Got Pulled Over (My Thoughts)

in #police6 years ago

I literally had to do like 4 iterations of my EOS testnet video and why it was rendering I decided to go to Taco Bell before they closed at 2am. I basically had no food left here and my ribs were showing and my cheeks were all sucked in. I pulled out of my street and as expected there were no cars on the road. Taco Bell is just a mile up the road basically but I passed like 4 other residential streets on the way and then suddenly a cop was on my ass with his lights on. I knew I wasn't speeding and I was thinking, "What in the actual fuck?"

I pulled into the parking lot and waited for him to come to the window. He said the traditional, license, registration, and proof of insurance. Then he was told me the reason I was getting pulled over was because I didn't come to a complete stop out of the residential street but he didn't know what street it was. I knew that was bullshit because I actually did stop.

Abuse of Power?

As he was back at his squad car I was thinking to myself how ridiculous the whole situation is and figured that he was probably just trying to justify his existence by pulling someone over and then logging that to show his superiors that he isn't just playing on his phone all night.

He came back and gave me my documentation back and said that I need to just make sure I stop completely at the intersections but he isn't going to write a ticket or anything because he isn't looking for traffic violations and that he is looking for criminals.

He told me to have a good night and that was it but in the end I just think that kind of thing is a slippery slope. The Taco Bell worker told me I was the 6th person she saw get pulled over in the last 2 hours. I mean come on that is egregious especially when hardly anyone is on the road.

What Is Actually Happening

They are just making reasons up to pull people over to get them on something else. For instance if he smelled some Seattle Super Sonic Kronic in the air, or if I had a warrant out of my arrest, or if I had a suspended license......etc.

They shouldn't be doing that though. In college one of the things that cops would do is if they saw a big party they would say "I heard a girl scream" and be able to enter the house without a search warrant. They could basically just come up with anything.

Granted the cops here aren't as bad as the Mexican Federales but still a lot of them abuse their powers. Personally it is a dangerous job and they have to always be on guard but there was still no reason to just be pulling everyone over dig around for a problem.

This situation was way more insane but this cop told this guy to throw hands and started a fist fight with him. Hahahhahaha

Also for additional reference you can watch Cartman on patrol!

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Yeah I notice this happens alot. I think they figure most people out at 2am are fucked up so if they pull someone over they can pretty quickly assess oh this guy is fine or this guy is hammered. If your fine oh I'm gonna cut you a break, even if you didn't do shit wrong. If your fucked up all the sudden I smell alcohol or oh your eyes look red.

My girlfriend used to work third shift so she used to drive to work anywhere between midnight and 2am. Without fail at least once a week she would get pulled over.

I'll tell you one of my favorite police stories. So back in college we had like 5 dorms all around each other with kind of a quad or courtyard in the middle.

One night I'm at the dorm across the quad from my dorm hanging out with some people watching movies in a projector, this is back when that was a pretty big novelty. We were smoking weed and watching fear and loathing. As the night wound on someone on the same floor as we were on started throwing those draino bombs down the trash shoot being an idiot.

The night was already winding down so I'm like fuckit I'm gonna walk home before RA's or the police start comming for these idiots downthe hall and give us trouble, even though we were not any part of that nonsense obviously weedsmoke comming out of rooms is pretty easy to smell.

So its a short walk maybe 50 yards across the quad to my dorm so I walk over. Now keep in mind I have about an ounce of weed in my pocket, its late summer early fall so I got on a tee shirt and a pair of shorts. I get back to my dorm and for whatever reason I'm like I'm gonna hangout and smoke a cigarette before I go in, I should have just gone inside.

So all the sudden a bike cop pulls up and another cop in a car. I hear them on the radio we have the suspect on the south side of Taylor hall, exactly where I am. I start looking around. Fuck they're talking about me lol.

These cops come up to me, start giving me the 5th degree about where I'm comming from, what I'm doing, etc, etc, etc. I'm like I just walked back from a friends dorm, I'm just about to go up and go to bed.

They soon realize I had no part in the draino bomb things but now start to say my eyes look red, have I been drinking. No officer I havn't had a drop to drink tonight, I was stoned out of my mind but hadn't drunk anything. All the sudden it occurs to me I got an ounce of bud in my pocket so I'm getting nervous, if they search I'm screwed.

