Deploying Counter Defence Against @iloveupvotes / @livehonest / @topikzmonster - Cease Fire / Truce Called.

in #blog8 years ago (edited)

Enough is enough. Your childish reign of terror via harassing people with flags, comments and mass spam tagging hundreds or thousands of usernames for attention ends now.

@iloveupvotes / @livehonest / @topikzmonster

Every time you flag someone, I will upvote them against your asshattery. Every time you comment you will be flagged on all 3 of your accounts until you stop the senselessness and mass spam tagging of usernames.

I will continue to deploy my counter measures against you until you stop making massive unnecesary posts with a boatload of usernames in them like the one pictured below:

I've Ceased The Counter Defence Against This User
His Replies Can be Seen Below as Well as This:


Steemit is also working on a patch so that negative rep users don't trigger notifications with their mentions.

I had heard whisper of this as well. I'm just trying to correct the user responsible by giving them a little taste of their own medicine so to speak.. He'll eventually realize that he can't bugger with a whole community that is as adaptive and reactive as ours.

I'm all for fighting it on two fronts :)

Here is the GitHub issue.

Thanks for the info and the link Tim. You da man. :D

The GitHub issue has been updated. Looks like the fix has been applied to the site :)

Very nice. I've ceased my counter operation on his @iloveupvotes account and will be switching the others off as I don't believe he means ill.

Your still a fat mamas boy that stalks people and thinks he has a dick bigger than a tootsie roll that controls all. Both very good points indeed.

That's what I think about control tactics of free people. pukes.

not you timcliff btw. Your stalker friend klye. ignorant human.

This spam is for @iflagtrash & @klye and all else who like to flag. Flag me please. The more negative I am, the more of your money I take when I upvote you. Thanx for the boost through all this! :D

This spam is for @iflagtrash & @klye and all else who like to flag. Flag me please. The more negative I am, the more of your money I take when I upvote you. Thanx for the boost through all this! :D

Can that be adjusted to include and prevent any account that has never posted from being able to flag content as well?

This is a decent idea as well!

This spam is for @iflagtrash & @klye and all else who like to flag. Flag me please. The more negative I am, the more of your money I take when I upvote you. Thanx for the boost through all this! :D

Things along those lines are being discussed, but it is a larger change (would require a HF).

Thanks for the info, I think that's a great addition too. Additionally I'd love to see a UI fix along the lines of the NSFW filter where users could choose if negative rep content is always shown, never shown, or the default greyed out. I'm always too tempted to click on "hidden" content... human nature! I'd like to hide it completely and unclutter some feeds, while others may want to always see it instead.
It would be great to have negative rep posts also get an automated tag of sorts where we could then set up a new tab or link to pull up a feed of just this content! It could be branded with tongue in cheek humor, a troll-cave of sorts for when people want to go exploring the dark side! Trolls couldn't complain about being censored if they essentially have their own promoted area, while reasonable folk could just stay the hell out or dive in when they're in that "reading comments on youtube" type mood.

We have some ideas around the way things will be hidden as chosen by users that will encapsulate this use case. Stay tuned. As far as repealing human curiosity, that's on you. :)

It's like slowing down on the highway to look at a car wreck sometimes... :)

This spam is for @iflagtrash & @klye and all else who like to flag. Flag me please. The more negative I am, the more of your money I take when I upvote you. Thanx for the boost through all this! :D

Great suggestions!

The first one seems very doable. I'll email @sneak about it.

The second one seems like fun, but it would probably be too low of a priority to consider at this point. Something cool to keep in mind though!

iloveautoflags! This spam is for @iflagtrash & @klye and all else who like to flag. Flag me please. The more negative I am, the more of your money I take when I upvote you. Thanx for the boost through all this! :D

This spam is for @iflagtrash & @klye and all else who like to flag. Flag me please. The more negative I am, the more of your money I take when I upvote you. Thanx for the boost through all this! :D

Well, it's not like there's a lack of hard forks around here.

True. I wasn't saying 'no' to the idea.

Actually have the power to stop anyone posting or flagging they want from the web app frontend. I don't think it would be popular but they could start imposing arbitrary rules like that that aren't on the blockchain.

