People want proof?

in #vaccines6 years ago

People still want proof about Vaccines ?
Cancer ?

What if I do ?
Does it matter ?
Don't take this wrong but can we really stop these evil billion dollar people/corporations ?
Cancer industry?
Monsanto ?
Big pHARMa
The Rockefeller?

Their money = power!
Good luck with that.

Don't judge me for my questions.

Have a good day .


The Dirtiest Open Secret In Stem Cell Research Is That Aborted Fetal Embryonic Stem Cells Cause Autism & Cancer.

These two good intelligent people in the video, like most good intelligent people, have no idea about the the depth of pure satanic evil that is slowly devouring the human race.

Embryonic stem cells from abortions is EVIL... it's human sacrifice to demons. Plain and Simple!.
Autism caused by vaccines is also EVIL... a form of demonic possesion called "entitity attachments", in which the Oric Field that offers spiritual protection to a human is lowered by being poisoned by toxins in vaccines, such as mercury, aluminium and aborted baby fetus.
Aluminium is seriously toxic, mercury is seriously toxic.; Mix them together, they become 1000% more toxic. Then for 'good' measure, add aborted baby fetus and inject this devils brew into a perfectly healthy new-born baby, and BINGO.... you have AUTISM!!!

The luciferian satanic agenda of our hidden rulers & political leaders is to make 50% of all children autistic by 2050... to create as much pain and suffering as possible for the demons they worship to feed on.

WAKE-UP PEOPLE!!! They are going to turn humanity into a second class race that is easy to control before they finally exterminate most (99%) of us; Just like they have advertised on the Georgia Guide Stones.

We have to get our heads around the fact that we are dealing with satan worshiping psychopaths, whose only goal in life is the destruction of the human race.
They will ultimately replace humanity with a new race of 3-stranded DNA beings that are not entirely human.

Don't think you are safe bcause you are an adult, or you don't have any children. Mayor Food companies like Pepsico are now adding aborted baby fetus to their ingredients, plus the aluminium in the chemtrails in the air we are breathing, plus the 5g cellphone tower & WiFi radiation we are constantly bathed in, plus the genetiacally modified 'food' we are all eating; It is no exaggeration to say "We are all pretty much screwed!"

All the above facts is public information. Instead of calling me a kook, please be intellectually honest and do your own research before it is too late.
The human race is in a lot of trouble. We are all in a lot of trouble!!!

I feel your pain my friend. I am exactly where you are. We live in a post-fact society. The truth, facts, proof does not matter anymore. We are overwhelmed by a vicious cabal AND a majority of indoctrinated, chemically and mentally dumbed down crowd of followers. They will never wake up. The only way I see for myself if to try to fuck them up wherever I can. I wrote a post about it.
It's not going to change anything, but if I can put only a small turd into the punchbowl, I feel a bit better :)

Is there a vaccine that immunizes me against trolls ?

That's a tough one. I'd say wisdom and not taking it personal. In our world we have to deal not only with the good in people but also with an unfortunate increase of stupidity, self righteousness and viciousness. Society is decaying. You can't cure stupid...

I do. Please supply a single piece of evidence (that is one piece) to support your argument.

Even if he did, the evidence he supplied wouldn't have anything to do with the batshit crazy statements he makes.

I am giving him a chance to validate anything he says. It is important to allow people a voice and create dialogue. I have asked him before to construct an argument - I am open to the possibility of there being a challenge to established science, indeed that is how the process works.

However, all he does is post more gibberish on top. He might have something irrefutable and correct, so far he has not provided anything.

Absolutely, I agree with you. I really want to see this proof, but he doesn't want to share. As someone with ASD, and presuming what he says is true, I want to see the proof. If my symptoms genuinely have been worsened by a vaccination, I would like to know that.
He clearly has no sincere interest in helping anyone but himself. He's supposedly spent 20 years researching this topic, and I would like to hear his results. Unfortunately, he isn't interested in creating a dialogue, but instead prefers the technique of pasting incoherent copy-and-paste jobs of seemingly unconnected flawed studies and bullshit "alternative health" articles.

Absolutely. My wife is blind (RP) and I have spent years wading through bad science, mysticism and weird diets; to find real data and information is difficult to source.

I appreciate cultural differences but true science has no geography and anti-science bullshit makes me angry too. To then profit from bullshit is truly the domain of evil people.

