Calling Out DTubers/Video Content Creators To Promote Utopian's Indiegogo Campaign [Earn Rewards]

Hello Everyone, last week we launched a task to promote @Utopian-io's Indiegogo Campaign. This week we are calling out all video content creators, especially @Dtube(ers) to help us with the promotion. Let's create maximum impact.
- All videos/vlogs created to promote the campaign will get upvotes based on the quality and visibility of the content. (Read "EXTRA TO DO" Section) Utopian will be trailing the Oracle-D upvotes to support for additional rewards.
- Only video/vlogs are allowed.
Start date: 12 - Mar - 2019
End date: 19 - Mar - 2019
Follow and Promote @utopian-io's Indiegogo campaign on Steem and other social media websites through promotional video.
PROJECT/CLIENT DETAILS & Background Research
Utopian Colony is the first crowdsourcing platform to connect open source projects and contributors from all digital professions. The culmination of a year operating a successful proof-of-concept, Utopian aims to launch the open source ecosystem into a new age where all digital professionals are empowered to take part in open source innovation. Help us release an early version of Utopian Colony by Q2-2019!
- Go the the campaign page and click on follow button:
It will turn pink once clicked. - Share using the Facebook button. Each share link is personal and can be done via Indiegogo. Sharing this link directly on Facebook is also fine, but doing it from Indiegogo via the Indiegogo button is preferred.
- Create a promotional video/vlog addressing to open source community and asking them to invest on Utopian's Indiegogo campaign.
- Upload on Youtube and Dtube both.
- Drop video's link and all other "Proof of work" links as a single comment under this post by @oracle-d.tasks
- Upvote & Resteem this task post that you are reading.
- Upvote & Resteem the campaign's launch post HERE by @utopian-io.
Make sure you use the following tags in your vlogs/videos:
#UtopianColony, #OpenSource, #OpenSourceCommunity
You can also use this banner at the bottom of your posts:
<a href="">

Please follow these guidelines for best results and high upvotes:
- Create only high-quality professional blogs, videos, images, graphics etc..
- Video must be at least 90 seconds long.
- Share your content on various social media websites and spread the word as much as you can without spamming.
- Follow the instructions and task specific details.
- Original content only. Plagiarism will get you banned.
- Enjoy your task and upvotes.
|| Follow @oracle-d.tasks for future tasks ||

@jeronimorubio @prettynicevideo @lordbutterfly @cryptospa @adetorrent @joythewanderer @tibfox @d00k13 @vincy @kaerperdiem @greencross @bobaphet @clixmoney @sergiomendes
Keep the Tags Going Guys. Tag your fellow DTubers! Let's make an impact👌💯💯✔
@hauptmann @artakush @joythewanderer @cryptospa @captainbob @camuel @lifesacircus @phoenixwinter
to be continued
Posted using Partiko Android
I contacted moderators in utopian about how we can work with them there as vlogers and they said that there is no way, only if it's open source, I don't know anything about open source and I'm not a developer. How indiegogo campaign can benifit vloggers ?
In this video they say that it will be for everyone :
But the moderator told me, that's not for everyone. Still confused about it.
I think if you read this post well you'll understand what is expected of us as DTubers. We just basically have to promote the campaign, like create awareness of it's existence in the stated platforms.
Re-Read it😁😁
DTube is open source....
Posted using Partiko iOS
Exactly, that's why they have to give more space to vloggers to contribute, not only by making them promote something they don't understand, but by educating them about open source. Maybe it's just not for me, but I have a lot of questions about this topic, take a look at my recent post, maybe you can answer at least one @d00k13 ?
Simply put I don’t waist my time with trying to understand how to contribute to development, way over my head!
Open source is nothing fancy just means publicly owned code VS something like twitter privately owned code.
Posted using Partiko iOS
I knew you' be all over this haha.
Hahaaha..You know me too well ;)
Awesome. I'll tag some video folks:
@kevinli @neopch @greencross @elsiekjay show your hustle people :)
Right onnit!!😁😉😉😉
Posted using Partiko Android
Thx Morpheus 😎🙏
Posted using Partiko iOS
@kenmelendez @sergiomendes @phoenixwinter @robertandrew @scottshots @cryptofinally @camuel @priyanarc @blind-spot @focusnow

Keep the Tags Moving Everyone... Let's get on this All #dtubers... Let's Blowup the Social Media Platforms for this Amazing Initiative Today!!!
Well Its really another great Initiative where the great Dtubers can get the chance to contribute something by promoting Promote Utopian's Indiegogo Campaign. Actually I am also excited to participate in this initiative.
And calling my friends to participate here - @madushanka @priyanarc @blind-spot @steemersayu907 @emsonic @dmilliz @hmetu @wakeupkitty @shuvo35 @shadonchandra @doktormuslem @toufiqurrahman32 @yanipetkov
Thank you for giving the opportunity @oracle-d
Let's do it togther my brother :)
Let's we do this guys! Are u ready for new task?
Calling Steem Hustlers and dtuber:
Thank you.. going to go through all details.
Keep Going, Steem Sister :)
Here is another yet task, I will be happy to join the contest to promote indiegogo although, I have not for once created dtube video. But for this utopian promotion. I have to contribute my own quota. I'm calling on @mistakili to join in this challenge.
This is the second time I have posted this campaign on social networking sites
This is a screenshot from my Facebook

An this is from my twitter

And this is my second post it is on Arabic language for the Arab steemians :
This is another means to promote Utopian to the world. I am calling all vlogers to get on board and get this done. @samminator @valency1 @rufans @otemzi.
We can do this pretty well
Aww this gives me another opportunity to test out my video making skill
Another awesome opportunity! Please head over here @cryptogod2018 @meno @pechicmena @lordjames @agbona... Please keep the tags going.