Might not be that useful considering and direct API access, but possible.

Yes they can, but in order for it to be effective it would need to be done at the blockchain level.

Absolutely, just pointing it out

iloveautoflags! This spam is for @iflagtrash & @klye and all else who like to flag. Flag me please. The more negative I am, the more of your money I take when I upvote you. Thanx for the boost through all this! :D btw personz, these fags don't control shit have u not seen this yet. LOL. Pay attention or get off pc dumbass.

busy,org controls and does what they want to users, I have the screenshots to prove what they do, has nothing on the dumbshit is pulling.

This spam is for @iflagtrash & @klye and all else who like to flag. Flag me please. The more negative I am, the more of your money I take when I upvote you. Thanx for the boost through all this! :D

Btw, no. They can't stop or control anything or anyone. People do what they want. They will stop being ill when they are not trying to be controlled. ;)

This is great news!

iloveautoflags! This spam is for @iflagtrash & @klye and all else who like to flag. Flag me please. The more negative I am, the more of your money I take when I upvote you. Thanx for the boost through all this! :D

It's a simple notification fix. Does not stop anything. Tho a truce was called on my end only while klye provoked like a retarded child. You all won nothing. Does not stop flags, does not stop messages, and above all, does not stop me from upvoting you with my negative account now and taking your profit shares dummies. You made 4 of me this way to use. So be nice before I do. I quit on my own accord, klye is a fat mamas boy only with an anger issue and needs a bottle or a dick in his face hole to shut him up. Go ahead. Downvote me, lest I take more shares when I upvote you :P

Might want to weight your up vote as your vote is worth considerably more than those accounts, could incentivize them to get your vote on accounts if it becomes profitable for you to counter vote.

Ahh. Yeah I may have to adjust downwards a bit.

maybe a 1% vote to counter his downvotes.. Need to do the math

I made sure money disappeared from your shit this morning as I upvoted you. Was least I could do and will continue to do to you assmouth for months. Keep flagging. I love it. In a mirror dumbshit every move digs deeper. You simply are too ignorant to get that shit you fucking moron. What a dumb mother fucking human you are lol.

I stopped flagging you dude.. lol

Have fun on your adventure. No point in flagging you.
I understand the situation a bit better, sorry for the flags.

Removed most of them.

Damn. Ok. lol. Well I tried to stir your coffee for you this morning. Cheers.

Glad you understand tho now, as do I. Now we are on the same page.


7D chess 0_0

iloveautoflags! This spam is for @iflagtrash & @klye and all else who like to flag. Flag me please. The more negative I am, the more of your money I take when I upvote you. Thanx for the boost through all this! :D

That's exactly what these accounts are doing...But it looks like not for their own profit. Interesting...Almost like a Robin Hood Maybe?

The owner of the accounts weighed in below.. Seems he's mad about being flagged at one point? :/

The feeling I got is that he or she was on the receiving end of a flagging bot of some sort that flagged their original account into oblivion...That's just what I have gathered from the last few days of spammy posts from these accounts and trying to figure out what the heck was going on. I starting flagging their posts but then it doesn't really make sense to do that since all three accounts are being ghosted. Then I noticed they had 4 or 5 other accounts that were following them around and counter voting everything they flagged. Then I noticed the stuff they are flagging is generally decent content...And because of their flags it's all being upvoted. I'm not sure but that's what I have gathered from just watching for a few days.

Thanks for the observations stellabelle!

Looks like it is indeed some jaded flagged user seemingly lashing out. :/

EDIT: Oh man I replied to the wrong post in the wrong spot. Embarassing.

Sorry alohaoy. I need to pay more attention when I STEEM it seems!

I've stopped flagging the one account now.

You got it @alohaoy on the nose.

The feeling I got is that he or she was on the receiving end of a flagging bot of some sort that flagged their original account into oblivion...That's just what I have gathered from the last few days of spammy posts from these accounts and trying to figure out what the heck was going on. I starting flagging their posts but then it doesn't really make sense to do that since all three accounts are being ghosted. Then I noticed they had 4 or 5 other accounts that were following them around and counter voting everything they flagged. Then I noticed the stuff they are flagging is generally decent content...And because of their flags it's all being upvoted. I'm not sure but that's what I have gathered from just watching for a few days.