They call for another car and insist on giving me a breathalizer, another cop pulls up, they give me a breathalyze, I blow 0.00. They are in shock and don't believe it so they give me another, again 0.00. One last time they give me a third one thinking the machine must be acting up, blow 0.00 again.

Finally they take down my info, tell me if anything comes of the draino bomb stuff later they know who I am, they tell me to go inside and go to bed.

I was completely shocked that on a college campus nobody thought this kids high as fuck, it was all about alcohol and underage drinking they were concerned with.

Its funny how some memories really stick out in your head, I can remember everything about that night, the feeling in the air, etc, etc, etc. Fun times, I miss college.

Man that is crazy. You know what is funny is that since I grew up in rural Indiana the narrative that was told was that pot was pretty much as bad as all the other drugs. I guess I knew that meth was worse but the way the laws were there they acted like it was the same. I would have been so freaked out.

College was fun for sure. Living in Tucson I kind of was able to still experience a part of the college scene with U of Arizona being here but it was never 100% going to be the same as when I was in college...... the good and the bad. The bad being the times when I had to be in the Library all weekend or in a computer lab all night. Sometimes I still fill like that I guess. Like last night I was trying to really get the latest EOS video out and that was pretty technical to wrap my head around and figure out even where I'm at right now. Sometimes I question why I work so hard on trying to figure certain things out but I feel like our brains are like our bodies. You have to use it or lose it and sometimes things have to be hard to really achieve our best form.

That's interesting what you said regarding your perception about pot as a kid or at least how adults and authority figures explained it. I remember sitting in DARE class and your right, they basically acted like pot was as bad as heroin.

I believe the DARE program was recently discontinued or had federal funding pulled. If I recall correctly I believe the program had either 0 impact on stopping kids from using drugs and it may have even caused an increase in drug use among kids.

The really bad message from DARE however was exactly what you said about not differentiating between drugs. When you say pot is as bad as heroin, and then one day a kid tries pot and realizes wow I didn't die, I'm not hooked, this wasn't that intense, I guess heroin must be similar b/c that's what the DARE officer told me. Then you get a kid experimenting with heroin because they think its not that bad when in reality its WAY worse.

I think its better to be honest with kids like look kid, weed can't kill you, and honestly its really not that horrible, but your brain is growing and its not good for you, it does make some people lazy and unmotivated so your better off not doing it. I think that's a better message than lying and villifying it.

I think there was a good south park episode on that topic where the parents hired actors to come and act like they were the burnout kids from the future, then at the end the parents basically were honest and said look its really not that bad but it will make you lazy and unmotivated.

yeah I think that is a better way to describe it to kids for sure. There were like 3 pot heads at my school and I'm sure it was a combination of things but they sort of were a good example of what I didn't want to be. Hahhaha

The South Park episode sounds pretty funny. I used to watch every episode but I sort of fell off on keeping up on it in the last few years.

Despite this being on South Park, I think it's actually a pretty rational way to explain things to kids


I got pulled over last night too.

I was driving around downtown Phoenix, which is a confusing cluster-fuck of one ways, and I needed to go down Jefferson St, because I was trying to time how long it would take me to get from my house to Hard Rock Cafe, as I have a concert there tonight, but a very small time frame to get there...and rush hour traffic will be a bitch, so I wanted at least a small idea of what my time looked like. Well, there was a no left turn sign to turn on to the street I needed. But, it was also the only way to get to the place I needed to go, and I didn't know how else to get there, so being that it was like 10 at night, and no one was around (or at least I thought), I made the turn and lights came on immediately behind me and I was pulled over.

He didn't even ask to see anything, he just got out and ran up to the car and was like "is driving around here just so confusing that you didn't see the DOUBLE NO TURN SIGNS?"

I told him what I was trying to do and that I didn't know how else to get there, and he was like "well why don't you try using Google Maps next time."

I had Google Maps up on my phone and showed him, and explained that's why I didn't know what else to do.

He responded "Well breaking the law isn't the answer. I'm going to let you go, but it will be a double fine if you do it again."

What. A. Twat. Face.

Ya know it BURNS me that in Phoenix, where they are so desperate for good police officers that they are running constant campaigns, that the ones they do have are parked and waiting to harass people over a traffic sign. Give me a break!

