Street Trading And The Dangers Associated With It - Is The Game Worth The Candle?

in #blog6 years ago

Street trading has now become a common feature of most of our towns and cities. One notices swarms of people of various shapes, sizes and age groups along the streets of these cities bombarding motorists and aggressively seeking buyers for their wares. There is hardly anything that is not available for sale among these street traders.


Why have people suddenly resorted to street trading? The reasons are not far to seek.

Why have people resorted to street trading?

Many of those involved in street trading claim that they do not have money to rent stalls or shops where they can display their wares for sale. They claim that the various bodies or individuals who let out stalls or shops demand exorbitant charges which they cannot afford. They therefore take to the streets where they do not have to pay anything at all.

Another group claim that even though they can afford to pay the exorbitant charges, and they do lay to rent shops or stalls, they are not making the anticipated sales to make then break even. They claim that it is more profitable to sell their articles along the streets. They also resort to the street where they can make brisk business and realise a lot of money.

There is yet another group. This group comprises of children, teenagers and youths. These teenagers or youth who ought to have been in school have had to resort to street trading because their parents, as a result of economy hardship, can no longer provide their daily needs at home and in school. These ones have the full backing of their parents to engage in street trading. In fact the proceeds of t he street trading is used in sustaining their families.

But then is the game worth the candle? My answer is in the negative. Street trading poses a lot of dangers.

The dangers associated with street trading

In an effort to sell just a sachet of pure water a young lady had to run very fast after a vehicle unmindful of another fast moving vehicle coming from the opposite direction. What happened? She was knocked down and she died instantly! That of course is a common occurrence.


Another evil effect of this cankerworm is the undue exposure of children and youths who engage in street trading to the wayward and dishonest ways of many the adult traders. To many of these traders lying, dishonesty and fraudulent practices are their stock in trade. In an attempt to make quick sales, many of these traders are telling lies. Many times they deliberately receive money from passengers in fast moving vehicles without giving them the articles paid for. Many a time lives of articles are highly inflated in an attempt to make much gain. Many of them are out to cheat and defraud unwary passengers so as to make quick money. The children, teenagers and youths who mingle with these adult traders are thus imbibe these these evils just as a local saying goes - 'a sheep that moves in the company of a dog will soon feed on faeces'.

Another unwholesome aspect of street trading is that the engenders unhealthy rivalry and competition. Many traders who sell identical wares try all sort of wicked methods to outdo one another. Many of those who sell the same type of articles would wish evil to befall their rivals so that they would be able to make more sales. Many of them even resort to using charms or juju to incapacitate or eliminate their competitors. It is as bad as that.

From the foregoing, it is obvious that street trading thus far much more harm than good. It should therefore be wiped out.

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