Wednesday Walk with Sandy December 11th 2019

in #wednesdaywalk5 years ago (edited)

Ahhh, Mother Nature is being even more fickle than usual. A couple of nights ago, the temperature outside dropped to 7F/-14C but then the past couple of days were around 55F/13C and rainy, so a large majority of the 21 inches of snow (18 from the initial storm last Wednesday, with an additional three a day later) melted away. However, this morning as I headed out for a Wednesday Walk with Sandy, there was a fresh inch or so on the ground! While I was more than a little grumpy about it (this weather is not playing nice with the stuff going on in my body), our dog was very happy with his morning wander.

Speaking of wandering, don't forget to wander on over to @tattoodjay's latest post, called Wednesday Walk make me smile post going festive which has some awesomely festive shots of some of the holiday decorations in NYC (my favorite is the Louis Vuitton store front). Also be sure to check out the latest #WednesdayWalk #MakeMeSmile collab from tag hostess @elizacheng called MakeMeSmile Season 3 WednesdayWalk MakeMeSmile / MakeMeSmile 第三季 之 微笑步行星期三 which has some beautiful (and totally smile worthy!) sunrise photos, as well as some of the surroundings, at Kinabalu Pine Resort in Malaysia.

Now, on to my Wednesday Walk with Sandy December 11th 2019!

Wednesday Walk with Sandy
I was not at all happy to see more white stuff falling out of the sky last night, but I have to admit the trees look pretty frosted in snow
Wednesday Walk with Sandy
All of this was bare yesterday...
Wednesday Walk with Sandy
...but at least the back steps aren't as buried as they were last week!
Wednesday Walk with Sandy
Sandy, needless to say, was very happy to frolic! He loves nosing the snow...
Wednesday Walk with Sandy between staring off into the woods.
Wednesday Walk with Sandy
Smile pretty for the camera, Sandy! Okay, close enough! 😂
Wednesday Walk with Sandy
He really wasn't interested in making me smile - he was too busy snowplowing...
Wednesday Walk with Sandy
...and staring.
Wednesday Walk with Sandy
I can see why he's so interested...

...everything looks so pretty wearing a fresh coat of the evil snow.

Mother Nature seems pretty insistent on decorating for the holidays this year

Proof (kind of) that it's still technically fall!

A couple hours after taking this picture, the sun came out, and now these branches are completely bare again. Suppose I can't complain too much, since it doesn't seem like it's sticking around for long.

Since there weren't any icicles hanging down like last week, I got a shot of our landlord's memorial tree across the way...

...dressed in winter white

Given how much the weather has changed since I started this post, I had to do at least one before and after. Gloomy sky at 10:45am...

...turned into blue sky by 1:30pm!

Since this guy was so popular last time, I thought I'd get another shot of him with his new snow chapeau - more of a cap this time, unlike last week's top hat!

And kudos to this guy for doing such a wonderful job keeping most of the snow away...LOL!

Happy walking & see you next week!



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Haha, it really is a dog's life, isn't it? If anything many of them just get spunkier the worse the weather is! Though I know the ups and downs in the weather messes with quite a few people (from RA to migraines and everything in between). I would say I hope it settles down and picks a season, but we both know that's not likely to happen. Or if it is you're in for a long winter! 😜

Yep, it certainly seems that the higher the snow, the higher his spirits...LOL! And yeah, as soon as I realized how much fun my diagnoses have with the weather, I knew as a New Englander I was doomed... 😝

Sorry, the weather is not playing nice for you but it did make for some beautiful shots on your walk and since I didn't get out for a walk today at least I got to experience yours :)

Thanks for joining Wednesday Walk :)

Thanks so much, @tattoodjay! After all the awesomely festive shots I've enjoyed from your recent walks, I'm happy to return the favor. 😊


As much as we may dislike seeing the snow it sure does make things beautiful and you caught some beautiful scenes!
Sandy makes me smile! So cute with the lump of snow on her nose!
Thanks for sharing natures decorative scenes with us!

Agree - as grumpy as I get with the bad weather, it's hard not to enjoy the beauty of it all. Thanks so much in return for dropping by, @porters! 😊

Snow falls have the advantage to make beautiful landscapes and interesting walk ...and reading your post in my warm room drinking a hot coffee, well, that's really enjoyable ! 😉 😊

Personally I think snow is best enjoyed from a warm location...LOL! Thanks so much in return for stopping by, @barbara-orenya! 😊

What a pleasure to see photography with snow again, sorry I know you live with it, all the problems it presents, it makes everything look magical!

Nothing beats Snowplowing Sandy what gorgeous photo's of someone having fun.

Oh we are dreading the arrival of the sun after approximately 300mm of rain during this last week, simply saying I would swop out any day of the week to frolic in the snow. Not looking forward being steam broiled Traci.

@tipu curate

Ugh, @joanstewart - I hope the sun didn't bake and broil you too much! And yes, the silver lining to the bad weather is the magical way it makes everything look! 😊 🤗

Always a silver lining, after excessively hot day big winds blew it all away almost took everything with it! Today a gorgeous day outside, fresh with clear blue skies and lower temperature Traci.

Dogs got a walk and had so much fun after being indoors for the last week with rains, followed by that extremely hot day we never know what the weather will do next.

Okay, how can you live in a snowy climate and then complain about the snow? (My husband does it too... lol) As long as I can learn how to function in it, I'm good.

Sorry that you're having so many issues right now.
I am going to suggest though, that diet could resolve a lot of your issues - at least in part. I was listening to this doctor on YouTube, lol... He has a lot of interesting things to say.

I'm going to finish going off of grains for myself. I need to show my husband that I can correct my blood pressure with diet - maybe he would be inspired to do it himself.

BTW, my sleep apnea has turned out to be partly allergy related and humidity...
A humidifier plus an evening loratidine has solved it, and that's before losing weight!
(I have a sneaking suspicion that sleep apnea causes obesity rather than the other way around.)

I've had many years of practice in complaining, that's how @viking-ventures...LOL!

I'm sure that diet has a component in what's going on, but with a family of five and a tight budget, I haven't had as much opportunity to explore what works (and what doesn't) yet. However, I've been eating as healthy as possible (and as a result, I'm down about 20lbs), and I'm of the same opinion - I think in many cases sleep apnea is the cause rather than the result.

I hear you on the diet thing. So many people say, "Go organic! It's the only way!"

I'm like, I have to put food on the table for my family - I don't have this option... We're still "very-low income" according to the poverty guidelines, yet we've just lost the rest of our SNAP help. Fortunately, we still qualify for Section 8 and we have an excellent food bank in town that has primarily produce (which is all I really need help with anyway.)
Sometimes, we manage to get some game from local hunters. Can't beat that!

Yep, I hear that - when our kids were young, there was a time we needed some food/housing assistance, and after a short window (two or three months), hubby ended up making $15/month too much so we no longer qualified. It's a tough dance to do, and I'm glad you have such an awesome resource for produce. And yes, we've been lucky enough to be friends with some awesome hunters who like to share. 😊

Oh, something I forgot as I was being sidetracked with snow and health...

I no longer consider the solstice to be the "beginning" of the season. Historically speaking, it's always been considered "mid-winter" (Think of Good King Wenceslaus...) Just like the Scandinavians still celebrate the summer solstice as "mid-summer". Once you forget what they "officially" say and look at the reality of the seasons, it makes a lot more sense.

I think I remember you mentioning this before, and I agree - it does make more sense. It's amazing what a little change in perspective can do for understanding things.

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