"I keep dreaming about a wedding dress and weddings" - What is the message for me?

in #wedding7 years ago

Excerpt: A long post. Here I am describing a discussion I have had with a young woman. It shows how interpreting one's dream necessitates getting to know them. At first, I was mistaken in my explanation and only when she shared more information about her life I could pinpoint the hidden message. I suggest that you read the post thoroughly and see for yourself how objects in the dreams stand for psychic elements that comprise our personality. This post will also help you to succeed in the contest I will announce of on Friday.


credit: pexels

I have had a repeating dream with the same motifs -

The dream takes place a few hours to a day before my wedding. Nothing is ready except for the people who received an invitation and are about to come. I did not arrange a venue or a D.J, and what bothers me the most is that I am not even ready, that is, I do not even have a wedding dress, there is no one to prepare me for my big day. There is something I do regularly in the dream when I discover that I do not have a dress (while wearing jeans and a shirt) - I go to the big closet in my bedroom, climb up on a chair and look deep inside the wardrobe for a white dress I remembered is there (In reality I do not have any such dress). I cannot find it and think of something white that I can use as a dress but in vain. In one dream I decided to cancel everything and notified my mother that there will not be a wedding because I don't like the environment. A sense of frustration and missed opportunity accompanies the dream.

Another time (last night) I decided to go against all the odds and find a dress for myself (I know I will have to compromise and I am ready to). I look at my watch and see that I have one hour left until the wedding, which is supposed to take place at 4:00 PM (an odd hour for a wedding), I open the phone book and look for every bridal salon that can fit me a dress even though I know it will not be perfect. In this dream I am mostly restless, anxious, stressed, and feel that there is no time (compared to the previous dreams in which I was desperate and passive and willing to give up and cancel everything).

I am almost 26 years old, in a four-year relationship, and there is no wedding on the horizon. I'm also not worried about it at all because the whole event makes me nervous, so I prefer to postpone it as much as possible.

What do you think? What does this reflect? What is the message of the dream?

You write that you are not troubled at all by the fact that there is no wedding on the horizon, but the dream reflects your stress and confusion. Hmm ....

So, either the pressure and the confusion are inside you and you repress them so that only during the dream can they come to the surface, or you "take" the pressure from someone else around you. I'd go for the former. You have thoughts or at least vague feelings about your situation.

The wedding is not ready, there are only invitations, which symbolizes your telepathic message towards your spouse saying: "I want to marry you, I invite you to commit to me as I am willing to commit to you." But there seems to be no answer. Reality does not reflect back your desire to accept a similar commitment. And it makes you nervous. You are running around, once passive and sometimes tense.

There is a time in the dream in which you search the high shelves of the closet (= a deep and high part of you) to get an answer - is my partner willing and ready to commit to me? But even there you cannot find the commitment (= white dress). You are afraid that if you accept the situation as it is, you may be late (= 16:00).


credit: pexels

All in all, the dream reflects the mess that is raging inside you. You must decide - or really relax about the whole thing, let life happen at their own pace and then be surprised (= a surprised wedding). Or ask (in reality, not in a dream) your spouse whether he is willing to commit to you. Is it possible that you are afraid to ask him and be refused? (= Facing the bridal salon knowing that the dress, i.e., the answer, would not be perfect).

First, I was very impressed by the way you interpreted my dream with reference to details that I did not think were so meaningful in the dream.

Interestingly, I did not think in that direction, I tried to understand what is reflected in my life, perhaps other concerns but after reading your reference I checked again with myself what I really felt about this wedding issue.

There's something that does not work out for me. My partner and I speak with great openness about a shared future and a wedding. That is, we are both sure that we will have a common future, only the subject of the event itself - the wedding makes us both nervous. The point is not to test whether my partner is willing to commit because I am sure about that; the point is that my way of thinking has changed with regard to the wedding because of him.

In the past, when I thought about what this day would look like, I saw only good things in it, joy and excitement and beauty. Today, when I think I should organize such a thing and invite family, friends, and acquaintances to this day when "I am at the center" is really hard for me. All around me I see a lot of girls my age getting married or already married, and I am hesitating about the whole issue. When that happens, I'm stressed and answer that a wedding is not on the horizon (which also makes me nervous).

It must sound ridiculous that I give so much importance to the issue, but it stems from my desire for perfection and uniqueness. I do not want to do something that everyone does and participate in the regular "routine". I'm aiming for something on a different level. This, of course, is accompanied by the fear that I will not be able to realize it which leads to my resistance. Do you see the dream reflects any of those feelings?

Your feedback helped tremendously. I am taking back my comment about the commitment of your partner and goes to the second option of my interpretation (which is also related to commitment):

Let us assume that everything that happens in the physical reality is a reflection of your inner reality. That is, your desire (and your partner's) for the specialness of the event, your fear of being part of a production line, the desire for perfection, and as a result pressure and worry and stress about the wedding event (and therefore its delay) are an expression of something else.

