Hurting for RCs? We can help! FIVE 50 SP delegations to share!

in #welcomewagon6 years ago (edited)

Give a penny, Take a penny!

Have you ever seen those community containers? Perhaps, you're paying for a candy bar at the gas station, and you're a few pennies short? I love seeing those little trays with extra change! if you have some extra to give, you're encouraged to drop some in the tray. If you're in need of extra coins, you're encouraged to take without guilt!

Lately, we've had a few newbies feeling the pinch on their commenting/posting activity as they closely monitor their Resource Credits. Steemit is ALL about the genuine engagement, so we definitely didn't want the newest members on our platform to be restricted, as they seek to build their accounts. The Steemit community has come out in all forms to help. It has been extremely encouraging during this time to see how many people on the platform care about the newbies!

The very heart of Welcome Wagon is to help newbies, which help the community, which helps the platform! I determined last week that we would bring our kids up to a respectable amount and waited for a delegation to be returned to my @dreemsteem account. I received it back last night, and got started!

Any parent will tell you, before you help the community, you make sure to effectively tend to your family. As @bluefinstudios is often heard saying : Family first! This morning, we took care of our newbies and now we want to reach out the the community!

Five 50 SP delegations to share!

How can you apply for one? Reach out to us and tell us! Write a post explaining how that 50 SP will help you with your current commenting/posting needs! Show that you'll be using the delegation to continue to build your account- and I will be thrilled to "Stand in the Gap" for you! I believe I have enough for five (possibly a bit more)- so act quickly! Leave a comment on this post with your link.

The initial delegation will last for a month. How long it stays in your account depends on you! After the first month, I'll review your commenting/posting activity. If I see you're trying hard to network and interact, (in my humble opinion) you'll get to keep it for another week! Each week, I'll review and extend the delegation as each delegatee provides evidence of their diligence via their account activity.

When you have either 1. built up your account to the point where you can "swim on your own", or 2. show that you are no longer using it, I will take the delegation and pass it to another newbie in need!

This week we will begin shadowing newer accounts again, and reviewing applications for the 50 SP delegations. The following week we will return to inviting newbies into our training course.

Amazing banner created by @liberty-minded

Wagon Wheels and Welcome Wagon logo designed by the amazing @penderis


This gif created by the wonderfully artistic @liberty-minded

Image taken from Pixabay

This is a superb contest and an excellent idea, however -

I'm not so into making posts about why I qualify for whatever - if I'm spamming my followers with quality-free posts, I try to make sure they're at the very least my quality-free posts. Also, I don't think I have enough RCs to make a post tonight ;)

I could, however, definitely use the boost to support my predilection and addiction to(ward) steemit interaction. (see above sentence)

You can stalk my account to see what I mean, though I dropped off a bit or a little while after the fork.

Please ignore all the random low-quality mainstreamish stuff I posted when I was drunk (Not actually)

whoa! your RCs are down to 29.21%! You have been keeping active - even with your limited RCs!!!! Thats the kind of engagement that should be rewarded! If you win, we hope that our delegation will help you grow your account :)

I love the things @welcomewagon is doing to help new users find their feet on the blockchain and make friends along the way. Thank you for all you do!

Thank you @katrina-ariel!!!! We love what we do!!! :)

@doomsdaychassis this might be able to help with your @orphansofdoom project.

We will award tomorrow - if you want to send them over quickly - they can still apply FAST :)

Very cool idea! I have many stories and poems that I hope to share on Steemit, but simply haven't had the time this week due to my crazy work schedule and family needs.

I made a plan to post this weekend, however, and I made sure that I stuck to it! I spent some time earlier tonight figuring out how to format and add sources to my content, mostly so that I can credit pictures to others when necessary; the writing is all mine. This is what I ended up with.

I am really looking forward to spending more time on the platform, though I am currently still on the learning curve. Thank you for supporting the little guys!

Thanks so much!!! We can't wait to see you posting more on the blockchain :) In order to grow - you should be posting 3-4 times a week, and commenting as much as your RCs will allow. If you win the delegation, I hope it will help you do just that! :)

I only just found this post. I'm happy to see that some pelple seem to care. I've just searched the entire site for posts in which delegations were offered to small accounts, and there are only a few. I don't understand how nobody seems to care...

So thanks for doing this. I'm a bit late to the party, but still resteemed :0)

This platform is affected by everyone - right?? :) Grateful to people like you too @simplymike! (just met you recently - i'm @dreemsteem, if you remember our welcome wagon peeps left lots of comments on your page for a contest a few weeks ago hahahahaha)

I hope that people come - because I will announce the winners tomorrow! :) (so send them over quickly if you can hehehehe)

Here are some candidates.
I pushed most of 50sp already to give them some breathing space


Thank you so much for your help🌹🌹🌹
Frankly speaking, I'm so touched to see people (who don't know me) willing to help. Thanks to such people I am able to be more active than I used to be after the changes.

