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RE: Wednesday Walk - A wander through someone's yard last week

in #wednesdaywalk5 years ago

The tremors didn't stop you from getting some awesome shots, I really love the ones of the bees in the flowers such cool details
thats a lovely walk you got it there

thanks for joining Wednesday Walk :)


Thanks, @tattoodjay! I've found that when my tremors are mild, I can work around them, and taking a bazillion shots increases the odds that I'll get some in focus. I'm hoping to get a few more walks in that neighborhood (although without traipsing through random yards...LOL) before the winter weather sets in. I figure I have at least a week or two... 😂

I hope you can get a few more walks in and stock up on photos before winter sets in I am trying to do the same but have been struggling to get motivation this week but today I hope to get a morning walk in before heading to the office

Some yards just look so inviting to traipse through but sadly some people don’t seem to appreciate it’s a compliment that there yard is so nice people want to walk through it and take photos lol

That's the plan, but so far every day I've thought to do it, something always comes up... silly life, interfering with my hobbies... 😂

Not sure if the weather will be the same down your way, but we're supposed to get a stretch of summer weather again this week. At least, that's the rumor, and while I don't mind the departure of the humidity, I wouldn't mind a bit of warmth...especially as it's still officially summer. 😜 At any rate, I hope you're able to take advantage, and get in some good walks while it's nice.

And I agree! I've taken a few shots of flowers and such from the street before (hiding in my car...LOL), and always hope I won't get yelled at. 😂

Ohh yes between the weather work and life getting in the way sometimes our hobbies have to take the back burner sadly
I would like summer to hang on a little longer, to be honest, I did get in a nice beach walk this morning which was a plus and maybe even tomorrow, with Appointments and telecommuting, then back to the City on Wednesday for work in the office

I have been lucky to not get yelled at yet for taking photos of flowers in gardens, even popping on to the property but i know one day it will happen LOL

Yeah, sad part of being an adult. 😜

I wouldn't mind summer hanging around, as long as it kicked its buddy humidity to the curb. Glad to hear about the beach walk - now that we're between tourist crowds (that wonderful little slice of time between beach fanatic and leaf peepers) I'm hoping to get some beach walking in too. Hubby mentioned last week that we should plan a day soon, so fingers crossed.

And hey, I bet the day that it happens, it will make for a great story/blog post! 😂

Yeah being an adult some days is overrated LOL
Yes the humidity is the worst part for sure, I hope you can get a beach walk in soon I find them so relaxing and refreshing myself and look forward to seeign a post or posts about yours

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