I have come to the conclusion that there are two types of cops: the helpers and the hunters.

I never wanted to be a cop for the glory, or to kill people. I always wanted to help people. Help women get out of domestic violence situations, help drug addicts get their lives back, help people feel safe. I just assumed everyone was like that, but golly did I get a kick in the teeth the first time I went to train for Scottsdale police. Those dudes were dicks for the most part...just high on the power they were about to get. I could care less about the power. It's so frustrating.

Anywho, I never went through with it because of physical problems with my MS. I still want to, because I think the police force needs more people like me. It's weird that you posted this today!

Some cops are good...I know quite a few! Why do we always have to have run-ins with the crappy ones?

That is crazy!!! They are on the prowl for sure and a lot of times just make up stuff to pull people over. They are always trying to do a "Fund Raiser"

I would like to think that most cops go in to help people but sometimes I don't really know. I personally wouldn't want to work the job because it would be tough to see people hurt in auto accidents and stuff like that and you would have to deal with a lot of child abuse related stuff I feel like.

I really think it would change a person. I'm not saying you shouldn't try to do it if you really want to and I get that feeling of wanting to make a difference or to experience it since you have always wanted to do that. I had sex with a cop once but she was assigned to a local high school so she wasn't out on patrol everyday and she was cool. Other than that there was the cop that helped me unlock my car in Texas and he said a lot of departments won't do it anymore because the door / window can get damaged but his department still does it because that is what cops are supposed to do..... help people so I thought that was pretty cool.

I am almost terrified to drive now.
We are really one step away from people being sent to the archipelago Gulag.
I have not decided how i will react when that line is crossed.

Because, if i choose certain reactions, than i would feel, today, that i am being a hypocrite, when the po po has already crossed many lines.

I get being upset and triggered about the situation. This time I didn't say too much but there was another time when a cop pulled me over for no reason. Well the reason was I was in Arizona with Indiana plates but that isn't a reason to pull someone over and then when he came to the window I asked why he pulled me over and he gave me attitude and was yelling for my documentation. Then he was saying I didn't look like my drivers license and then he was saying that my license said I have to wear glasses on and I don't have my glasses on. I had my contacts in and he proceeded to look closely at my eyeballs to see if he could see the edge of the contacts. All this over just pulling me over for no reason. Once again I was let go with no written warning.

Yeah that's low down. As they are violating Law in a way because they have to have reasonable suspicion to be able to find any criminal acts going on with Drivers.

Glad it worked out okay for you though, Brian

P.S. The video can't be real ?? that Cop would be put in jail and the City would have to give these people huge settlement, no ???

I feel like the video is real. Yeah the cop probably got kicked off the force and he clearly started it and was shoving that guy first. I mean yeah they shouldn't have been trash talking each other but the cop went up to him and started shoving. LOL Crazy I don't get how some of these cops don't realize they are putting everything on the line doing that.

That's one of the most bizarre things I have seen lately. Looks like a Saturday night live skit lol

Its crazy for sure but there are a lot of crazy videos out there with cops doing crazy things.

I remember getting pulled over and reaching for my wallet a little sudden and the cop with his hand on the holster shined his light in the car and said my cell phone was pretty big. Guess he thought I was reaching for a gun for a second. You never know when things can go wrong in your life over something stupid.

I'm extra worried about that type of situation where they might freak out and just shoot you. It has happened before so I keep my hands up on the steering wheel and try to move slow. By pulling people over for no reason they are putting themselves at further risk because what if I was crazy and had nothing to lose. There is no reason to look for trouble.

Yep we live in a police state here in the US for sure...they can do what they want and get away with it most of the time unless they mess with some hot shot attorney unknowingly.

It always kills me every time I read about some poor sucker that gets pulled over and arrested for possession of MJ when there's a heroin epidemic (and meth in the area I live in) underway. If they're down the street from taco bell late at night pulling people over, you bet your ass they're looking for drivers whose cars smell like weed.

Yeah it is total BS for sure. Sometimes I feel like these cops just dream about slamming someone to the pavement for having a small joint and then a mile away there are people feeding meth to a toddler on the street corner. Then they pride themselves in cleaning up the streets or something by showing how many arrest they got so then they get more funding or something stupid.

A cop helped me unlock my car in Texas a few years ago but for the most part cops have just pulled me over for no reason.

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