Hope the Cops Don't Find this Ounce of Weed in My Pocket | Inspired by @BrianPhobos Police Encounter

in #weed6 years ago

I Hope the Cops Don't Find this Ounce of Weed in My Pocket

I just got done reading a post from @brianphobos about how he got pulled over the other night driving to Taco Bell... note to self, start drinking crazy tumeric drinks and eating late night Taco Bell, that must be his magic recipe for those spring legs he has and all the dunking he does.

Brian's story got me thinking about some funny police encounters I had, one particular one comes to mind that happenned back in college. I shared it in a long comment on his post, but figured I'd make a post about it, some of you guys may find it amusing.

My Story

So years ago I was in college, I was a Freshman at the time. It was just after the school year had started. Near me colleges tend to go back to school in mid August so it was still pretty hot out.

One night I went over to hang out with some new friends I had met in the dorm across from mine. The way my college was setup was there was about 4-5 dorms that all were around this quad or courtyard area. My friends dorm was just about 50 or 60 yards directly across the quad from mine.

Anyhow, went over there, a group of us were hanging out watching Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas on a projector and smoking some pot. This is years ago so having a projector was kind of a huge novelty, back then they were thousands of Dollars, not something you could pickup on Ali Express for $50.

Later on during the evening we began hearing loud pops. Apparently some idiots on his floor were making draino bombs and throwing them down the garbage shoot. Knowing that eventually an RA or the cops would probably show up I decided it was late and it was probably a good idea to call it a night and walk back home to my dorm.

I said goodbye to my friends and made my way across the quad, again it was a short walk home literally 50 yards across this grassy knoll. At this point it's probably like 2am in the morning. For whatever reason I'm like I'll have a smoke outside before I go up. I'm sitting there about halfway through my smoke just relaxing and thinking, stoned out of my mind I might add and all the sudden I see a cop on a bike pull up and another cop car pull up with his cherries on. I'm just kind of watching this all happen. All the sudden I hear one cop on the radio say "I have the subject on the North end of Taylor Hall".

I'm sitting here thinking I'm about to watch some shit go down. I look around for the subject and all the suddenI realize I'm the only one outside. Before I know it I'm surrounded by 3-4 cops asking me what I was doing, where had I been, etc, etc, etc.

It's about this time I realize I have about an ounce of weed in my pocket. Like I said, it's still summertime so I'm wearing a tee shirt and probably a pair of basketball shorts or plaid shorts, I"m sure this weed is completely bulging out of the side of my pocket and I'm sure it stinks in the humid thick summer air.

It didn't take long for them to figure out I wasn't the one dropping the draino bombs, but all the sudden their attention turned to me and they thought I was drunk. They start asking me why my eyes are red and glassy. I tell them I hadn't been drinking, it's late, I'm tired and I just wanna go upstairs and go to bed.

Now the cops at my school were sometimes pretty strict on underage drinking if they had nothing better to do so they call another squad car to bring over a breathalyzer. They get the machine setup, put the plastic cap on it and tell me blow hard, don't play any games...that's what she said. I blow into the breathalyzer, a couple seconds passes and the digital readout reads 0.00.

The cops are besides themselves, they can't believe it. One cop tells me your definitely drunk, we're gonna have to you blow again. They get a new cap out, setup the machine again and have me blow a second time. I blow, couple seconds goes by, reading comes up again 0.00. Completely at a loss they get another machine, put a cap on it and have me blow a third time. Again, it comes up 0.00.

At this point they give up. They take my name, dorm number, etc and tell me if anything comes up about these draino bombs later they know who I am, blah blah blah. They walk away and leave me sitting on a picnick table outside the front of my dorm completely relieved. Not once did anyone smell the stinky pot in my side pocket of my shorts. Not once did it occur to anyone I was stoned and not drunk. That was a close call.

Anyhow, when I saw @brainphobos story it reminded me of that story. Looking back it's pretty funny. College was some fun times.


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Hey @reseller thank you so much for the shoutout, I truly appreciate it. It's funny I was just checking the hot and trending pages to see if this post had made it there and it was a little disheartening to see all the upvotes this post got and then to see much of the hot page had less upvotes but was still trending so this was a nice little pick me up and some recognition that came at a much needed time so thank you, I really do appreciate it.

Your account on here has grown so much and you've become kind of a cornerstone and an influencer for lack of a better word of both Steemit and Dtube and Youtube, that was really cool of you to give me a nod for the interviews and stuff, you've always done such a good job on everything and conducted yourself so well I honestly didn't even realize at the time that your account didn't have that many followers at the time.

You're definitely an inspiration to me both on here and Youtube so those kind words comming from you are especially powerful, it means alot so thank you for that.

Sweet mercy that sounds stressful.... been in a few similar situations. Sometimes cops lack imagination amd fail to consider other possibilities. In this case it worked in your favor... in other cases it can lead to a miserable experience.

Nice story it's a wonder they didn't smell it. Reminds me of a time when I was 18 I went into the KFC drive through and next minute like 4 police cars came racing in. I was wondering what was going on and then they came up to my car and told me to get out of the car or something along those lines. After they checked my id and asked me a few questions they realized they had the wrong person.

Yeah that would be scary.

I don't know why but for some reason it struck me as odd when you said you have KFC. I suppose I shouldn't be surprised fast food is really everywhere these days but it kind of got me curious about where you live in New Zealnds , as in do you guys have all the same restaurants? Same stuff in the grocery store? etc, etc, etc?

I'd love to see a post basically comparing New Zealand to the states in terms of food, businesses, etc. I'm not super well traveled so I find that kind of stuff fascinating.

This is probably a stupid question but they don't have outback steakhouse in NZ or Australia do they? I think that would be hilarious someone who's actually from australia going down to the local outback steakhouse. Let me get a fosters and a ribeye mate lol

haha I just googled it, apparently they do have outback steakhouse in Australia

I live in Palmerston North which is located in the lower north island about 2 hours drive from the capital city Wellington which is right at the bottom of the north island. I don't think we have outback steakhouse here but we do have KFC, burger king, Mc Donalds etc. I remember you mentioning a place called Dunkin Donuts in one of your videos and was quite surprised that they have seem stores here up north in Auckland

Hehehehhe awesome story ..

Mehn, I can't help but laugh, guess the cops just wanted to nail you for something that why they asked you to blow thrice and after then, they thought you might be totally clean.
Assuming they found the weed, they would have believed that you have been up to something dangerous thats why your eyes were red.
Good you escaped that one

There are many crazy things that usually happen in our youth and even more in college, but it is the funniest time of life, @rulesforrebels.


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