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RE: ⏺Are you suffering from this disease too?

in #welovesteemit7 years ago

Oh my, I definitely suffer from 'Shiny Object Syndrome'!! Also, like you, I have foundations in many different things. I read somewhere that focusing on one thing at a time and devoting 10,000 hours (if I remember correctly) to it will reap success. But, "success" is subjective and it's not always a monetary gain. I'm the kind of person that needs to continue learning/growing. I get bored easy - maybe that's why I've moved from one thing to another before reaching 'success'. OR, I didn't clearly define my goal(s) for that project. . . . Maybe gaining the foundation was all I really wanted in the first place. I have to believe that my collective foundations have somehow influenced reaching my happy life now. Thanks for sharing your thoughts, @enazwahsbarb, this was an insightful post!


It makes me so happy reading comments such as these.

Yes, it is said to be a common number that it takes around 10,000 hours to become an expert in any field. I very well believe that stands true.

I am exactly the same when it comes to getting bored! LOL! That is my biggest downfall. The fact that I get way to bored, way to quickly. Good observation. I would actually say it is maybe a bit of both. Because of the fact that we need to keep on trying new things, but also the fact that goals are not clear enough.

I imagine creating goals with the idea of using a candle. If you light up a candle in a dark room, most people will assume that there is not enough light being produced by the candle. However, that is in fact incorrect. See, if you take the identical amount of light being produced, and you use a flash light, and point it at something in the same room, you will clearly be able to see whatever is in that spot.

The only difference being focus. The candle has small bits of energy shooting everywhere, never really impacting anything, where as the flash light is using the same amount of energy, but pointing it in a single confined spot :)

You will notice with any adjustable flash light that the bigger you zoom it out, the weaker the light.. Vice-versa for when you make the light zoomed in more, it is a lot brighter :)

I think this has actually inspired me for my next post.. I think I will us this :P

Awesome stuff. Thanks for your input!

Oooo! Cool analogy with the candle and flashlight. One thing I can add to our little conversation is a problem (or, is it??) of being WAY too interested in so many things. The world is so incredibly diverse and I'm curious by nature . . . . learning is like breathing to me. Prioritizing sucks

Totally agreed. I am exactly the same! Seems like you and I have the same thought patterns :P

I made my latest post about that very analogy I explained in your comment :)

OOoo!!! I am DEFINITELY reading both of those today. Awesome-ness, @enazwahsdarb :)

Sounds too good to be true! Have a great day!

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