Can you spot the Florida wonders? Come take a walk with me on my Wednesday Walk

in #wednesdaywalk6 years ago

They move quickly, slowly, delicately and often quietly; the wildlife and various creatures of Florida.


Taken with Sony a6000 & Carl Zeiss Sonnar 2,8/90 lens - ORIGINAL SIZE

Check this one out! Isn't it so cool? I wish I could've gotten even closer to this little guy, but this will have to do. I got a couple of other cool shots as well. Take a look below for some additional little slug fun.


Taken with Sony a6000 & Carl Zeiss Sonnar 2,8/90 lens - ORIGINAL SIZE


Taken with Sony a6000 & Carl Zeiss Sonnar 2,8/90 lens - ORIGINAL SIZE

This slug had a good time. It initially was on the ground and my little one got it to walk onto that green thing you see in the shot (It is for throwing a ball for my dog) and then put it onto the table. The slug seemed quite curious and ultimately she got it back onto the green thing again (prompted from me) and she put it delicately on the grass (which is obviously the last picture).

Congratulations, you have just watched the journey (caused by a child) of a slug from my yard in Florida. Wasn't that fun? I think so. Capturing the pictures were at least.

Hey you! Yes, you there...the one hiding behind the chair. What are you up to?


Taken with Sony a6000 & Carl Zeiss Sonnar 2,8/90 lens - ORIGINAL SIZE

If you have followed some of my other photography, you will know by now that I enjoying taking pictures of the little lizards in my area. I find them extremely cute and love getting the chance to take a closer look at them, especially since they are pretty darn skittish. This one got a little camera shy and hid behind one of my patio chairs, it made for some great photography though as behind the chairs it felt a little more secure (or seemed to) so it didn't run off while I was trying my darndest to focus my manual lens well enough to get a couple of crisp shots.


Taken with Sony a6000 & Carl Zeiss Sonnar 2,8/90 lens - ORIGINAL SIZE

The ones that always seem to get away (or better yet, have the wrong timing for me).

I adore Sandhill Cranes. I have never seen them in my life until I moved down here to Florida. They are big, loud (when they call out) and so beautiful. These majestic birds are ones that I so desperately want to capture pictures of, closer ones using my usual 90 lens. Of course, it seems to always happen that I am driving at the time and also never seem to have my camera sitting beside me (except my cell phone of course). So, I decided to take a shot at least using my cell phone, which is fine and all, but not the type of shot I was looking for. I will get a great picture of them, it is my goal. Until then, you can enjoy this one.


Taken with my iPhone 7 plus - ORIGINAL SIZE

You will often find these beautiful birds in pairs, and most recently with young ones, but this pair didn't seem to get a new addition this year. Anyways, they are wonderful to watch and so captivating to see flying above with their very loud squawks/calls. It's also good to know that in the State of Florida, these birds are protected, which I think is a wonderful thing.

Link to Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission website - where this was clipped from

I certainly hope you enjoyed my photographs. Curious what Wednesday Walk is all about? Go check out @tattoodjay, and his latest post about it here

Which picture did you like the best?

Is there anything from Florida that you would like me to try to take a photo of?



Thanks for checking out my post and for being the awesome person you are!



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Such great shots! I love the Sandhill Cranes. I actually saw a pair up here in BC this spring! They were huge, and vocal, and gorgeous.

They are absolutely wonderful. I am smitten with them. When they have offspring I am even more so smitten with their kids. I love how vocal they are, it is truly one of a kind.

The pictures of the slug are quite amazing, so detailed you can make out so much even the antennae.

My favourite is the lizard on an angle in the shadow, incredible photo that one. I'd love to see so much of Florida - but I have no idea what you have there to take a photograph of!

#thealliance #witness

Ah yes! Fair enough, you really would have to know what is in Florida to request something. Well, I will continue to share all I can while I am here in Florida :) The slug picture is by far my favorite :)

Oh, I love these photos!!! They are all wonderful. Such a nice shot of the lizard. I too love to take pictures of our lizards. One comes to the window every day.

I love that you have a lizard that comes to your window. I have a couple that live on my back porch and in the bushes in the front of my house. It is always so delightful to see them.

Thanks for again joining the Wednesday Walk 😎👍😎

The slug shots are so cool and Cool reading about its journey

Those cranes are beautiful and good luck with getting a shot of them with the Sony I have no luck with getting shots of birds they sense me coming and fly away

It is my goal! But, not sure how I will do. They seem so elusive when I am looking for them of course. I feel like the manual lens may set me back if I do run across some, but they do seem to be comfortable enough where they move slow that it might help me get a decent shot, but alas, we shall see. Glad you liked the slug shot, it was quite fun to do. My daughter actually asked me today if I had told them who had helped the slug on it's journey and so I read her the post, it made her smile that you all know she helped.

@topkpop Glad you post made your daughter smile its great she likes to help :)

Keep having fun with the camera :)

Wow... Amazing pictures and I love how you make us watch it from the slugs wiew... Lol
Your way of writing is always the best.
The lizard is cool and I love your pictures 😉👌
Thank you for taking us on your walk through a different point of view. Happy Thursday ❤️🤗❤️

So glad you liked it. I had a lot of fun with the slug thing and it really was super cool trying to take shots of it. The funny thing about my writing is often times it is how I would speak, so it may be a bit improper from time to time but it's just the way the story weaves in my head. Thanks for enjoying my pictures darling.

Oh, I love your sandhill cranes! They look like they were walking around the neighborhood with you! :)

Perhaps she will have her young later than others. I have a couple Canadian Geese that are just now hatching! They are so late! The others are almost juvenile delinquents!

I just love what you have done with your slugs! :)

Those lizards used to scare the beejesus out of me when I lived in Florida.Open a closet or turn on a light and boom! There they are! LOL

Great walk! Let's go again!

OH my! I never end up with them in my house, the one time I did my very fat cat had actually found it interesting and tried to eat it. Thankfully once I realized what she was doing (and spoiled the only fun she has apparently ever had), I saved it and put it back outside, although it did not want to leave my hand. I know that Sandhill Cranes do not always have eggs, so perhaps it is a year between hatchlings or something, I am not always sure. Gosh, are their offspring ever cute though. I will admit these beautiful Cranes, whom I had stopped in my car to admire, seemed to have sensed my calmess and chose to walk across the street in from of my car. Of course at just a few seconds later a lady came barrelling down the street in her suv, and I put my hand up to signal and she barely stopped, it made the male bird jump up and fly across the rest of the way. Then when she did stop the female started to cross but the woman and no intention of waiting and started to move, so the female flew up and over. I was very mad though as she could've harmed these beautiful birds out of her own rushing and negligence. Thankfully though they went on about their business on the other side of the street and munched on some greenery.

Oh yikes! Somebody arrest that woman for negligence or stupidity! Can they arrest you for that? Because she seems like she would win the prize. How could anybody be in that much of a rush? I'm not sure there's anything that important that she had to nearly run down those beautiful birds.

The lizards used to come in through my screen porch door, I am pretty sure. The kids are young and would take their time going through to the outside. I exaggerated when I say all the time there were enough lizards the house that would scare the heck out of me. My cat would try to jump up on the wall. Silly kitty tricks are for kids.

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What kind of birds are those? I miss seeing those anoles (think that's what those lizards are called). Haven't seen them since i moved north

Those are Sandhill Cranes. They are absolutely beautiful. I cannot get enough of seeing them, that's for sure.

I love it friend

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