Wednesday Walk - A wander through someone's yard last week

in #wednesdaywalk5 years ago (edited)

Before anyone asks, I supposed I should explain my title a bit - yes, I did wander with my camera though someone's yard last week, but I had permission to be there! 😂

The longer story - our eldest has been doing some work as a pet sitter and home caretaker over the past couple of years. One of the few silver linings to hubby being out of work this past month, is that he's been able to help her out by driving over to places with things she's needed, or in this case, to pick up some of her stuff as she got ready to leave. Needless to say, I jumped at the opportunity to ride shotgun, and since I was having a mild tremor day, I couldn't resist snapping a few million shots as I wandered a bit outside while we were there.

Speaking of wandering, don't forget to wander on over to @tattoodjay's latest post, called Wednesday walk challenge Central park and Steem Basic Income Give away, which has some great shots of people walking in Central Park while he was walking in Central Park. 😊

Now, on to my wander through someone's yard last week

  wander through someone's yard last week
I was standing in the driveway next to our car, when I heard a familiar sound. It's hard to tell from the photo, but a Mourning Dove was sitting on the wires across the street
  wander through someone's yard last week
I noticed this guy sitting to the right, and at first thought it was a dove too. However, that bright streak of white didn't look very Mourning Dove-ish, so I angled around a bit and changed the exposure...
  wander through someone's yard last week
...and look at that! Definitely not a dove at all! I'm guessing it's a pigeon, and given it looks like there's an orange band on its leg, it's quite possibly a homing pigeon.
  wander through someone's yard last week
I'm not one hundred percent certain, but I believe these flowers are hydrangeas.
  wander through someone's yard last week
Also not certain, but Google seems to think these flowers are Hollyhocks. And who am I to argue? 😊

EDITED TO ADD: Thanks to a suggestion from @melinda010100, I think these are actually hibiscus.
  wander through someone's yard last week
One thing I do know for certain is that these flowers are bee magnets!
  wander through someone's yard last week
Every bud seemed to have a visitor....
  wander through someone's yard last week
....even if you had to really look to see them!
The bees weren't at all camera shy either!
They were too focused on all the pollen... even BEE concerned about me!
Google also said these were Hollyhocks, but they were about 5 times the size of the ones the bees were going crazy over.
I didn't think to take a comparison shot to show the size difference...
...but I think you can see they're much bigger!
One last shot of one of the monster blooms in the fading light before it was time to head back home.

Thanks for coming along with me on my wander through someone's yard last week! Happy walking & see you next week!

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Speaking of witch which...

I have one billion many homes on the interwebz.
Here are a few...


Beautiful. What I can see of the leaves look like rose of sharon, but the flowers very much look like those of hibiscus, just much smaller. Possibly holly hock - was it a shrub or not-shrub (no coffee no words) A mystery flower!

LOL! I hear you on the "no coffee no words" thing, @owasco!

The smaller flowers were on a big bush - as in, the flowers were at eye level. The big blooms were grouped together so I assume it was a small bush. Our eldest actually shared the shots with the homeowners, and I'm hoping they'll know the names and solve the mystery, although it's been lots of fun guessing. 😊

The tremors didn't stop you from getting some awesome shots, I really love the ones of the bees in the flowers such cool details
thats a lovely walk you got it there

thanks for joining Wednesday Walk :)

Thanks, @tattoodjay! I've found that when my tremors are mild, I can work around them, and taking a bazillion shots increases the odds that I'll get some in focus. I'm hoping to get a few more walks in that neighborhood (although without traipsing through random yards...LOL) before the winter weather sets in. I figure I have at least a week or two... 😂

I hope you can get a few more walks in and stock up on photos before winter sets in I am trying to do the same but have been struggling to get motivation this week but today I hope to get a morning walk in before heading to the office

Some yards just look so inviting to traipse through but sadly some people don’t seem to appreciate it’s a compliment that there yard is so nice people want to walk through it and take photos lol

That's the plan, but so far every day I've thought to do it, something always comes up... silly life, interfering with my hobbies... 😂

Not sure if the weather will be the same down your way, but we're supposed to get a stretch of summer weather again this week. At least, that's the rumor, and while I don't mind the departure of the humidity, I wouldn't mind a bit of warmth...especially as it's still officially summer. 😜 At any rate, I hope you're able to take advantage, and get in some good walks while it's nice.

And I agree! I've taken a few shots of flowers and such from the street before (hiding in my car...LOL), and always hope I won't get yelled at. 😂

Ohh yes between the weather work and life getting in the way sometimes our hobbies have to take the back burner sadly
I would like summer to hang on a little longer, to be honest, I did get in a nice beach walk this morning which was a plus and maybe even tomorrow, with Appointments and telecommuting, then back to the City on Wednesday for work in the office

I have been lucky to not get yelled at yet for taking photos of flowers in gardens, even popping on to the property but i know one day it will happen LOL

Yeah, sad part of being an adult. 😜

I wouldn't mind summer hanging around, as long as it kicked its buddy humidity to the curb. Glad to hear about the beach walk - now that we're between tourist crowds (that wonderful little slice of time between beach fanatic and leaf peepers) I'm hoping to get some beach walking in too. Hubby mentioned last week that we should plan a day soon, so fingers crossed.

