Witness Update 11th of September 2017steemCreated with Sketch.

in #witness-category7 years ago

I have updated my witness node to 0.19.2.


I'm still signaling the same parameters;

  • Account creation fee: 0.2 STEEM
  • Blocksize: 65,536
  • APR: 4%
  • Bias: 0%

I was a bit late to update, but since everything was running stable for me and I didn't see any issues with the previous release, I took my time.

The new version appears to run smoothly as well.

On a sidenote:

@timcliff recently made a post about 'being a good witness'.

That struck a chord with me.
I set up my witness, because I felt there wasn't enough competition.
At the time, there were a bunch of deactivated witnesses ranking 50 or higher.

Today, I see a lot of new witnesses and much more competition than a few months ago.
Partially, that's due to @jerrybanfield, who made (and sold (?)) a guide on how to set up a witness. Since then, I see a bunch of new, upcoming witnesses competing for votes.

Generally, that's a good thing.

I can see a lot more discussions now and I think it put some more pressure on the top witnesses.

A year ago, I met @pharesim at the Hamburg Meetup.
Back then, the witness income was much higher.

My main concern then was, that the witnesses would grow their share immensely and over time own a big chunk of all the voting rights. That would have led to a huge imbalance and would have ultimately devalued the whole STEEM economy.

@pharesim then said something along the lines of:
'Yes - that's why witnesses are 'expected' to use their income to finance projects on the side.'

That answer was satisfying enough for me.

A year later, I could still see little to nothing of those projects.
In fact, I didn't even see the top witnesses putting any effort into redistributing STEEM - And I think, that's the least you can do to bring value to this blockchain.

I've also seen little to no discussion about the hardforks.

It still appears as if not doing or writing anything and just complying with everything Steemit Inc. does, is the safest way to secure your witness votes.

Seeing all that, I decided to campaign for my own witness node.

I'm not skilled enough to review the code in depth.
I'm not skilled enough to code a helpful tool from scratch.

But at the very least, I'm engaged enough to actually read and review new content and distribute STEEM to a variety of users instead of trying to maximize my own share by voting for the already over-rewarded same few users.

I believe, for this ecosystem to grow, the best thing we can do is to get as many real people involved as possible.

Even the top earners should be able to see how their share won't be worth anything, if we can't manage to get STEEM adopted more widely.

At this point, I'm making ~8 STEEM Power / day.
I honestly didn't expect that much, when I first started this enterprise.
This income covers the costs easily.

If I deserve that, is up to the shareholders.

I don't have huge 'projects' on the side.

I'm trying to stay in touch with the community and not cater to the demands of the users, who are already well off.
With that effort, I don't feel like I deserve a top spot; I'm happy with my rank.

As a low rank backup witness, the parameters I signal have pretty much no effect.
I don't have a big responsibility - and I'm glad about that.

Of course, I wouldn't mind getting more votes and would increase my efforts accordingly.

For a mass adoption, we still have a long way to go and it's in every shareholders interest, to grow this network.

I'm not sure how to conclude this rant ...

Please choose your witnesses wisely and please consider leaving me a vote.
I'll try to stay active and support the 'little guys'.

If you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to contact me:


You can leave me a vote here:


Thank you for reading and have a nice day !



ich werde dich weiterhin wählen, lieber @felixxx! nicht nur aufgrund deines posts und der damit einhergehenden offenheit, die ich sehr schätze, sondern auch, weil du ein deutscher witness bist und mit deinem kleinen bot etwas für die deutsche community tust. das ist schon mehr, als von vielen anderen witnesses kommt. was z.b. banfield mit dem kauf der stimmen getan hat, finde ich persönlich eine sauerei. wohl dem, der das nicht nötig hat und hoffen wir, das du weiterhin am ball bleibst. ich würde mich freuen! lg

Vielen Dank für das Vertrauen :)

I agree with you on getting more peeps on board!
and keeping those who already are in the boat as well
other wise we'd be like an ecosystem similar to that of an open pipe
one hole lets so many in and another is just full of those hurrying to the exit
or we may be growing but no activity on the new users accounts
what to do? how can we find balance?

I devoted all the witnesses after the last hardfork.

There is no reason to vote for these guys! Because of this „no discussion“ you wrote about. YES!!! You wrote about and I give back my voice to you today because you wrote about this unbelievable behaviour. You're the only witness who is mentioning the circle-jerk and self voting–scam. Even if you don't mention it directly in your witness update, now I know what you are standing for.

I still hope all of the Minnows will devote these lazy, fat–STEEM–overstuffed witnesses too.

I like what you say @felixxx. It is still not clear to me whether witnesses have influence on the future of Steemit, do they have gatherings or vote sessions? If yes, i think we should get kind of viewpoint of every witness on how they look upon future implementations etc...

If there are any witness gatherings or sessions, I haven't yet been invited.
( I'm not saying they are lazy )
To keep up with every single witness, I recommend you read their posts in #witness-category and #witness-update.