That something is a commitment. The commitment is to the inner self (reflected, apparently, as your spouse). That is, you want an event of a certain kind but are afraid that you will not be able to realize it. In other words, you are afraid that you will not be able to commit to the image you have inside about a relationship. The dream tells you that your resistance to the event of a wedding is a hidden fear of having a "regular" relationship, a relationship in which you will have to compromise (similarly to your compromise on the dress), a relationship in which you betray your inner self. You are afraid (and probably your partner too) that changing the status to "married" will not meet the standards you demand of yourself for a quality relationship. You know that a relationship (much like the wedding event itself) is much more than what is seen on the surface (music, venue, food) and therefore the importance of these things in your eyes is lesser (and therefore they do not appear in the dream).

What is important to you is the content (= guests) and what bothers you is the dress (= purity, values, whiteness). You care about the higher, spiritual, essence (a wardrobe you need to climb). You are afraid that the essence of the wedding (and of the relationship) will be lost.

In conclusion, I would certainly say that the dream reflects the tension on the surface about the marriage ceremony. But yet again, remember that the wedding ceremony symbolizes something else.


credit: pexels

Is it possible that you are avoiding taking ownership of what you rightly deserve, the wedding ceremony, which is actually your life? The dream reflects a state of mind of stress and worry that appear when you have to make decisions about the dress (= intrinsic value, as mentioned). Why does stress appear? It is certainly not because of the dress alone. Therefore, it seems that the tension is caused by the need to take ownership about life. As you said - you do not want to be in the center. And perhaps this is the greatest gift that the wedding ceremony will bring you - to be in the center, to feel that you deserve it, that life is committed to you, that life supports you and back you up.

Yes, I'm afraid I will not be able to commit or realize the image I have about the relationship after the wedding. That's exactly it. I and my partner talked about it, but now I see it clearly. Even the word "married" raises concerns. Today, our relationship is really different from what we see in other couples. We do not belong to the so-called herd, and I have a fear that when we get married it will change. Suddenly we will enter the box titled a "married couple", and begin to adopt this dynamic that I recognize in other couples.

I am a person who takes responsibility for her life, I initiate and lead processes and am not afraid of changes. Do you recognize in the dream a mental state of stress and concern when I face a decision?

I do feel worthy even without the wedding event that will put me literally in the center. I do not need that. Just as I do not need to receive gifts or someone to pamper me or surprise me on my birthdays in order to feel loved and important. So maybe it's the tension of being in the middle between the person I am and the society's expectations?

I'll share a small and simple example and even a little silly. On my last birthday, they kept asking me how I was celebrating, what my partner prepared for me/bought me, how he surprised me, etc. And the truth is that we did nothing but I felt uncomfortable to disappoint all the curious people. So I lied. However, you are right when you say that there is much beyond the marriage ceremony. What does cause me discomfort?

Your assertiveness (this is the title I am giving right now to your ability to make decisions, initiate changes and lead processes) in conjunction with the feeling that you are worthy, are real. But at the same time, there are, and the dream shows it clearly, feelings of tension, pressure, and uncertainty.

Seemingly a mystery.

You see, you operate in your life from the mind, the rational, the ego. (This does not mean that you do not have intuitive parts, but that the dominant component is the ego). As long as you are involved in making decisions on current affairs - earning a living, studying, managing a home, managing people - you are definitely capable of reaching successful results. The problem begins when you are required to make forward-looking decisions (a future relationship) that require emotional involvement, that strongly influences your life and that of others. Then you (the ego) are at a loss. Your ego can not get the information you need to make an informed decision. However, because you've trained your ego to make decisions, it tries hard to get you this information. And when he does not succeed it:

  • Tries harder, pressing itself, get nervous, afraid; or
  • Gives up, becomes passive.

And that's exactly what happened to you in the dream.

You say that you feel worthy without an event that will put you in the center. That you do not need to be pampered. But who exactly feels worthy? Only the rational part of you. And it sounds very good for you to live outside the kitschy romanticism. It is uncomfortable for your ego to receive, to be nourished from the outside, to allow the luxuries of life to reach it. And why? Because the ego used to create things by itself, maybe even fight for them. And when there is no struggle, it becomes not real, without substance. Your ego (=you) is not willing to receive effortlessly.

This, in my opinion, is the opposite of feeling worthy!

But such receiving is real. And such allowing is the actual living outside the box!

You will have to begin an internal process of releasing the mind. You will have to learn to trust yourself, to believe in the goodness of the world and that your ego does not know everything.

The things you wrote definitely resonate with me. Indeed, I have always been strong in making decisions that involve cognitive, rational, issues. To this day I thought that it serves me only for the better. I certainly need to learn to let go and let new things enter my life with much less rigorous scrutiny on my part, without fear of being challenged. As you wrote, this will enable me to trust myself, more than I do today.


A contest will be announced on Friday. This current post will help you get prepared and perhaps win the grand prize!

