What Then Are The Reasons For The Starvation In The Midst Of Plenty? Hello Africans! Let Go Of Those Natural Resources And...

in #wafrica6 years ago (edited)

Why are people starving in the midst of plenty?

One of the reasons for the increase in crime in our society today is hunger. One can discern 'hunger' written boldly on the faces of millions of people. We all know how important food is in human life. Remove hunger from the problem of man and all other problems are subsidiary. But nature has been very kind to the African nation. The blacks have been blessed with vast area of rich, fertile arable land which cannot only support the growth of crops to this nation but can also end the much-needed foreign exchange.


What then are the reasons for the starvation in the midst of plenty?

Let us first examine those who are engaged in farming. The real farmers in Africa countries are the people in rural are. They ate the ages people whose implements are hoes and cutlasses. There is definitely a limit to what these old people can produce through manual labour. We do not need a soothsayer to tell us that it is grossly inadequate to feed the ever-increasing population.


The unemployed youths who are in their thousands rarely think of engaging in farming. The orientation is towards engaging in white-collar jobs. They regard farming as a dirty job. There has been no encouragement or incentive for them to get actively involved in farming. They therefore keep rushing to the urban areas for non-existent jobs. This in the cities, we have an army of job-seekers roaming the streets whilst back in the rural areas there is vast fertile arable land crying for cultivation.

Government itself seems not to be helping situation. On the part of the government, there is the over dependence or over-reliance on oil, gold and other natural resources - the black golds. Since the government is realising a lot of foreign exchange from oil and other natural resources, much attention is therefore concentrated on these resources to the detriment of food production. Much of the foreign exchange earned from oil is then spent of importation of food items which could have been produced locally at a much cheaper costs. Isn't that ridiculous?


In a determined bid to remove hunger or starvation from the teeming population, the government has to adopt a number of measures.

First and foremost the government has to make farming attractive to the youths. This is by way of making available, on a massive scale, items of machinery such as tractors, ploughs, harvesters, etc. and farm inputs. Not only that, it should provide soft loans for the real farmers (not those farmers who stay in airconditioned rooms on urban area).

It has been observed that most of the products of the farmers waste of rot away during the time of harvesting as a result of lack of storage facilities. Storage facilities in form of barns, silos, etc. should therefore be made available to farmers so as to avoid waste. This will ensure that the products are made available all the year round.


In addition, infrastructural facilities and social amenities should be provided on the rural areas. This will enable the youths to stay in the rural areas and enjoy the god things of life while they are gainfully engaged in massive food production. In this way, much food will be produced not only to feed the teeming hungry population but also to export to other countries and so earn the much-needed foreign exchange.

These are based on my own perspective and belief. I would love to welcome you own ideas on how hunger can be eradicated in our society.

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