Thank you for posting @felixxx.

Appreciate your role as a witness for Steemit.

Yes.....if witnesses would discuss where they stand on all kinds of issues including hardforks...it would assist in knowing who to vote for. It would be sad if Steemians were voting on the basis of someone's popularity rather than on knowledge of their thoughts regarding the future of Steemit and the experience of the individual Steemit user.

All the best. Cheers.

Thank you for your support. I appreciate it.

It's every shareholders responsibility to look up for themselves, what their witnesses are up to.
There sure are some hardworking candidates and I'd recommend you browse their posts in #witness-category and #witness-update.

Das was @pawos gesagt hat, wobei ich es cool fände, wenn du mehr posten würdest. Man kriegt als kleines Fischchen oft gar nicht mit was alles so für aktuelle Sachen laufen in den tiefen des Steemmeeres.

Ich hab dich u.a. gewählt weil man mit dir vernünftig reden kann, wäre aber schön, wenn du nicht nur im Steemit.Chat quatschen würdest, da bin ich seltenst.

Ehrlich gesagt, gab es nicht viel zu berichten aus den Tiefen des Steemmeeres.
Ich selber habe nicht viel gemacht in letzter Zeit, ausser täglich ein paar Artikel rauszusuchen, die ich kräftig unterstützte.

Leider gibt es keine richtige Diskussion zu den anstehenden Änderungen.
Diese betreffen (wie auch vorher) hauptsächlich Probleme mit der Accounterstellung und den Kosten die dadurch für Steemit Inc. entstehen.

Ok, das Thema mag zwar wichtig sein, hört sich aber tatsächlich etwas unspektakulär an... Ist eigentlich schon eine HF20 angekündigt?

Btw ich wollte dir die 25SBD für die Flyer zurückzahlen. Vielen Dank für die Unterstützung, aber ich will Steemit im aktuellen Zustand nicht propagieren. Passen 18SBD + 7 Steem? Hättest durch den 1,25$ Wert von Steem dann auch eine kleine Zinszahlung von 1,75$.

Ja, HF 20 ist angekündigt und beschäftigt sich hauptsächlich damit, mining wieder einzuführen - und zwar für neue accounts. ( d.h. man soll zwar kein steem, aber neue accounts 'minen' können )

Mehr weiß ich darüber auch nicht und es gefällt mir im Prinzip wenig.

Passt ... Schick mir zurück, was Du kannst ... Schade das nichts daraus geworden ist - fand die Idee prima.

mhhhh... Ich hab vor kurzem erst einen Account für jemand anderen erstellt, wäre vielleicht besser wenn man Leute einladen kann und neue Leute sich nicht über die Handy Nummer registrieren müssen. Wie soll das ganze denn funktionieren?

Habe eigentlich erwartet, dass du dich mehr über die Sache mit den Flyern aufregst. Jetzt habe ich ein schlechtes Gewissen... Naja, vielleicht bin ich ja bald wieder optimistischer, aber bis dahin will ich nicht auf geborgter Kohle sitzen.

Wie soll das ganze denn funktionieren?

Jede Runde werden neue Accounts vergeben, und wer am meisten Hashing Power hat, hat am meisten Chancen.
Mining halt ...

Mit jesta's vessel kannst Du glaub ich easy einen Account für jemand anderen erstellen.

Meh, hört sich ja dann schon wieder nicht so toll. Aus meiner Aldi-Tüte kriegt man wohl kaum die Hashpower, die man braucht um zu gewinnen. Hab aber sowieso 0 Peilung wenn es um mining geht ^^*. Hatte mir nur mal den NiceHash Miner gesaugt, aber die 50 cent am Tag haben glaube ich nicht die Betriebskosten gedeckt.

Ich benutz ne app von @msg768 , geht super easy und kostet 8 Steem (2 Steem für @msg768 und 6 Steem als Power für den neuen Account)

Thanks for update
I really appreciate your as a witness for Steemit.
Thanks for sharing

Hello @felixxx

We at @adsactly find your post meaningful and meaning is what any community needs to develop itself and prosper.

We have also been monitoring your witness activity for some time and appreciate everything you are doing for the Steemit community in general.

Please accept this small token of our gratitude and be welcomed to our ranks here: ADSactly

Your post was upvoted by Keyholder North, rewarding you with 7.6$
Keep up your awesome work!

Well, thanks !

thank you for sharing my friends and I have followed you @felixxx

@felixxx thank you visit
LEt me follow you, thank you !!

Danke für die Ehrlichkeit! Man bekommt ja sonst gar nicht mit was da so alles abgeht. Danke auch für deine Upvotes , neben dir hat mich auch pharesim mit upvotes unterstützt... keine Ahnung ob das irgendwie zusammenhängt...und wie ihr auf meinen Content gestoßen seid, aber ich freu mich natürlich jedes mal, danke!

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