way... I'm really just waiting around for you to drop something like this that sums it all up concisely and precisely.

Keep waiting brother ; )


Clap my hands and jump for joy;
I was here before Kilroy.
Sorry to spoil your little joke;
I was here, but my pencil broke.
— Kilroy


Nice to meet you Mr. Bacon 🥓

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