The Regime...

in #art6 years ago

A controversial one today! 

 "Tory Party Is Moderate And Compassionate" just makes it complete for me...

The gist of my thinking for this image was covering how we basically live under a regime or dictatorship. I used to think the Royal family were ok "good for tourism" I said. My views on this have changed in the last few years. Although I don't think their bad people (well not sure about that Philip), they are forced into a that life and like all of us brainwashed.  

As a nation (in the UK or elsewhere) our government tries to keep control though the media and conditioning in schools. From an early age kids are told answers and taught not to question or use their own minds. This is the one thing I hope me ex's boy remembers from me that we MUST question everything, just because someone in supposed authority is saying something it does not means its right! It might be right for them and their agenda but not yours. I told him to get his head down in school tick the boxes and get out as soon as he could then start learning through his own experience!

And the controversial bit of the image is the link to Hitler...

Not only is there an uncanny similarity between our ex puppet and Hitler (with a add lip wig of course), which is a simple coincidence unfortunately for him; or maybe not looking at his legacy. Cameron ruled through terror manipulating the media and setting the people against the people; implementing the divide and conquer mentality. I get Hitler was a bad person (although some camps dispute this, but lets not go down that road today) but he got into power he was voted in by the people. Then with his military tried to take over Europe, so not too dissimilar to government today, yes they do it differently:

With banks not tanks

But all in all the similarities are there! And the people just go along with the masses while the means of change are slowly eroded. Like Hitler burning books, Cameron closed libraries and censored the Internet and set learing agendas in schools. Then old Queeny just sits back and watches; when by law she could stop it all BUT does not. Although in 2015 in her xmas speech apparently she tried the only to be stopped and rerecorded  (the only article I can find now). I mention this because I remember saying to the ex when watching the speech (not sure why I was watching it to be honest, must have been drunk) saying she looks like she was trying to remember what to say, I thought maybe she was getting dementia but this article came out a few days after and made perfect sense. 

On top of this they then use poor young teenagers to do their dirty work. Making them heroes protecting their country from a threat that is manipulated by the very government they are working for. Not an ounce of moderation or compassion anywhere in sight! Right that's enough ranting for one image... Enjoy 

A few words I uttered prior...

Debt Addiction...!

The Beast From The East... Ok Ok it is real!

Walking In The Shadows of the Dam Busters....


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I used to feel the same about the queen untill that Brexit Hat. I do think she is for us meer commoners more than against.

Torys moderate... i think not ha ha!

Brexit when will they stop going on about that. Personally I don't think the will let it happen legal its near impossible. Maybe she is but the powers behind (Philip) her have under under control 💯🐒

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Don't really get on Discord, just reading this take up too much time. Will keep it in mind though 💯🐒

This is your best art yet. I love the contaversy or the hypocracy. Very colorful images as well as thoughts.

Thanks! Getting more confident haha💯🐒

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