And hey, I bet the day that it happens, it will make for a great story/blog post! 😂

Yeah being an adult some days is overrated LOL
Yes the humidity is the worst part for sure, I hope you can get a beach walk in soon I find them so relaxing and refreshing myself and look forward to seeign a post or posts about yours

I think you are right with the hydrangea. I have several in my yard. The 'Hollyhock' is really a hibiscus, I think.

So glad you had an opportunity to take some photos! And I am so glad you were having a good day!

Coolness, @melinda010100 - thanks so much for the hydrangea validation, and for the hibiscus suggestion (and I can't believe I didn't recognize them - I used to work at a place that had a wall covered in gorgeous hibiscus blooms!).

And thanks so much - I'm always happy when I can take advantage of my good days when they come around. Hope you're having a good day too! 😊 🤗

I'm spending the day recovering from a fall yesterday. Just stiff and bruised. But I had to call my daughter to come and help me up off the floor. Damn MS.

Oh no, Melinda! While I'm glad you were able to get your daughter to come over, it still hurts my heart to think of you falling like that. Stupid, stupid disease!

I know it's not much, but with your permission, I'd like to ask members of a FB community I belong to if they could send healing thoughts your way. Regardless, I hope the aches and pains go away quickly.

sending steem hug, red heart.gif

I'll take all the healing energy I can get! Thank you. Hopefully a good night's sleep will help, too.

Done. And sweet dreams!

request for Melinda.jpg

Those are definitely hydrangeas - not the variety I like, I have to admit. Here's a link for you:

And the other flowers are hibiscus - another link for you - they are really easy to grow from a cutting. And, I think yesterday was world bee day?

Those are great photos, @traciyork and happy to hear about beating the beastly tremors!

Thanks so much for the links, @fionasfavourites - they were wicked helpful. And much appreciate your kind words too - I'm one of the lucky ones, in that my tremors ebb and flow. I enjoy the ebbs whenever I can! 😊

What a great walk... wandering moment or two!
The flowers are so beautiful!

Thank you, @goldendawne! It was such a beautiful yard to wander in, and I got a bunch of other photos that I didn't share, since I didn't want to give away the home's location (especially since our eldest will be house sitting there again). However, the home owners are planning to sell in the near future, so I'm saving those shots for a winter wayback Wednesday walk! 😊

Look forward to that! Actually, I wish more folk were as sensitive. You have no idea how many people just stop and stare and then take photos of our house.... Rarely, if ever, a

May I?


Do you mind?

Rant over.

Yeah, I can see how disconcerting that would be - it's one thing to take photos of beautiful flowers in a yard (obviously without actually setting foot on the property) and quite another to snap shots of the house. I mean I get that the outside of your house is technically public, but you have to wonder if those same people would feel just as bold as to take a picture of you in the same way if you were walking down the street...

Also, while I had permission, I still didn't take photos of their house, other than a couple of cool decorations on the porch. Seems a bit intrusive to me, and in this day and age of doxxing, it just doesn't feel safe to do so.

Well, funny you should say that: on one occasion, when The Husband was building the outside shower, peeps stopped and actually took photos of him...and we can be sitting on the stoep.... Anyhow... I have to say that in the day of Google satellite, and in a village where we don't have high walls...

Seems a bit intrusive to me, and in this day and age of doxxing, it just doesn't feel safe to do so.

Exactly. Urgh! let me stop...

Oh, I can't even... people are just....ugh...


Beautiful shots today @tracyyork :) That bee was just posing for you, lol So fun, glad to see you were able to get that camera out and have fun with it.

It was so cool how the bees didn't seem to care that my camera lens was inches from them, @birdsinparadise! And thank you so much - I'm glad you enjoyed them as much as I did in taking them. 😊

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I fell in love with each of these pictures, what beautiful flowers, really wonderful shots!

Aww, that's such a sweet thing to say, @fmbs25! Thank you so much! 😊

Congratulations @traciyork! This post was selected by the Power House Creatives as today's Rally Upvote Post :)

You can find the community announcement on Discord :) and it has also been shared on our FB Page and Twitter feed.


Girl do you always Carry your camera? I love the dove

LOL! Actually, most times that I head out the door, I have my Nikon in hand, just in case. Hubby had to have an MRI on his shoulder last week, and I walked into the waiting room with him, carrying my phone and camera - the receptionist gave me a bit of a look, but I just smiled... 😂 And thanks, @brittandjosie!

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