Welcoming in spring with YOU!...

A fire in the local woods, how I longed to watch it burn...

The amusingly named 'Beast From The East' has gone and the sun is coming out. Spring  appears to be here just in time for the clocks moving into summer time. Lets not get into that one hey! Its bonkers that we still do it, why? I've not seen any reason or purpose for it; but thats for another post.

Its been such a long time since i've had a fire in the woods! For me its magical experience every time, listening to nature and feeling a sense of freedom. The whole process for me is relaxing but also it brings a sense of connecting with nature almost like a oneness, i'd say. Yer many would say its hippy shit but for me it clears my head of all that wild media and everyday stress; probably the reason i'm apparently so "relaxed and chirpy".  Highly recommend to anyone; but i'm sure most of you don't need convincing. Although when I tell colleagues at work and get one of two responses:

"Is that legal" 

"You an odd one aren't you"

What is wrong with society that its odd to relax and meditate in nature? Well after years of programming this is bound to be the response, we are programmed to be stressed and have a need to consume to make ourselves feel better. But its little ventures like this are starting to unravel the years of programming for me and its great. I still have a long way to go but am seeing so much clearer now and questioning; my curiosity is coming back after years of it being sapped out of me but the government  indoctrination camps! To the extent I consumed heavily the night before so i'm way of perfect my friends! 

As for the legal aspect well I make sure I don't damage the land and well its a public right of way, also I mostly don't climb any fences; only government or state ones which I don't respect. If a land owner comes forward and say I can't be on their land I will apologise and move on.

Lets get walking folks...

You all know this view by now... but looks rays of sunshine yipeeee

If you go down to the woods today, you'll be having a fire!

Following the path like a good boy, haha

And Willow's tree, a nice spot for my first fire of the season :)

I've collected a few sticks along the way.

Nicely arranged into a fire looking pile.

Light my trusty bit of Birch bark (essential pocket material).

And whoosh a fire appears.

Ahh how relaxing hey?

Slowly it burns down.

Make sure its fully out before I leave.

Back of home smelling of fires wonderful. A great spring afternoon, time for something to eat!

Some of my previous thoughts:

Winters day recycling .... My apologies to you all!

Meet the Monkey in person...

The Regime...


I really miss spring!

Good thing you can still make afire there!

Indeed not strictly sure its legal but then who care, I'm not harming anyone 💯🐒

Awe that fire looks so warm and inviting. I have missed you this week because of work. 🐓🐓

Its been busy I been away all weekend so well behind too. Got a few posts to come yet 💯🐒

Good looking forward to reading your adventures. 🐓🐓

The pressure is on then hey better make them good ;) 💯🐒

No pressure, just like to see what kind of trouble you have been getting into.haha🐓🐓

Right your are! I on it :)💯🐒

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