The Genesis Of The Recent Trend In Education Sector - Failure Of Candidates In Examinations

in #sndbox6 years ago (edited)

A recent noticeable trend in the education sector is the high rate of failure by candidates in public-conducted examinations. Why do students fail? This is a question that has been a source of worry, anxiety and concern to all stakeholders in the education of the young ones - government, teachers, educationists, parents and so on.

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Factors responsible for the failure of candidates

There factors responsible for the failure of candidates in examinations are many and varied. Let us take a look at them.

  • How about we consider the students themselves:

Many of the students do not really take their studies seriously. Instead of facing their studies, they prefer watching videos, playing games, using the social media and lazying around. They engage themselves with activities which are detrimental to their progress. They thus fail to prepare for their examinations. You remember the saying? - 'To fail to prepare is to prepare to fail' - or what miracle does one expect to happen when an unserious student sits for an examination?

  • Teachers have a lion share of the blmae:

Majority of the teachers are no longer devoted or dedicated or committed to their jobs. Some of them skip lessons. Some of them have some other private businesses which they pay greater attention to. Many of them are not even bothered whether or not their students do well and yet they spend more time agitating for more pay. The devotion, the dedication and the commitment associated with teaching in the days of old are almost gone.

The quality of many teachers nowadays is nothing to write home about. Many of them have a haphazard or smattering knowledge of the subject matter or topic they teach. In some cases, it is just like the blind leading the blind. Unfortunately, many of them are too lazy to read about the subject matter they teach. The result is that little or no learning takes place after the teacher has taught.

  • Parents too are to blame:

Many parents fail to cater for the needs of their children. Many of them do not provide the textbooks and other educational materials for their wards. Their priority is not on frivolities e.g burying their dead relations or 'turning the side's of their long forgotten dead parents, they fail to provide essential educational materials for their wards. One wonders how a child can perform well without good textbooks.

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  • The society itself contributes much to the failure of students through its warped value system:

The society places much emphasis on money and what money can buy. Anyone who acquires wealth through whatever means - fair means, any means at all - is made an object of worship. Since the child has observed that money is regarded as the all in all, he doesn't see the need to receive education. His main concern is how to acquire money. His mind is far away from classroom environment. The societal value system thus serves as a disincentive to education.

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  • The loss of the reading culture:

In the olden days, every student had to read at least a novel a term. The result was that students wrote and spoke good English. In addition, students read their textbooks and relevant books from cover to cover. Nowadays, even the recommended texts are not read. Similarly, many teachers themselves hardly read anything extra part from the textbooks which they use in preparing their notes of lessons.

If situation is to change, everybody must be involved in a new orientation.

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