Vaccine lies totally destroyed. Anyone planning on having kids needs to see this!!!

in #vaccines6 years ago (edited)

This is the TRUTH behind the sick, lawless, Nazi eugenics policy taking place here in the USA. The question I ask is, WHY HAVEN'T WE STARTED SHOOTING AND LYNCHING THESE MOTHER FUCKERS YET!!! This is one of the many reasons I want to protest the 4th of July. To bring awareness to these facts. Everyone needs to watch this!!! I can't stress this enough.


Two years ago I saw the movie Vaxxed in Portland. After the show, there was a Q and A with the producers of the film. I got to meet Del Bigtree. I also had a picture taken with him but sadly I lost that picture and don't know what happened to it SMH. Oh well.

Here it is these stupid brainwashed George Soro's funded millennial snowflakes bitch about guns and how evil they are yet they aren't saying ANYTHING about how many babies die each day from these vaccines. The real killers of children. We have more infant deaths than any other industrialized nation in the world COMBINED!!! Think about that!

Educate yourselves people! Have your children at home. Homeschool your kids. Stay away from the hospitals. STOP: voting, paying taxes, going to court, complying with lawless tyranny. FUCK CORPORATE FASCIST AMERICA!!! Lawless tyranny ends when you stop participating in it. Stand your ground. Take your country back!!!

Stay Un-Tune-Ed

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Comedy through activism, activism through comedy.

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Mother fukin resteeming this....AND making wife read -watch. Thx

Thanks bro! I wish I could find that picture of Del and I. I must not have saved it. If I still was in Portland I could meet up with the man who took the picture. He would still have it and I could just have him email it to me. Too bad I lost touch with mostly everyone out there.

Yeah, it's really easy to lose touch with people.

Sometimes it's fun, to write them. Just to say hey what's up. It's old school, but who does that?

We're going to homeschool lil one. I saw in my respective state, that if i did i could exempt her from vaccines. Now, at 18 mo.. she is learning two languages. Can draw shapes begin to spell her name. She was supposed to know 22 words at checkup, instead came out with 43.

Reason why I'm saying all this is twofold: doctors will portray you or your children in medical records as being: mentally handicapped, autistic, etc if you dont comply.

Second, i believe that these vaccines are terrible for development. So, again i commend you for posting this. We will be watching VAXXED soon, together.

Stay strong, let old friends know you think of them. :)

I mainly lost faith in everyone out there. I never got any help from anyone. I spent a year and a half living in a van. All the activists I met out there were nuttier than squirrel turds. That or they were still tax paying libtards. People took me for another hipster or millennial that moved to the area because they heard it was an awesome place to live. I was duped.

I did meet a lot of great people. But even the great ones still all took me for granted. I hate that. Every conversation I would have with people living out there seemed like it was a goddamn political debate. I hated that. I wanted to be apart of a commune. I wanted to meet other Sovereigns living off grid. No luck. I was scammed twice too while living there trying to transition into the whole Sovereign movement. I'm actually thinking about making a blog about this ranting about how hard it is being Sovereign because no one takes it seriously.

Vaxxed is a great movie. Informative as hell! The part that scares me is Bridget wants to have our baby at the hospital. So we will have to be fighting the hospital to opt out of the Hep B and Vitamin K vaccines.

Well vit k and most occur after day 8. I think.

There where no shots given at lil one birth, so as long as you have baby and stand ground. Should be ok? Id also talk to OB. Some OB will waive that if its practice as long as its religious (eh?) Or if your going to homeschool. Maybe its different there?!

Midwives are very amazing people. I think with our next child we will get midwife instead. We both thought that.

The hospital we are going to pushes the Hep B and Vitamin K shots. So we will be opting out even if it means putting up a fight. If they try not letting us leave the hospital because we refuse, that is wrongful imprisonment and I will be calling the Sheriff's office on them.

We have some friends here that had their baby at the same hospital and they tried kidnapping their baby because they refused the shots. I'm like great... So that's what we are in for rolls eyes. They held out and before long they had to give them their baby letting them leave.


Best of luck. Lol holy crap.

I'm gonna turn in. Super tired.

I'm still learning about living off grid. Or at least found ways to basically be immune to requirement for banks etc etc. I think information should be free to seekers. I also want to start a community, legal definition of state... heh ironic.

