The Dance of the Spring Hare...

Well I'm still catching up on last weekends walks. But this is one of discovery...

Its been a hectic few weeks really and with the bad weather I have not been able to get out of the house. This has not been good for me as it means I have been dwelling on things I can't change which is never a good plan for anyone. But with change in weather the outdoors is more accessible and just in time! I'm about to go stir crazy sitting inside not that i'm completely sane mind you, well according to the norm; but i guess thats all down to the perception of who's defining it. The monkey can start swinging in the trees again, fantastic news!

So this walk was more of a wonder that followed no plan; always the best in my opinion and I found a whole new place on my door step. And also a perfect spot for my first wild camping venture, although its still a touch on the wintery side currently. Plus I have a stinking cold from getting back on the push bike this last couple of weeks. Its great to be getting fit again and saving £80 a month, but still bloody chilli in the early hours. Then there is more snow forecast next week, bonkers the weather currently. My body desires warmer climates but I am working towards that with my ten year plan. Starting with the 'Waking of the Monkey' ... No that's not an innuendo in September 2019 in the UK something this way comes. My effort to assist the human consciousness! But my friends this is a work in progress an I will start posting some information very soon, but those on the little Island they call UK keep the first weekend of September 2019 free... 

Digression again sorry, back to the walk... 

Doing my morning Yoga the sky looked relatively clear and blue. Well in compression to recent days, a walk was on the cards for sure!

We walk up the usual path that is all too familiar now; but look we have golden rays breaking though finally.

Cracking view today only a few clouds in the sky. And the sky is blue (well its not but appears that way) not grey anyways, a cracking start.

Hold on... as were walking into the woods when the brambles were I see a new path, the inquisitiveness overwhelms me ...

Definitely more appealing the the traditional set path thats for sure...

Magic I never knew this was here, I thought there was only a few meters down to the field but over the crest of the hill, well at the bottom so the opposite of the crest I guess. It opens up i'm buzzing new found lands I feel like Columbus only nicer!

This is where I thought it ended but no, and we have oak and ash trees, more native; a marvellous discovery.

For some it did end here though, RIP little fella.

Ohhh time to test my balancing skills have I still got it. You'll be please to know it was not too shabby although not graceful by any means.

Proper woods my friends nice to see, I am buzzing. How did I not find this in the last eight months? As I turned here I saw the hugest Hare I have ever seen, doing the spring dance. It was an amazing sight but alas I was not quick enough to get a picture but found its hole later.

Wild garlic too smells lovely. Picked a bit to try later hope i've got it right.

Looks like someones been here before me, I'm not the explorer I thought I was, oh well happy days.

A Lake too completely hidden. Definitely a spot of a wild camp here I'm thinking. Although not sure on take a dip in there!

Proper old woods; a good energy here. I am annoyed would have like to have spread Willows ashes here! Annoying but the place we found suited her I think. Marching on!

I spot some holes lets find that hare maybe...

That's a good size hole the picture does not do it justice, tempted to go down it but I have no potion to shrink me, I am a touch to big.

To finish a nice old wall, this damed a old river I think. There is only a dribble now but good piece of construction. Well thats it, I refreshed and meditated time to look after the stomach. I'm sure we'll be back here!

Previous insights to my life:

Welcoming in spring with YOU!...

Winters day recycling .... My apologies to you all!

Meet the Monkey in person...


Beautiful walk, I'm so glad to hear you're out of the house, and I hope you are feeling a LOT better soon!! <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

Thanks. Was getting a touch of cabin fever don't like to be indoors too much 💯🐒

dwelling on things I can't change which is never a good plan for anyone.

I know what you mean. I feel the same...

Anyway, nice walk in that heavenly woods! I love the woods.

Sure thing. Yes the woods and to know i've been sitting with this on my door step for eight months. Admittedly the brambles hid the path but now I know. Incredible spot, proper happy with it 💯🐒

That was a fun walk to the unknown area near your place . Enjoyed my time with you old friend. 🐓🐓

Thanks nice to have you along your always welcome 💯🐒

Ok, it’s been a while since I have seen you post anything and now I am worried. Was it the propaganda regime that has taken you away from us? Hope all is well. Missing you. ❤️🐓🐓

I'm still here not the propaganda has not beaten me. A lot going on in my wee head at the moment. Got a post coming tonight. 💯🐒

Will look for your post later tonight. Watch out the wee head could get you in trouble. ❤️🐓🐓

Trouble naa don't do trouble anymore haha or try not to :) 💯🐒

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