I'm going to celebrate turning 50 in Peru at Steem Fiesta on October 9-13, will you be there?

in #witness-category6 years ago (edited)

Hey Again, Steemitizens,

The Steem world has a lot going on to choose from this fall!

We have steemy conferences happening in Toronto Canada, Lima Peru, and Krakow Poland over the next two months. Kind of crazy, when think about how small the platform still is, but how many of us will uproot and go around the world once or twice or more this year and next in the name of the Steem train express!

My witness team, @noblewitness, is proud to be sending not one but TWO of our team to speak at the Steem Creators conference in Toronto as key event speakers, so be sure to say Hi to @RhondaK and @Gmuxx, if you see them in Canada, and say "sorey" to them if you see them in Canada and you actually are Canadian. :D

Then this dynamic half of our double duo four-pack witness team, will be off again this time to Poland for Steemfest3 so yet another chance to meet and greet members of the team that is all about "content, commerce and cwalitty." (Dont judge, it sounded good in my head.)

So where does that leave me? (and @anarcho-andrei? We'll deal with him in a minute...)

Well, somewhere in the middle...

The Steem Fiesta Peru event is squeezed in between Toronto and Krakow, which will leave Muxxy and Rhonda pressed for time to get away a 3rd time from the USA and the UK respectively.

The Peru event is also a few days prior to my 50th birthday on October 17th, so I think my single and middle-aged self needing to age gracefully on a sub-equatorial South American beach, is also probably a factor here that must be seriously considered.

Peru is kinda between Canada and Poland, if you squint at a mercator map and imagine being able to bend space like a millenium falcon or something.

But most of all, I need to get down to Latin America to see what more we can do with @YouAreHOPE Foundation from closer to the areas we touch, and I also have ongoing project business that always goes faster in person, with a couple of other important steemians who will be in attendance as well. (Thanks for prodding at me to consider coming, @steemcafe, spending my birthday with you boys will be a riot. Think I can get @fyrstykken to buy a round for it? ... and I'll see you more than I've seen any steemian anywhere else, @instructor2121 as we meet again at our 4th consecutive meetup, so much business, so much steem, so much beer and stuff...)

So it seems like a plan, let's go to Peru!

Who else is going down to Steem Fiesta?

Who among you lives near Lima, Mirabellas and Barranco, who might want to meet up for a chat, coffee, drink or meal?

We'll be looking for you at these three international steem events, so watch for @RhondaK, @Gmuxx and myself. @Anarcho-andrei, however, will be kept in his cage in the server room and will maintain @noblewitness operations during our out-of-country experiences. We wouldn't have it any other way. 100% uptime of the lock on Andrei's cage is NobleWitness' promise to you, WORLD-WIDE!

Wait, where did that little bugger @anarcho-andrei run off to, now?

Hrm, looks like he may have escaped, but that's okay, we're all gonna be safely thousands of miles away!

That feeling when: steem witnesses go on roadtrips...

See you in Peru!
Founder- @YouAreHOPE Foundation
Member- @NobleWitness team
IT Team- @TheWritersBlock
Community Mod- @Chibera Discord Team
Member- @TheAlliance


I wish I could be there and hug you big bro!

You know, I saw a love meme today and I realized I have not heard anyone genuinely say "I love you" to me in ... well... years. I kid you not. Living alone for a long time without a girlfriend, wife, or family to speak of, and being far from my daughter like I am, it's not something i ever think about much, but earlier today it hit me kinda hard and had me down.

But this. This comment from you IS that. All of that.

Thank you. Very much, Jassen.

I know for sure we'll meet someday and thank you for the life advises and good memories :)

It will be me that thanks you, and @malos10 and @misterakpan for the three of you young, amazing men coming into my life and helping me find a new direction and purpose together with each of you.

It's kind of a big deal :D

I wish to see them too. Someday. Though Steemfest seems to be out of reach now. I hope I could attend though.

I had the choice and opted out, because I know a person will be there my heart cant bear to see and not be closer to.

But I am going to Steem Fiesta in Peru.

If all things go well, maybe next year, YouAreHOPE can help assemble us all at the steemfest 4 whereever it may be.

That's so sad to hear. But you were more than a celebrity than them. The heart speaks more than the mind big brother!

I'm certainly looking forward for that. I love you bro!

Love you too, brother.

Peru is kinda between Canada and Poland, if you squint at a mercator map and imagine being able to bend space like a millenium falcon or something.

0.5 parsec.

Shit, my old chevy truck is faster than that.

lol! That line totally cracked me up. This sounds like a ton of fun! Wish I could go. I'm glad you're gonna get down there and celebrate. :)

:) I wish all my usual meetup friends were coming. Er, I mean , just friends - the ones I got. You guys. <3

Kind of crazy, when think about how small the platform still is, but how many of us will uproot and go around the world once or twice or more this year and next in the name of the Steem train express!

This can't be underestimated. Happy upcoming 50th!

Thank you so much!

Man I never get let out of the cage to go anywhere!

grumbles and goes back to checking connections and ensuring server uptime

Stay alert.

21 is coming

"content, commerce and cwalitty."



My God this is awesome. Can't get my head around it, still. I am so happy that you're going to Peru. Opportunities are falling out of the sky, and this is one of them. Plus, sub-equatorial South American beach, 50th birthday--yeah. That needs to happen.

Meanwhile, Andrei will complete his law studies so that he can free us from the foreign jails we will likely end up in. After all the time he's spending in the server cage, he'll have quite a bit of insight about being stuck behind bars. LOLOL!

Good point.

Note to self, find out about peruvian bail and us-peru attorney relations.

I wish I can join, too far for me.

If you start walking now....

LOL sure from California 😊🙃

This is awesome! Love it! Great stuff.

Posted using Partiko Android

See ya there

Oooh so fun!! You guys are gonna have a blast!! This is a pretty epic way to spend your birthday. :-)

Thought about trying to make this happen, but I think my travel budget is shot between Toronto and Kraków. 😂 Basically, all of my vacations are Steem related now!

But it is steem Coruscate! :) Cant you just like post or something and make like 5 grand? That's what I heard on facebook! (My last year of travel to several states and six countries was all basically steem related travel. lol, i'm broke but my passport looks bitchin')

Hahaha oh those Facebook rumors! 😆

Wow six countries and several trips in the states last year for Steem! That’s incredible! Peru will be one more awesome stamp on that bitchin passport.

Ps... my phone just tried to AutoCorrect “bitchin” to bitcoin. It knows me so well. 😂

That's great lol, such closely related keywords though :D

It's been quite a year of travel & steem. I wonder what next year holds?

Right??? I have a feeling there will be even more amazing opportunities to travel. The Steem Creators events aren’t slowing down anytime soon, and I know they have plans for more awesome locations next year. :-)

See you there :D

Shit you just a young buck. Turning 51 in October ;)

Bugger off old man, kids are talking here.

You seem to be having some rocking times ahead @sircork and I am sure the birthday might turn out to be the best one with fellow steemians.

I hope so, the first 50 years of my life had a of heartbreak and anguish and struggle. Maybe this will finally be "my year" :)

Amen! I am sure the later part of your life is awaiting with bundles of joy for you and you are an amazing person so full of life then how is it possible that life will not happen to you. Btw your birthday treat stays pending till the time you come to India 😀

Aww thank you! Very sweet. I Hope to be in India again next year maybe :)

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