MIC DROP - Sometimes you have to let it fall

in #video7 years ago

screenshot taken from music video

Sometimes stuff just has to be said

When I think about dropping a microphone I think of a few things. I think about laying everything out on the line and then making a point, that was it, being honest, being frank, and you made your point and had nothing left to say. Then you "drop the mic" so to speak.

I may be nice. Yeah, that's me. Don't take that for weakness. I try to give everyone a chance but have a pretty "on point" intuition and judge of character. That being said, I am generally kind. I am also honest. I have high expectations of people in a way and I am okay with that because I expect the same of myself in how I act and treat others. Well, like I said, I am honest, and that has come into play a few times over recent days and weeks. I repeat, do not take my niceness for weakness. I have no problem telling people things flat out if I need to. I did even just tonight. I will sugar coat things, to a point. I assure you though, the point will come across. This whole topic actually reminds me of a post I was reading by @battleaxe and one of her recent posts.

Talking about hard stuff and annoying stuff, both that needed to be said

On All Play Friday (my live radio show), I often talk to my audience. This past week I had a few things on my mind. I was rocked to the very core of the tragedy in Parkland, Florida. Another Steemit friend of mine @aldentan also felt inclined to speak out about it here in his own way. On top of that I also discussed an annoying spammer who was spamming the Kpop tag with content that had no relation to the tag, and even at one point was posting others videos on dtube that I had seen on youtube. So, that was, of course, discussed as well.

This is getting a tad serious I think. So, let's move on.

The other Mic Drop meaning for me

Alright, well there are always two sides to things right? This is my other side. If you haven't noticed by now, I am a huge Kpop fan. Well, one of my favorite groups have a song called Mic Drop, so when I hear the words mic drop, I automatically think of the song and of course the accompanying video.


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If you have no clue who these guys are, and you like Kpop, then I am sorry to say that you may have been living under a rock. If you want to know who they are, then check them out and remember the name BTS.

If you want to explore some of my favorite songs from this group, check out my Spotify playlist.


New K-Pop Server is here!

Finally a place for all the K-pop lovers and Kdrama lovers that have no place to go and meet. Well, without further adieu I present to you the K-pop server where you can come and hang out with others who love K-pop and such just as much as you do. Come find others on the new K-pop server here


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I feel what you mean behind the term "mic drop." People tend to take kindness for weakness and it's up to us to draw the line as to where and how far it goes. Honestly when I hear the words Mic drop I shutter because the only thing I can think of is whoever made up that term never had to buy a mic. I've dropped several over the course of my career and those things are expensive! 😂😂

Also, i'm not familiar with what Kpop is so it's apparent that I really need to listen to your radio show.


Ps: Thanks again for all your guidance over the last month.

I totally agree: sometimes people take kindness for weakness. It isn't always so. I try to be kind, but I can also be brutally honest. And, @sweetscience, mics are expensive! lol! I'd be afraid to drop one literally, but figuratively (and maybe with a gif to back it up), drop away! @topkpop, your strength comes through and you're an inspiration in how you can be kind AND state your mind, without letting anyone push you around.

Glad to have you both as my friends.

Oww, I do not know well yet about kpop music. But I had tried dancing kpop songs before from super juniors "Mr Simple" with my classmates for our culminating program in our Music Class and "Rolly Polly" i dont know of the kpop group..., I danced this with my korean students.

Now, I have a friend as what I have mentioned to you who is very crazy about 17. another Kpop Group...

Im actually very happy to know that you like BTS so that I can make a portrait drawing of a korean kpop. my gratitude art for you for supporting me here in stemmit.

I hope I can make you happy with that. :)


I absolutely love that you danced to Kpop with your classmates, that is so cool, even if you were not that into it at the time. Ahh, yes Seventeen, I know them and are a very popular group. Oh my gosh if you did that that would be so freaking amazing. I mean I totally don't deserve any gratitude as you are awesome, but still, if you do that would be so cool.

The best thing about spammers is when you see their reputation drop like a mic! I don't know about you but i enjoy it a little to much when i see them get flagged into the ground.

Who are these spammers? Well, I hope they learned a lesson after that. And let us give them a chance to change.

There certainly are some that I do not think know the right way. The ones who do and spam and really abuse on purpose are the ones I think enjar is meaning. :)

Some of them know what they are doing. Was reading a study the other day. If they use the correct keywords they have desent chance of getting upvotes. Thankfully they are not that bright and do not put much effort into it.

Some of them are even in upvote circles just spamming and upvoting. Thankfully most of them are tinny accounts most people can take care of them on their own if spotted

I would get concerning if they compiled a database and only hit up places that would upvote them.

People up vote them for what ever reason. So they are just chasing after easy votes. Which is a bit silly because instead of putting in effort they just to just be lazy. Most times they do not earn big upvotes so its not a good idea. Once there reputation hits the dumpsters they are somewhat done.

The ones that really abuse, yes for sure! I like how you used the drop like a mic phrase lol.

Mic mic bungee~~
I have never dropped a mic because I could break it, and if you drop the mic, and you break it, it's a big fail xD

I swear that is one of my favorite parts of the song. Yes, the mic dropping part would actually break my heart just a little bit, if I did it oye.

@topkpop! I'm loving the Kpop gifs, they are amazing! You should check out Baby-Metal if you don't know them already, like pop-metal but I think they are more Jpop? Not actually sure, just know they put on KIIIIILLER shows :)


Hi 0:)

Sorry, I have been so inactive and absent of late, still tryiong to align life with steemit as a place! <3

Glad to see my other favourite sinister sister totally kicking ass at life!

(mic drop)

I love that you love them :) They are super cool. I have heard about BabyMetal - just rewatched their Karate video, they are quite cool. Yes I would say they are more Jpop, but still, pretty cool. Glad to see you around :)

Hey @topkpop! I just thought of something! I am busy doing like Digital Steem-Profile Portraits for members of the Steem Community, I'd love to do one for you and blend in an alter ego of yours! Let me know if you are interested and we can start planning a rad portrait! Just DM me on Discord if you'd like to get in on the arty action :)

Color me intrigued. Dm coming your way 😉

Well, you've got my vote. :) I'm also following you now. Now get some lightning! I wanna see it :D

Well, tell the storms to head on down my way :)

We're supposed to get some tomorrow! Unfortunately they're calling for tornadoes as well. Ugh. Gonna be a long day for me. Or night. I hope they don't hit at night. Nocturnal tornadic storms scare me lol.

Uhhh ya nocturnal tornadoes would not be fun. Hope you have some good storm action by you.

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