He joined a week ago, posted 9 times his first day with some items he referred to as free art templates. Basically they were desktop wallpapers or stock images he'd found online and modified in photoshop to create blank postcards etc.
While it's true it wasn't quite plagiarism, he picked up some flags (downvotes) and the war began...
At the time he resteemed and supported you klye, because you'd just started your countermeasures against the asshole flag bot.
Now it seems, just like asshole, he's trying to expose a flaw in the system by flagging and spamming. If it's led to alterations in the notifications system that are positive, that's fine, but the spam deserves blasted.

I highly appreciate the summary of the events Bryan. <3

Hopefully the user behind these accounts realizes that I get no satisfaction from having to run counter measures on him.. He's found a way to annoy people and continues to do it after being asked politely to stop.. I don't really see any other option. :/

Luckily as @timcliff has mentioned above Steemit seems to be doing some tinkering on their end. I'll do my part and fight negative / anti-social behavior with the same.

My wish is that he stops flagging and user tag spamming and I don't have to deply my script against him.

No problem, and it's obviously just from my point of view, if he'd like to address his it would be nice rather than being cryptic. I remember it happening at the time since I follow the art tags, but drilling back to the posts now is a hassle as they are buried under a lot of resteems. He may truly be trying to share quality content, but it seem like another form of spam.
It was definitely one of the quickest 0-60 times I've seen in a user going from trying to be productive to trolling.
I feel he came in during the great flag debates and is clearly of the opinion that flags should only be used for plagiarism and objects to the perceived censorship of his blog.
I'm fine with the concept of flags as down votes and his day one content just didn't make the cut as quality content with some users.

iloveautoflags! This spam is for @iflagtrash & @klye and all else who like to flag. Flag me please. The more negative I am, the more of your money I take when I upvote you. Thanx for the boost through all this! :D

Yes the spam was a little far, and took forever to make btw. However, in a world where all is silenced that is not liked by opinion one has to create a louder voice. The 4 accounts were all done exactly the same. They created the "bots" as they chased and flagged in a full on attack. As I stood up for myself, they did nothing more than want to display more control and might and treat me like trash. I am not trash. I'm a person. I wanted equality and to expose only the control and power flaws that unbalance this system. They take down accounts, creating bots and unbalancing all monetary and post values. I understood this fast. One thing led to another. I should not have to flag to get reputable people to vote. Nor should I have to have 4 accounts in a negative to be able to upvote them and unbalance their well deserving posts either. My templates are just me and my time. It's who I am, and in the mirror I look like no other. When I started upvoting people with them to counter flaggers, I stopped that fast as well as not upvoting myself because I realized it wasn't fair. Since many have dogged me not understanding what was going on. Until last night 1 person with a great spirit made a post that stopped everything I was doing dead in it's tracks and got my attention. freebornangel. That's all it took. A kind word. And the love spread and stopped all encounters from me.

I'm just pecking at klye this morning. All in good whatever one would call it. Cheers.

I really want to just slap you sometimes tho. Just throwing that out there. I have been saying the same shit for weeks about all of this. Always was about equality, not money. Not flags, upvotes, nothing particular. Now last night the posts were upvoted all the way down. I log in to see all 0.00 today. for everyone. What happened to upvoting them to counter me, because thats why it was done.

Your the first person on the blockchain to get it so far. Gratz.

iloveautoflags! This spam is for @iflagtrash & @klye and all else who like to flag. Flag me please. The more negative I am, the more of your money I take when I upvote you. Thanx for the boost through all this! :D

Not about profit my friend. It's about equality once again. If you upvote the people instead of mass flag them, they will not be robbed and counter act. It just makes sense.

Don't understand why this happens as a newbie but I hope this all works out.

He has stopped tagging me, a real Troll! Notifications were getting annoying. Already he has learned to back off a little, or to stop wasting his time

Your an idiot. He did nothing and I went no where. Watch your virtual mouth before I draw a target sign on your ass fool. Shit was my decision because of good people asking me to.

Btw, flag away. They were robbed dry already by virtual elites. Either way, ty for joining the upvote encounter!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Who is "they" for starters and who was robbed?