You know, I like this platform. 😊 The reason I like it even more is people who create such contests, who propose some support and care about others.

Posted using Partiko Android

That's a big reason why we like it too @tata-natana :) will be checking out your blog today!

I can only agree with @welcomewagon, @tata-natana.
Although I must admit that I'm quite disappointed by the number of users that offer support this time.
A couple of months ago they would have been lining up to support the red fish, but there is so much negativity towards the platform these days...

Hey, @welcomewagon.

Well done and well said. Very commendable of you to offer these delegations and I certainly hope that they have been secured and are being put to good use.

They aren't secured yet!!! if you know of anyone who would like to apply - please send them over here right away! I'd like to award them tomorrow :)

Ah, well, okay. I'm afraid I'm not that in the know who the newbies might be, but I just did a last second resteem of the post, in hopes those who haven't seen it of those who follow me may see it and send either apply themselves or send someone your way. We'll see if anything more comes of it.

Yes! and if not now - perhaps later! :)

thanks for the resteem and the help @glenalbrethsen!!! I so appreciate it! @dreemsteem :)

You guys are the best! Thank you for all you do!

we are happy to try to help as much as we can! if the newbies hurt - we all hurt!

I just realized that my friend @roxy-cat is not able to do all the things she would like to do here because she needs more RCs. Can you help?

Hi there! I'd love to take a look at her application (really just letting me get to know her and hear that she'd like the help! hehehe)- please have her come by and apply on this post! :) I'll announce the winners tomorrow! Thanks for looking out for the newbies @melinda010100!!!

I'll send her your way! She is not exactly new, but she has been one of the top commenters on the eSteem leaderboard in the past and she no longer has enough RC to reply to the comments on her own posts.

Hi @welcomewagon,

I joined Steemit back in March and since then I've met many great people. I love to share my photos with the community and to engage with the people. I'm happy to say that more than half of the people I follow are my friends.
I was never looking for fame and money, just a decent place where I could safely share my posts and meet people with the same hobbies as myself.
Unfortunately, the HF20 hit me hard. I don't have enough RCs so I must choose whether to post or comment. I had to give up joining some lovely challenges or replying to some really great people.
I think this is the first time I regret not using bots for increasing my stats. 🙂
So, if you could help me a little, this would be more than appreciated and it will surely boost my morale. 🙂
Thank you

You have accomplished a lot since March, my friend! I didn't that you had been here such a short time!

Thank you, Melinda. It has been a 212 days journey and loved everything about it. I met wonderful people, learned so many things and, ultimately, I feel like being part of a big family.
I'm looking forward to Christmas. It will be my first winter on Steemit and I'm curious what happens here during the holiday season. 🙂

Last year Good-Karma did an Advent contest and gave away steam power every day for a month. it was quite incredible! big amounts! I should start saving up so that I can do a special Shadowy Christmas contest!

This would be great, my dear Melinda. The new RC system hit very bad the small accounts. One of my friends, who is a great photographer and artist, is not able to share her work anymore. Just one post per day. I advised herbto power up and I'm upvoting and resteeming her posts. Hopefully she will get more exposure and will grow.
Good-Karma is a great guy. He gives so much to the community. Thank you for sharing the info related to this app. I told myself "if Melinda uses it, it must be good". 🙂
What can I say? Things will get better I hope otherwise many will leave the platform. I will stay here as long as it will exist though. I've met great people and I will not ditch them. 🙂

There will be an explosion of interest when the price goes up... And it will. Which friend of yours is struggling? I'll try to help.

Interesting! In my case, I ran out of RCs after about a week of normal activity, so basically at my current level I have to go mute every other week.
My interests are in math, literature, blockchain and lego :)

Checking out your blog now :)

Way to go WW Family for spreading love love love to our newbies and fellow other red fishes who need a little push!! ❤❤❤

I am sooooo proud of this family who never runs out of Love and RC to share!!!!

Come on guys! Grab on to this chance of a lifetime..


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hehehhe we are super proud of you too - but you know that already!!! :) looks like we will be awarding tomorrow! fingers crossed for who will get it! :)

Oh it is that time already!! I cant wait to see all the winners.. fingers crossed too including my toes! 🤣😂

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yep - they were announced :) hope we made some people happy! hehehe

Who wouldnt be happy.. im sure they will be ecstatic!! Any help is a great help.. 😉😊

Posted using Partiko Android

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