That is the exact same problem that I've had. Trying to separate the pseudoscientific bullshit from the real information is becoming increasingly hard.
When I read about the cases of parents giving their children what was essentially bleach to "cure" their autism, I nearly burst into tears. I understand that these parents believe they are doing what's right for their children, but the harsh reality of all of this is that they are best case potentially opening their kids up to harm, or are actually harming their children. Why? I really want to understand why.
I totally empathise and even agree with the anti-corruption sentiment, that profit-led corporations prioritise profits over anything else, but to doubt the peer-reviewed science behind things such as vaccinations is lunacy in my opinion.
If @truthtrain had any sincere desire to help and protect people from what he perceives to be an actual attack from "Big Pharma" and the government, he'd have gotten himself a PHD, and done some actual bloody research, proven the bastards wrong and changed something. But instead, he scours the internet for the tinfoil hat ramblings of other like minded jaded middle-aged western folk who maybe once had too much trust in authority, and now cling to anything that reinforces their views of the world.

"To then profit from bullshit is truly the domain of evil people."

I feel like I should get that printed on a T-shirt

@johngreenfield There is an easy way to prove vaccine damage with homeopathy. As a homeopath I give a homeopathic remedy made from the vaccine you believe has caused damage and that remedy forces your body to detox the vaccine and you lose the symptoms it caused you. (It's called CEASE - you can google it). To my mind this is absolute proof - if the vaccine caused the damage, the same vaccine given in homeopathic potency will heal it - otherwise that remedy will do absolutely nothing and you have to deduce that either a)homeopathy is complete rubbish or b)that vaccine didn't affect you and your body has managed to efficiently deal with the toxin itself. I've detoxed many, many children and adults from toxins - mostly vaccines and seen amazing improvements.

Hi Sue, thanks for your comment. I haven't heard that before, so are you saying that your homeopathic remedy purges a vaccine from ones system completely, after having received a vaccination? So, that could reverse my Asperger's Syndrome? I have to admit, I don't believe in homeopathic remedies, for an adbundance of reasons, but I do respect your beliefs.
James Randi, as mentioned by @agrestic, is a man I respect. He used to do a little stunt when he gave talks, where he would down an entire bottle of homeopathic sleeping pills at the beginning of his talk, and would be unaffected by the end of his lecture. In this spirit, I would be 100% prepared to take your homeopathic remedy, and in as honest, balanced and fair way as possible I will report back over time on any effects. Would this be something you'd agree to participate in? What information would you need from me? Thanks for your time, Peace!

Hi @johngreenfield, yes homeopaths see huge improvements (we're not allowed to say 'cure'!) when we detox a vaccine with exactly the same vaccine made into a homeopathic remedy. There is quite a protocol - it's not just pop a pill and wait for the improvement - it involves taking the remedy for detoxing 3 times a week in one strength at a time until there is no more improvement on that one and then moving up a strength - using a total of 4 strengths. Alongside that we give a remedy to suit each patient to assist with the detox symptoms as well as a few supplements, as detoxing often can be unpleasant. Many young children go from having no speech to speaking well - and countless other symptoms associated with ASD improving, or disappearing completely. You're more than welcome to book in as a patient, and thank you for offering to report back fairly - but I have no need of this evidence, I see it all the time so it would be of most interest to you. Good luck in your search for help, I wish you all the best.

Complete, unabated, unproven, discredited horseshit. James Randy has $1,000,000 waiting in a fund for anyone who can prove that homeopathy works. Make yourself a millionaire then come back and talk to us.

Feeling your pain Brother.

We can have the names of the people and the proof of their agenda and what?
Who has enough power to do anything?

We have the power to choose to not be apart of it and that is about all

You have no names, and absolutely zero proof. You've been asked to provide it, and have failed many times. You are only capable of copying and pasting other people's lies in order to push your own agenda and sell some crappy merch. Your views on Atypical people are archaic and offensive. If this is what you've spent 20 years of your life doing, then you've wasted your life chief.

Also, I disagree with your sentiment here. We do have the power to change things, as a collective we have the power to shape the world to our will. You have the choice to prove your claims, or continue pushing misinformation for your own benefit.

Vaccines prevent health!

Naturopathic principles (and common sense) do not include the injection of viruses grown on toxic animal tissues.
Vaccinations are biological agents made from the filth of the earth, from diseased organs and sick animals and people.


the filth of the earth? wow. Now who's the closed-minded one?
But common sense tells me not to buy into the crap that con artists, charlatans, scammers and frauds sell.

It Is good to know you do not understand vaccine production.

I understand vaccine production. Your claims are all false. Viruses are propagated on cell lines and not in animals or organs.

@brimax read my last couple comments.

Mute the blind sheeple.
They are only distractions.