This sounds like the rantings of an unsound mind rather than some sort of definitive crusade to be honest dude.
If you can better explain yourself, hell, I might even be able to help. But as it sits the way you are doing things simply isn't going to do anything but make you discredit yourself and paint a target on yourself for people who aren't a fan of notification spamming and such..

please visit my post here- the little terrorists just attacked it with down votes......

A terrorist murders, steals and rapes. I simply downvote. Now go kill yourself for being a immoral foul human, ty.

That's the point @klye! Yes, ty. UPVOTE The people!!!!!! Wewt. Glad you get it. Now stop calling me an asshat. k thanX.

You are being an asshat though dude..

As a witness who isn't a whale and someone who is of the people for the people your behavior is annoying at best and asinine at the worst. I don't understand why exactly you are doing this or what you intend to achieve.

I ask you personally man to please re-consider the whole tagging and flagging campaign and use your energies for more constructive means.. I don't like deploying anti-asshat scripts against people. :/

I supported you man. I know who you are. And I know your decent people. I know well what I, and we are doing. I also know that you did not support me. Your asshat scripts will not work against us klye. We will keep you busy for the next couple of years just adding accounts and left hand attacks. I ask you to reconsider threats as I am decent people. You want it to stop dude, don't talk to me about it. Make a post to the people to upvote a little guy. Not to rob their accounts dry. In that moment when I know I'm safe to blog and so are the others, all will cease. If I did not respect you, I would not even consider a reply.

I'm not threatening anyone here. I'm simply stating change your attitude / warpath or I'll just keep adding your stupid alt accounts to the list and flagging them all into oblivion.

It takes me 10 seconds to spin up a new asshunter instance against an alt-account.

If you do indeed see that I am good people I ask that you also look at yourself and ask if you are being good people. Because from an outside perspective you're just causing a bunch of noise and stink with very little substance or message in it.

I appreciate the respect and this is the same reason I extend it to you rather than writing you off as an enemy of the network. It's my belief we can likely come to agreeance and stop the bad pushes from both sides. You have to understand I'm just defending the network here, very much in the same way you belive you are doing the same.. But I'm asking you to please stop with the mass user tagging personally.. That would be enough to get me off of your ass.

This is no warpath. I'm very calm always typically laughing, that's me personally. I'm the one who had the blog taken down that started this. Really klye. Seems effective. Let the people see that what has been done has worked. As long as we flag, you upvote them. Same principle for all others. I care not of being discredited. They did that for me, and when time comes I could make yet another acoount and blend in. This is about making a point. My blog was taken down and so were others. Topikz monster was first. You want to help dude and do something really decent. Help restore @iloveupvotes on principle alone. I don't care who's on my ass. I'm grown. Very sane, very robbed, and very effective in making a widespread statement. I belong here with the rest to express my mind.

"I'm the one who had the blog taken down that started this. "

Ok. You admit to starting this. Instead of acting out as a child would do because his toy has been taken away why not use well written posts and reason rather than kicking a bee hive so to speak?

You are only discrediting yourself. Obviously you have hurt feelings I can see that but this is not the way to conduct yourself in which case.

I will not help restore any account of yours until you promise to stop ass spam multi tagging users man. When you realize that all the people you tag are simply just muting you rather than listening to you.. you'll realize that your awareness campaign is in fact backfired.

Instead of trying to play bad ass or robin hood consider that rather than try and "make a point" you just apologize and try to build your rep back up.

Btw, nothing about my attitude needs to be changed when all this is, is a stand. Of a strong person that won't lay down. There's real people out there to regulate, and I'm on board with that, too.

