My Christmas Surprise! AMAZING prints I got from @beekart! [VIDEO]

in #vlog6 years ago

Christmas is not celebrated in Israel. So while you all sit around the Christmas tree with your family and enjoy the snow and time off, we work. And it's sunny and hot outside. But this Christmas, I got a special surprise in the mail: a signed print by my favorite artist on steemit: gorgeous Sylvanas by @beekart . And it's awesome.

When I first discovered Rogier's work, I knew I was in love. I instantly followed, got him an upgoat from minnowbooster, sent the link to his profile to my art-loving husband, then proceeded to stalk poor Rogier on every platform possible (Facebook, Discord and YouTube). 

Since I was losing hope of EVER winning one of those raffles, I convinced him to set up an Etsy shop. If I can't win it, might as well buy it, right? Or maybe get a print of it on a shirt! But I kept entering the raffle and the universe smiled at me. Not only did I get the print I won, but being a stalker and avid supporter paid off - I got a few more surprises in the (mostly undamaged) envelope from @beekart .

I don't often do videos. I like to say that I have a face for radio and a voice for print. But since I really wanted to share my joy with you, here are @mrlightning and myself being grateful and excited.

@beekart, thank you for making my Christmas festive. Steemit, thank you for leading me to some amazing artists, inspiring authors and brilliant technologists. <3


For me, as for the World of Warcraft player, Sylvanas is like a symbol. Beautiful art!

amazing art

Wow this is great , such an awesome gift !! ,
You both are amazing @techslut and @beekart ,
Wish you more success my steemitian friends , i enjoy watching your posts ,
Cheers ! :-)

What a lovely gift! Those are really exceptional work, I'm so happy for you :D
I'll be checking out @beekart... I think my kids would love something along these lines for their rooms we're redoing.

As for your video? Top notch, you're a lovely person with a pleasant voice, no reason to shun the cam ;)

Yeah, I might try vlogging again when I have time (Goddess knows when that will be). Might even get okay with it.


You are both so welcome! Glad to see they arrived in one piece!

They are perfect, and you are awesome, and I am overjoyed to see you grow on this platform. And will soon have a permanent reminder on my wall of how awesome you and steemit are. <3

I don't often do videos. I like to say that I have a face for radio and a voice for print.

That joke is amazing! :D
I'm haapy for you, just enjoy your lovely gift!

awesome artwork! how can i get one?

Follow @beekart and/or check out the Etsy link in my post.

I was smiling through the whole video

Art looks amazing as well, How didn't I see his post before is beyond me. Followed him.

He occasionally resteems other awesome artists too. He's my window into that tag category.

Haha i thought this was my cat screaming :)

No, that's Kosh, one of the local terrorists. We have 3. Yet another reason why I don't vlog. They feel like adding commentary. Always.

Amazing Artist and Their Creations @beekart graet photo

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