I am very concerned reading this. Lots of babies were kidnapped from the parents at the hospital at birth. Please make sure it won't happen to you. If your wife can rather have the baby at home with the assistance of a midwife it will be better. How long still to the birth?

Thanks for your support @hope777. Believe me I've tried. My wife's health is a concern and we live 45 mins from the hospital so in the event that there are complications... We kinda have no choice and I'm not going to argue with her on this matter. In the mean time I have been trying to talk her into going to a different hospital, the next town over, because they don't push the vaccines. The problem is, my wife is used to the doctor she has been going to for prenatal care. So if she went to the other hospital she would have to give that up. It's complicated our situation but I don't know what to do and have no choice. We did go to a local birthing center but my wife wasn't a candidate to deliver there because of health.

Dr. Susan Humphreys is a brave heroic woman. I admire her courage and accomplishments. People, look her up and hear what she has to say. She'll explain the science of immunity and how she discovered the lies about vaccines while she was a practicing physician. She has a TON of research data to share.

I think she might have been in the Vaxxed movie. I forget their names. It was 2 years ago that I saw the movie. I do know that Paul Offit is another one of these sick baby blood drinking Satanist vaccine patent holders pushing this shit. It is all about the money. America has become nothing more then a Hitler wet dream.

I'm not sure if she was in the movie but she's involved with the Vaxxed Bus Tour and the others involved with that movie. She is also part of the informed consent movement. Ya know, the informed consent we are supposed to have NOW per the law and don't.

I think it's about more than money. I think the money is the icing on the cake. It's about eugenics and suffering. Suffering pleases Lucifer just as the sacrifices do. Death and suffering. They are doing this to us all as an offering and people just don't get it. So blind. All the damaged suffering children might as well be on an altar. All the people damaged by the flu vaccine's neurotoxins are offerings as well. We pay these sick people to sacrifice us. crazy! Keep spreading the word my friend. These people are evil!!!!!!!!!

Exactly! Population control. We can't start militia's and fight back like patriots defending ourselves if we are all too sick and dying can we???

Nope. New World Order multi-faceted plan.

How can we dodge paying taxes? I'm working in the UK and i can see paying taxes is theft. How can we do something about that? As if i don't i'd be deemed ilegal or something and prosecuted for not paying my taxes haishh!! What's the proces @hippie-witha-gun? Cheers.

You can either write "Exempt" on your tax papers, or work for yourself. Learn how to do skills that you can get paid under the table. Handy man skills are a plus. You are in the UK so honestly I don't know to get out of taxes there. Here in the states this is what we do. I'm currently on disability until I can get myself established making money off grid homesteading. These are my goals anyways.

I see, it makes sense yes. What do you mean to rite 'exempt' on the tax papers ? How, in what way/procedure? And on what disability are you? And can i apply for one disablity as well ? heheh it may sound wierd. And how can one make money from homesteading? I know i ask too many questions; hope i don't bother.

You make money on your art or products you are selling. Homesteading you sell and/or trade your crops, goats milk, livestock, etc. Trade and barter with labor too. Need a tractor, or a plow, and your neighbor has one and you need to till your landscape? You see this is how we network starting little off grid communites. Like this.

Exempt, you just right the word exempt on the line that you are suppose to sign. At least here in the states that is what I would do. Don't take my word for any of this now. If you really are committed to this you need to do your own homework too. I don't have a clue how anything works for the UK.

Oh i see. So when you first wrote 'exempt' did it came back to you with some sort of explanatory waiting? Or they knew what it is about and didn't asked you back anything? I'm asking cause i think whether those who receive your application/tax paper know what it represents and therefore they have to trigger the process of you not paying taxes anymore.

Here in the UK they're being deducted directly from the paycheck. I mean, when i receive my paycheck monthly, i see how much is deducted for taxes, for insurance, ect and at the end the NETT Salary (what is left after taxes) - so in this case i wonder where should i sign .. or write exempt.

More than likely they won't accept your application if you don't fill out the tax forms. They freaked out on me at the DMV 4 years ago because I tried signing for my Driver's License "Under Duress." Which eventually I sent back my DL anyways so it didn't matter. Free men don't have no government issued form of identification.

Haha, why did you wanted to sign 'under duress' ?? So i'll need to fill out my tax forms anyway, there's no way i can avoid it? What would normally be the next step after filling those?

If you sign under duress it nullifies the contract. It means you didn't consent and aren't going to be held liable for whatever stupid shit you are being forced to sign at gunpoint against your will.

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