On a Quest to Get the Laptop Fixed! | A PhotoStory WalkWithMe in the City! ☕️

in #walkwithme7 years ago (edited)

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Hello lovely Steemit friends. @Dayleeo here with the second shift of our Steemit day bringing you a #WalkWithMe PhotoStory from our trip to a nearby city yesterday...

I say second shift because it’s nearly 11am and I’m just getting to my computer. @teamhumble has been up since 4-something am, crushing it, and I’ve been in bed with a nasty toothache since last night. As it turns out, he’s just laid down for a nap, and my morning coffee is just kicking in. Shift two commence!

Yesterday morning we packed up our respective bags for the day, headed out into the early morning mist for a trip to one of the major cities nearby so that @teamhumble could see about getting a laptop fixed that has been out of commission for a while now.


Christmas aftermath still in effect in town like a visual hangover lol...

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We really used to enjoy what we affectionately called “laptop club” once a week, which was effectively us doing our regular work, but in a coffee shop lol. Change of scenery man, I’m telling you, it makes all the difference to a work week. And as I learned at Steemfest 2, blogging with phone and laptop just isn't ideal.


First, two breakfasts. And on to the bus stop to wait for the second bus which would bring us to our destination. While we waited I picked up some packages (including some more arm knitting wool! ;) ) from the nearby Amazon locker...


And spent some of the change that was weighing me down on a 3 for 3 face mask sale...Yessss.


I literally cashed in 15 .20 pence coins at the register. Thankfully the girl working the till didn’t mind. Damn I hate coins (fiat problems amirite???!).

UPDATE. One of them made my face silver.... Tin man vibes strong.
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We still had a little bit of time before the bus so we took a walk around the block and did some window gazing, and of course like nerd-moths drawn to the flame, found the StarWars memorabilia display....



Once we got to the city we had some awesome news that the laptop was fine but just needed a new power cable! WIN!


So Mouse lead the way to a stunning coffee shop so we could celebrate with caffiene and a sit down in a cozy corner.




I ordered a Flat White with almond milk, and it was DELICIOUS. Those long smooth restretto shots always get me.


Of course I took a zillion photos for @nomadpictures but I'm thinking of adding these to a huge downloadable "Coffee Pack" of CC0 photos to download on our Gumroad. Let me know if that's something you'd like to see, and I'll make it happen!


OK sorry, it was just SO DAMN GOOD. I didn't know how much I missed a good espresso. ;)


Of course, if there's a LUSH anywhere within a walkable radius, you can find us standing outside practically drooling and enjoying the hypnotic smells...


Before I knew it I was through a magic portal which delivered us to... The homemade pieclet stand!


If you've never experienced a pieclet, I'd describe it as the holy matrimony between a crepe and a crumpet. Maybe? The Brits of Steemit might have my head for that comparison but it IS delivious!


@teamhumble has a bit of a "thing" for parking garage shots. I don't blame him, angles and lighting galore. So we stopped to take a few pics...



Here's the bit of the day that really deserves it's own post, because our dinner was STUNNING. But here's the aftermath...

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EDIT! That very post is now UP! You can read it HERE! WARNING: DELICIOUSNESS AWAITS!

More on that soon... ;) -- Our our way out, accross the street, the window shopping gods granted us this hilarious scene...

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How does that saying go? Winter is inevitable, being cold is optional, right?

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The beginning of the end of our day started with this STUNNING Lemon Dream Pale Ale...

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And ended with a muddy sunset trek through the fields so that we could enjoy some time by the fire at our local pub... <3

It was one of those " 'round the world and back again " days but I was thankful as can be to have had it. A lovely day, with perfect company, delicious treats and about 16k steps! Can't complain about that!

Thank you for coming with us on our little excursion!
Until next time Steemit!