That's interesting you bring up liability. Supposing you're wrong, god forbid, but let's play pretend for a second. What if, and this is purely hypothetical mind you, but what if your advice caused harm to a child? What responsibility would you take? I'm willing to bet it's none

No Proof
No Evidence
No Clue

Choo choo

You are responsible for your own actions no matter what.

Right, so in that hypothetical situation, what would you be able to do to remedy the problem you'd caused? Nothing.
You hide yourself away from the real world, only wanting to see what you choose, scared to be told you're wrong. You are so blinded by your own ego and inability to understand that your simplistic world view is not representative of reality, hence why so many people scald you for pushing this despicable misinformation, potentially causing harm to so many. But you're unable to grasp my perspective, you'll just choose to ignore what you don't agree with. Like always.

Ego lol
Never heard that One before .

You act like I'm mandating you to agree with me lol

We should just mandate
Soy and
Shellfish !


You have no authority over me brother.
Again, I have zero idea what you're going on about there.

Glad we can agree you "have no idea".

The fluoride is working !

Nice post brother you work is great...

Very nice. awareness post I shared all your posts

In 1976, the United States issues Progress Report #13 of the Special Virus program. The report proves the United States had various international agreements with the Russians, Germans, British, French, Canadians and Japanese. The plot to kill Black people has wide international support. In March, the Special Virus began production of the AIDS virus, by June 1977, the program will have produced 15,000 gallons of AIDS. President Jimmy Carter allows for the continuation of the secret plan to cull the Black Population.


What about
Erich Traub Plum Island!
Operation Paperclip

so it's the nazis? again, what's your point mate?

Operation Paperclip

I'm well aware of Operation Paperclip, what's your point?

People blow the whistle on this all the time and what happens?

People that have proof can mysteriously die !

Or their careers cut short!

Name one whistleblower, name one person who has mysteriously died after being as woke as you are

Kathleen Dickson is a pharmaceutical chemist and a whistleblower for the Lyme vaccine.

Fungal-Viral Synergy - Fungal contaminated vaccines. What happens when you inject fungi at the same time as the live viruses? They become activated.

Dr Andrew Moulden mysteriously died.
He never lost in vaccine court.

I shall spend some time reading about Kathleen Dickson and Dr Andrew Moulden and get back to you on that one, they're both new to me.
I want to as politely and decently as possible explain to you that referring to Autism as brain damage is incredibly offensive and only highlights to me that you are not particularly knowledgeable on the subject. I would recommend that you spend some time with some Atypical people of various ages, and maybe allocate some of your research time to reading both academic papers and maybe some personal experiences of people with various forms of Autism and get back to me.

My group has Autistic kids !
Yet again you do not know me and all you do is criticize me .
I know a lot of people and the cures they are using to treat all the harm created from vaccinations. I suggest you research what I provide with an open mind.

Try going outside your group. I am criticising your ability to speak to me in your own words, explain to me your experiences. I've said from the beginning, I want to understand your perspective. My mind is open sir, I beg you, please answer my questions.
You have made many claims, and when asked for proof, what you offer are third-party biased pieces written with an agenda. You claimed that now 1 in 36 people are diagnosed as having Autism, and yet the link you provided said no such thing. I asked you to explain, and again you didn't.
I am also criticising your claims that there is a cure for autism. I have already asked someone on this thread to provide me with their homeopathic remedy, I will give it a go. I am very open to negotiating terms on this proposal, I will give it a go! How can I be any more open-minded?
I also said Atypical people of various ages, and I should have said outside of your group. It seems that you lead a fairly alienated life because of your beliefs, based upon a comment you made regarding Facebook.
Autism is not brain damage. I will repeat this till the day I die. I will counter every post you make making such a ridiculous claim. Or that you can cure autism with your remedies. If you are unable to face scrutiny for your bold claims, unable to provide valid and reliable evidence for these claims then you will not convince anyone but the most gullible, those who want to believe this because it places blame on someone.

Silver Ozone

Convince anyone ?

You definitely waste your time here .

I was once you and believed all the lies .

So all the immunologists , virologists , toxicologist , neurologists and biochemists I know are all quacks .

Like I said before don't waste your time here I DON'T think like you anymore !
Please and thanks !

I sincerely doubt you're capable of thinking like me brother.
You say I am closed minded, that I have an agenda. The only agenda I have is to fight misinformation that is harmful to society as a whole. I will counter your bollocks with reason and logic. You are welcome to converse with me, provide the evidence you don't want to share, or maybe actually put something in your own words.
I have time to devote to this, you see it's a issue that is very close to my heart. If I can ensure that an alternative perspective is delivered in response to yours, then I'm happy.

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