Adventures with Capt'n Heroic: In the Beginning (a Superhero Webcomic) Page 14

in #webcomic6 years ago

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Jesus' brother Lue is starting some chaos... What's Jesus going to do?

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hey jonathan, do you have more episodes or do you draw one a day? I was just thinking, what about adding more pages per post if possible, it's kinda difficult to follow the story this way... just a thought :P

I do have more episodes, but my regular schedule is to post 1 page a week. This is very common in the world of web comics, because it gives the creator time to make the pages.
Starting out, I have been posting 1 or 2 pages a day here on Steemit until I get caught up to my normal schedule.
I just posted page 47 today on all of my other sites. I was thinking of grouping them together in groups of 10 pages once I release them individually and adding them to a completely different timeline, but I'm not sure if that would confuse people or not.

what do you mean by a complete different timeline? as in the story of the comic or just posting schedule?
And I see, I didn't know that. I'm more used to read manga which realeases an issue a week or a month, which consists of 20 to 50 pages.
So what program do you use to make your comic?

Yeah, if it's a mainstream comic, then it releases a lot quicker, but that's because they have teams of artist and writers behind them. For webcomics that aren't making money yet, the typical posting schedule is 1 -2 pages a week. It works best with "Gag-a-day" style comics, but it also works with long form. (mine is long form)
By timeline, just have the same comic (story) posted twice, but one where you have 1 page per post, and one where you have 10 pages per post. They are the same story, but not connected. Kind of like Image makes Graphic novels of the comic Saga. You can either get each comic book which comes out twice a mont, or wait for the Graphic novel which is the same story, but contains about 6-8 comics all put together.

I use photoshop for the illustrations, then I lay them all out in Illustrator and add the text.

oh that's how it works! yeah makes sense then.
So is this your first comic?
Also, photoshop and illustrator look complicated haha, I need to learn some of this in the future.

Yes, this is my first one. I initially wanted to make an animated cartoon, but I don't have the time or resources. So once I get the comic going, I'm going to pitch to an animation studio.

PS and Ai are pretty complicated. Esp PS. but once you learn what you need to do for your particular project, then it's pretty easy. But there will be tons of tools and effects that I have never used after using it professionally for 5 years.

wow haha very intimidating :P. So do you draw for a living?

I wish! but no... I am a production artist at an design agency.. not nearly as fun and creative as I would like. but I do get practice with the tools of the trade.

OMG! This is SUCH an AMAZING post! Thank you for sharing! I gave you a vote!!

Thank you so much! I really appreciate that! :)

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