KLYE Witness Update - 2017 / 02 / 10

in #witness-category8 years ago

Salutations to you and yours on this fine friday. Hope all is well in your lands!

It's been a busy week for me. Deadlines and projects seemingly never end but I'm getting comfortable in my new living space and the code is starting to flow a bit easier.

This Week as STEEM Witness

Here is a brief overview of what I was up to this week on our STEEM network!

Wrote a Visual Guide to Claiming FREE STEEM at Steem.Global

After a few users had asked me how to claim free daily STEEM on my steem.global site I decided to make a brief visual guide explaining the process. If you haven't had the chance yet to make a free account and start claiming your free daily STEEM I highly suggest you check out the guide below and go grab yourself some free money. Can claim once every day.

Released Windows Install / Setup Info for Asshunter.js

Last week I developed a counter defense bot to combat people who are being less than social or downright malicious on the STEEM network. The bot has been named "Asshunter" (Short for AssHatHunter) and given that a fair chunk of Windows OS users have never used or deployed NodeJS scripts before a walkthrough guide was made by myself to help arm STEEM users against potential threats to themselves or the network.

Deployed a Counter Defense Against Username Spammer

Not even a day after releasing the guide to set up Asshunter I was forced to deploy it against a couple accounts that were wreaking havoc on our network. The user that had the defenses deployed against him was constantly making massive lists of usernames which was creating notification popups to hundreds of users. Within 10 hours of deploying counter measures the threat had been eliminated with the user seemingly stopping his username spamming. I'm not a big fan of using force but in this case it was necesarry. Glad to defend the network!

Let Users Know of an Ongoing Blackmail / Extortion Scam

After being tipped off by @stellabelle and seeing @schattenjaeger's post about the @blackmail account I felt it was my duty to let my fans and followers know of the ridiculious scam attempt perptrated by the account. Some people would rather bully and blackmail rather than put in work like the rest of us to make a living.. Keep your eyes on the @blackmail account, the user behind it isn't the type of people I personally want here.

Steem-Roller.com Development Moved Forwards

Last night I stayed up till the sun rose basically in order to get some work done on my Steem-Roller.com project. Managed to get the start o SteemConnect.com login integration going and some other back end stuff done as well. Getting pretty damn excited about this project. Currently no ETA on launch is available but I'll be working on this project a bit more feverishly in the future as I believe it's something we desperately need for our ecosystem.

Vote @klye for Witness!


A Proud STEEMbassador of Canada

Thank you for your votes, the opportunity and support!


Hi there! Got a question...there is now conflicting information about blacklist. fyrstikken put up a post about joining his winfrey guild, and in the post he states that anyone can join as long as they haven't been flagged by cheetah steemcleaners or blacklist. In the comments he says that blacklist is doing a good job and then later when asked if he's the owner he says no, but that he knows the owner and trusts them.
I've never spoken to fyrstikken so I don't want my first words to be questionning him since it seems like he's a good guy looking out for the community. I thought to myself "self (lol, stealing from nonames) klye is a witness and he gets to the bottom of things, have him look into it"
Thanks @klye!

I hold no ill will against you to be honest. After thinking about it for a bit I can understand why you were lashing out and trying to get attention in the manner you did. I apologize for initiating my counter defenses on you, it seemed like the right thing to do at the time.

Time to "bury the hatchet" dude. I don't claim to be greater than anyone. I'm just some dude who happened to stumble onto STEEM as a troll and ended up a politician some how.

No need to hold on to negative feelings. If you want to hold a grudge that's cool but at the end of the day it's just a waste of time and energy. Hope you manage to realize that both of us just acted as we thought was necessary at the time.

Good luck in the future to you sir, I honestly mean that.

Edit: Ah crap his usernames were in an image.. But not in text.. Sorry I doh'd on that one. <_< Didn't look at my own images close enough. I also consider a mention a @iloveupvotes type thing with notification.

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.19
TRX 0.15
JST 0.029
BTC 64349.20
ETH 2673.53
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.83