Firstly, I wanted to say "did you try turning it off and on again" concerning the laptop :D Hoping you'd get the reference. Also, full English, I'm jealous, it's almost impossible to get blood pudding here even in New ENGLAND, oh well, less calories if I'm eating through the screen. It looks like a lovely day out. And Lemon ale! Yum I love lemons I literally eat a lemon a day, I kid you not. I have hot water with lemon in first thing in the morning (my granny always did that and she lived to over 100 so...) and throughout the day squeezed into my water. Fun Day Out!

I have cold lemon every morning!! And I'm completely addicted to lemon curd LOL - I cant get enough of anything lemon haha so glad to have found a lemon sister on steemit! - and yes tech support we did ;) Very IT crowd of you to suggest ;)

kinda interesting to see some of these photos from angles that i didn't expect, that's always the best thing for photo walks, what the other persons eye saw and also trains me to know when ya getting a shot. nice love, can't wait for the food photos, that was divine and a power move for feb! :)

oh for SURE that meal deserves a dedicated post ;)-- thanks love!

aw yayy looks like a productive day, and that breakfast looks amazing, yum!

It was a lovely day! So appreciate the opportunity to get out here and there ;) - that’s my favorite vegetarian breakfast near by- they always do a great job

Nice photos :) looks like super fun, and that Buddha statue wit da earmuffs haha awesome and Lemon Dream Pale Ale? Got damn haha

Haha it makes you wonder who works there who was like "YEP -- This is a good idea!" and the lemon dream WAS a dream, like a more complex lemony cousin to a blue moon- ugh delicious. I hope at some point I end up with a lemon tree on a little piece of land I own...

First of all, silver looks great on you 😚

I love your walks, you always find cool places, or the way is just too stunning. It's like walking with you.

And that feeling when you thought you'd spend rivers of money to fix a computer and it's just the power cable. Woohoo!

Thanks for sharing everything with us! ❤️

HAHA! Why do you think we went out for drinks afterward! It was like the feeling of doing the laundry and finding a $100.00 bill in your pants pockets! So thankful it wasnt a big expense like we were expecting!

And thank you for the kind words! That's always been my goal, to make folks feel like they were with us on the day- that really is the point of sharing right? I always want to make folks feel included, instead of it just coming off like I'm bragging about what a great time I had.

What's the point of having great experiences if you don't use them to spread the joy they made you feel! <3

Every once in a while we need to get out to break up the daily grind of work. I did this today with my son. Had lunch down on the beach in a really cute vegan restaurant. It was just what the doctor ordered, but now it has put me behind...

isnt it awesome the mental blocks you can get through by just switching a routine up a bit- my brain loves it- change of scenery, different logistics problems to solve, new food in your case, fresh air and a stretch for the legs- all so so important when you're any type of digital "from home" worker <3

What an awesome walk about! The food and drinks looked to die for, or is that just your amazing eye?

What a shot!!! And I don't mean the espresso!

You asked me what camera I used and I forgot to reply there, I have a cannon t2i

Thank you @lindsaybowes! I'm still a ways away from a dedicated camera I think, but I'm always doing research in the back of my mind haha - who knows, right now it's just way to easy to pop out the iPhone.

Super thankful that we could spend a bit of the funds that our blogging brings in on a nice day out together. The food drink and company were perfect <3 I was so stoked to share with the WWM fam!

Wow, you take tremendous photos on your phone, I can't wait to see what you do with a big ol camera!!

Thank you! But big-kid cameras scare me! Haha So intimidated! Hoping steemit funds will help me get something 2018 though because I'd love to shoot more video as well- my early film student college days- self, has been feeling neglected lol

I bet you'd make awesome productions!! You've got a lot of creativity in you!!

Thank you! I’m just greatiful to have a place like steemit to express my weirdness and awesome folks like you to share it with 💕!

Wow, you had a wonderful full day on your trip to the city. Looks like a lot of fun.

Thank you it was exhausting but a great day!

Pieclet?! Yes please! That sounds so goooood!

Oh man, they're so lovely- I never heard of such a thing before I got here <3

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