@blacklist @steembot-general @steembot-soldier @steembot-colonel
@iloveupvotes @steemit @blocktrades @ned @dan @freedom @jamesc @val-a @abit @smooth @dantheman @ben @mottler @tombstone @databass @val-b @michael-b @rainman @summon @berniesanders @steemed @michael-a @hendrikdegrote @pharesim @created @xeldal @roadscape @proskynneo @arhag @thejohalfiles @transisto @wang @safari @riverhead @steempty @wackou @witness.svk @cloop1 @batel @itsascam @enki @bob @tamim @fuzzyvest @adm @engagement @alice @kushed @nextgencrypto @onceuponatime @amcq @jaewoocho @bitcube @goku1 @blackjack @renohq @recursive @glitterfart @smooth.witness @gavvet @alvaro @thecyclist @thisvsthis @complexring @dele-puppy @satoshifund @arsahk @bhuz @donkeypong @datasecuritynode @lofojobee @c75c39f25a90 @clayop @au1nethyb1 @azeroth @lafona-miner @fyrstikken @firstclass @coldstorage1 @abdullar @skywalker @fulltimegeek @steemstermon @anastacia @creator @steemaccess @liondani @samupaha @imadev @fminerten @xeroc @steemit200 @hr1 @bytemaster @jesta @a6ab6923e0a5 @arama @b943863a19cf @puppies @bitcoin2016 @smooth-e
@cryptoctopus @stellabelle @kidrock @silversteem @roelandp @ramta @jabbasteem @analisa @tyler @paladin @newyo @nanzo-scoop @dimimp @hiva @anonymous @benjojo @sean-king @delegate.lafona @noagenda @pfunk @alphabet @node1 @cass @ioc @charlieshrem @joseph @excalibur @faddy @rossco99 @figaro @another @dollarvigilante @sochul @steempower @slowwalker @twinner @bitcointalker @moderator @kevinwong @james212 @abdul @natsu @boombastic @flyingmind @knozaki2015 @modprobe @leesunmoo @ericvancewalton @iflagtrash @wetroofwoof @node2 @creat0r @graavor @eeks @gtg @cyber @cornucopia @coinfund @steemship @tim @rok-sivante @steemsports @simpson @badassmother @infovore @biggest @elixir @anwenbaumeister @meow @eclipse @ashleigh @vcelier @cylonmaker2053 @dunia @diaphanous @freeyourmind @thecryptofiend @smooth-b @the-alien @yan-kovalenko @anyx @snowflake @krnel @bmw @nobody @vortac @shaka @star @hipster @ozchartart @curie @apple @jackkang @ekitcho @craig-grant @someonewhoisme @fabien @expir @monsternal @solaris @books @zahnspange
@barrie @aizensou @silver @publicworker @mr11acdee @jrcornel @steemychicken1 @demotruk @katyakov @joshbreslauer @clains @juneaugoldbuyer @steemroller @fantasy @starky @neoxian @andrarchy @disney @adrian @luigi @node3 @chana @laonie @google @klm @galaxy @bue @nnnn @a4i-13e23a94 @tuck-fheman @joeyd1 @toxic @butterfly @aftergut @greenman @kaylinart @enable @jamgotin @shenanigator @hedge-x @apollo @commedy @robrigo @lafona @jl777 @boatymcboatface @testdrive @heiditravels @erath @marginal @helikopterben @asmolokalo @kangsh @steemrollin @tim1 @ilovesteemit


Have it your way I guess.

Your not beast dude lol. Sit down and just keep upvoting them as we flag puppet.

You simply just don't get it do you, lol.

I'll stop when people stop talking to others like a dog as well. Until then I will not lay down because some dude from somewhere said something. You want it to stop, be respectful to other people. Your judgments are your own. You do a shit job of peace talking. Fact is, I failed in no manner. AS long as we flag, you upvote instead of ignore people puppet. Talk of ranting and raving is sickening like listening to an old lady spew gossip in a drunken manner from across a room. All like to think they are above another. I will be treated equal or you will create your own issues. It is in fact an effective mirror. Hence your tactics and all the counter posts. Your only counter in real life...Is to upvote people. Thanx.

This post has been ranked within the top 25 most undervalued posts in the first half of Feb 09. We estimate that this post is undervalued by $8.70 as compared to a scenario in which every voter had an equal say.

See the full rankings and details in The Daily Tribune: Feb 09 - Part I. You can also read about some of our methodology, data analysis and technical details in our initial post.

If you are the author and would prefer not to receive these comments, simply reply "Stop" to this comment.

@this spam is for @iflagtrash & @klye and all else who like to flag. Flag me please. The more negative I am, the more of your money I take when I upvote you. Thanx for the boost through all this! :D

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