David your interpretation for dreams are always in the positive directions like in one of the Judaism approach that when you think good things about the dream that would be the truth.
However, what about the belief that dreams also can give prediction about the future like a prophecy.
Years ago, I had a dream that my neighbour which I wasn't conected to her so much is involved in a horrible accident and I woke up very frightened, telling my husband about it...In the same day in the morning, I have received a call from him the news that it did really happened and I was totally shocked...
And still I am puzzled why did I have received this "message"? Why me?

There are prophetic dreams! I will dedicate a separate post about that. For now I'll say that prophetic dreams are usually valid for 3 days ahead. Not longer.
Regarding why me?, it's based on your natural sensitivity and openess and your attention to such things. For reasons known to you, it was important for you to recieve the info about your neighbor.

But how will you know or notice that your ego was the one making tremendous decisions?

It takes some practice.
But as a thumb rule Ego makes decisions out of fear.

Ohh I see. . I experience it sometimes specially if I’m nervous

First of all the first step of interpretation had almost got you but than coming back you just gave a positive direction to the dream and then held to it.... Anyways i would say dreams are dreams meant only to be dreamed but if you start getting serious about them you need to interpret them in some way. Its upto you how you take it.. You can take it in a positive way or a negative way... Like today's topic the girl didn't needed to know how to interpret. In which way to take it... What conclusions to be drawn out for them.. I would suggest let it be any dream, dream is a time which unconsciously relates to daily conscious life... So take it in a positive, draw any positive conclusion from it by yourself and see it change your world.

Not to scare you but in my family (myself and immediate family), when we’ve dreamt with wedding dresses where we actually see the gown on someone or oneself, it means death is near to someone we know or know of. We have to see it in our dream (the actual wedding dress), on someone or not ( it can be laying somewhere or hung, does not matter). Unfortunately, it has proved us right. Every time we dream with one, someone we know or know of tends to die soon after. The longest waiting we’ve had for someone to die has been close to a month. It is really scary but this is what we’ve experienced since forever as a family.

Interesting. This is why I am saying that for accurate inspiration it's important to know the dreamer.
Thanks for sharing.
From which culture are you coming from?

This is pakistani culture

Thanks, mate. Very interesting 👍

U welcome ...this is really interesting

on my dream I saw friend who will be getting married but in the dream he came back before the wedding and told me that his in-laws said he most build for them a house before getting married to their Daughter so he quit marriage and come back.

If there's no connection to reality then the dream is about you.

what if this is reality?

Then it could reflect your friend's thoughts and doubts, or some outside block on the way towards the wedding. But it really depends on your friend and your own psychic life.

my be you are right or my be not

Many times it is seen that, the dreams we dream about are very often mixed. Sometimes it is with me.
Like I had dreamed a few days ago that my cat was leaving me, just a few days later my cat left me. There are so many things that I can find out the realities of reality with my dream.
I know you know a lot about dreams. I'm inspired to you.
And how will you see my subject? Why is this happening to me? If you can tell me I will be very beneficial.

The subject of...?

i face that kind of problem. when i dream something, after a time my dreams came true! this is for me bad or good?

You are receptive to the etheric worlds and your ability should be considered as a gift. However, you must remember that you are the sovereign. Meaning, what you see in your dreams is a potential for a future. It doesn't have to manifest if you do not choose it. So do not succumb to a so-called fate that is supposedly revealed to you in a dream.

Today's topic is very interesting. I do not know why, today I want to share a fun story with you.
One morning, my mother came and said, wake up, your marriage today. I'm surprised!
I said I will not get married.
My mother said, a beautiful wedding dress has been brought to you. If you wear you'll feel like a princess. I was very happy to hear, I told my mother that I will look. The mother went to fetch the wedding dress.
It's been a while, but mother did not come. After a while, the mother came and said,
This girl wakes up, has been in the morning !!!
It was my dream.
I see the dream constantly.
But a lot of fear and know.
It is very difficult to maintain a relationship. You know very well I hope to learn something good from you and follow you in order to get some advice.
I know,
You dream
The dream is implemented.

Thanks for sharing.
Not many know but each piece of our awakened reality is rooted in the dreams. So your wedding is coming... If you want 😊

hahaha i never want to my wedding. i still young & my life is my dreams. i love travels so i visited so many place & state & so many state will remaining. so i complete my this dream then think about wedding!

At first You do not need something that completes you and which makes you feel that you are ready like the ones you mentioned such as a wedding dress;a venue and a DJ etc
You only need someone to accept you completely.
And dreaming about wedding dress reflects your feelings about being married, being committed or your thoughts about your future weddings.

Where is the dream of sleeping at night, the mind of the dream goes away

One tends to get these sorry of anxious dreams, when he is about to take a major decision in his or her life ..Its just the mind subconsciously sees the good and bad aspects of the decision but lemme assure you, you can never take any value from these dreams, they are just meant to come, take them happily in your lap and let the life take its own course,since the decision would have come after lot of thought process and but feeling

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