The Ten Commandments of Steemit - עשרת הדיברות של סטימאיט

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

The Hebrew text will be followed by an English one!

אני לא טיפוס מאוד דתי. ליתר דיוק, אני לא דתיה בכלל. עם זאת, אני אוהבת את הקונספט של עשרה עקרונות מנחים בחיים אז קבלו את

עשרת הדיברות של סטימאיט

  1. לא תגנוב. לא מגוגל, לא מיוטיוב ולא רעיונות של אחרים לפוסטים
  2. לא תרצח את השפה בה אתה כותב. לבדוק איות ודקדוק לפני שמפבלשים, במידת האפשר
  3. לא תספים. לא בתגובות ולא בפוסטים
  4. לא תענה ברעך עד שקר. תהיו אמתיים
  5. לא תתחנן לפרגונים. לא בתגובות, לא בצ'אט וכמובן שלא בהודעות פרטיות והעברות בממו
  6. כבד את אביך ואת אמך ואל תתנהג בצורה שתגרום להם להתבייש בך
  7. זכור את יום המזלג לקדשו וקרא עדכוני פורק מבעוד מועד
  8. והגבת מלא בענייניות ובלי ספאם
  9. ופרגנת לרעך
  10. וכיבדת את הפלטורמה

למען נזכה לעוקבים ופרגונים לרוב

ואימרו אמן

(Image via Pixabay)

I am not a very religious person. In fact, a am not even a little religious. That said, I really like the concept of having ten guiding principles in life. So I present to thee:

The Ten Commandments of Steemit

  1. Thou shalt not steal content, not from Google, not from YouTube and not from posts by others.
  2. Thou shalt not kill the language you write in. Check your spelling and grammar before pressing the post button.
  3. Thou shalt not spam. Not in comments and not with posts.
  4. Thou shalt not bear false witness. Be real.
  5. Thou shalt not beg for upvotes. Not in comments, not in chat channels and definitely not in private chat messages or transfer memos.
  6. Respect thy mother and father and don't behave in a way that will make them ashamed of you.
  7. Remember the day of the fork for it is holy, and be sure to read update posts to prepare.
  8. Comment frequently and give insight without spam.
  9. Upvote thy friends
  10. Respect the platform

And may be all be worthy of many a follow and upvote.

Can I get an AMEN up in here?

Happy Holidays to one and all! May light and love fill your hearts and homes always!


Christmas is about spending time with family and friends. It’s about creating happy memories that will last a lifetime. Merry Christmas to you and your family! dear @techslut

Since Jews don't celebrate Christmas, I personally try to create such happy memories every day. :)

אמן ואמן
עשרה דיברות כמו שצריך.
ועוד בשפת הקודש ;)
יאללה מפרגן לך מכל הלב
resteem כי זה חשוב מאוד
לי לקח הרבה זמן לתפוס את הדיברות האלה..

AMEN :D @techslut
We should make an image of the 10 commandments and people should read this before joining Steem :D :D :D

You are actually not the first person in the comments to suggest that. @sykochika wrote:

Can we please have these posted on the welcome page!! In fact make them click an accept button stating that they've read and will follow them!

רציתי לכתוב תגובה מספימה שמתחננת לווט עם כמה שגיאות חתיב ותמונה שהורדתי מגוגל. אבל אין לימכח אז זה מה שיצא...

להטריל אילנה? ככה? טסק טסק טסק

Haha, Creative!

Does " Respect thy mother and father and don't behave in a way that will make them ashamed of you. "
talks about the newbies on the Israel community you built and still building?

Actually, I've been known to say that to people before that. Like, I kinda told berniesanders his parents should be ashamed of him. The rest was steemit history. :P

I wouldn't be surprised if you talked about the politician. hehe

Nope, the whale.

Ye shall make you no idols nor graven image, neither rear you up a standing image, neither shall ye set up any image of stone in your land, to bow down unto it: for I am Cthulhu the dark lord.

Amen, your rules are sound!

Cthulhu fhtagn

The dark one awaits us in his dreams.

partial AMEN !!
I do not completely agree with the first commandment, I think we should all share freely our best input without the egocentric view about credited work - that will defeat the system that shouts down our posts after 7 days. If I see a grate idea like this one I think it will be best for both of us if I share it again and mention you as the author.
2- I am a sinner in front of this one, I am dyslecsic and English is not mother language, I express best in images . I ask for forgiveness here :))
all the rest full respect :P

  1. It's not about collaboration or sharing. But if someone, for example, copied a post I wrote or translated it with Google translate, or stole content from some website? It's bad. For everyone. I am all for recycling content and you are more than welcome to take anything you want but with credit. Not everyone believes as I do, so I make it a custom to ask people before borrowing anything they make. Also, there's nothing wrong with DRAWING INSPIRATION. That's not copying.
  2. English isn't my first language either. It's actually my 3rd. How did I improve my English? By writing a lot and using a spellchecked and grammar checker when available. No one here expects Hemingway level English from everyone. :)
  1. yes
    2 yes I still have little points of variations but I think we agree for the most part

I was approached by a person from Pakistan some time ago, on discord, he was voice messaging me ,without knowing good English. he was asking for help to use steemit and make some money. he was annoying at that point and I was dismissive because he was calling me non stop until I muted him.
he was asking for votes and resteem in messages too on steemit .
( that is bad practice -I thought) but now I think about the fact that education is a privilege that I had and some didn't, and they are desperate to find a solution
blockchain philosophy tries to solve that too, to give more opportunity to less privileged people, but knowing how to use it properly, knowing English, this are some of those privileges those same people did not have access to, along with, water ,food, internet, electricity, banking system etc

so in addition to what you wrote we should help our sinners to find the right path :)

Amen. Call me Priestess of Steem. :)

don't forget about forgiveness your highness , is part of any religious ideology , not religious myself , but I like to agree and contradict ideologies :)

Yeah, I am not religious, as noted in my post. But I do believe in forgiveness and kindness. To a point, of course.

that is the only thing that invites change, forgiveness and second chances, let's us learn from mistakes and do better

Amen ... belatedly

Can we please have these posted on the welcome page!! In fact make them click an accept button stating that they've read and will follow them!

Or I guess I can just take one of those Steemit Cleanser suppositories I found earlier! Lol

Send me a pack. Or seven.

עשרת הדיברות של סטימאיט, אהבתי.
כל הכבוד על היוזמה אילנה.
ונאמר אמן.

אני מסכים!

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