The French Community is growing (to the moon) ! Look at the stat'

in #utopian-io6 years ago

As you’re about to see, Steem adoption is still going strong and gaining momentum.
Overall there is no surprise, our community is steadily growing.
Thanks for your presence and involvement.

Authors & posts

2018 is off to a great start for the French-speaking part of Steem : overall, our community has published 3605 (+61,9%) posts by 611 (+46,9%) different authors.

Posts have an average size of about 296 words. But there are more and more videos thanks to @dtube et @dlive!

Every week, we are joined by a relatively consistent flow of new French-speaking (and French-loving) Steemians.

Overall, this makes up almost 130 new French-speaking authors, twice as much as last month… Go on and read their introduction posts !

Comments & votes

The growth in comments (+70%) and votes (+49%) follows the increase in the number of articles.
Upon closer inspection, it seems there was indeed an abnormal number of votes in November 2017. We talked about this in last month’s statistics.



Before it collapsed with the other cryptocurrencies, STEEM had an incredible boost in the beginning of January. This had a huge impact on the rewards the authors received.


Most used tags

Besides #nature, which took the 15th place from #blockchain, there are no big changes to observe among your favorite tags.


Congratulations to the team, adoption there is very good… Especially among new users, at least half of whom tested Busy after arriving on Steem.

Don’t forget you can use up to 5 tags … Choose the right ones to (properly) reference your articles

Number of articles sorted by authors

As usual, here is the author distribution

2018-01 Authors fr.jpeg

But I can’t stress this enough, what matters is quality, not quantity !
Don’t hesitate to dedicate enough time to your articles to make them as good as they can be ;-)

Top 20 #fr authors

Speaking of quality, here are the posts that gathered the largest number of rewards with the #fr tag last month.

2018-01 Top Authors fr (1).jpeg

They are ranked according to the rewards they received but you’ll also find more information, such as the number of articles and the averages of rewards, votes and comments by article.
Click on the link below to see the interactive graph.

If you want to know where you’re at, you can also find another graph with all the authors (that have won at least 1 SBD).

Play with the graphs

As always the interactive graphs are available online:

If you have ideas for new stats categories come talk to us (@roxane or @oroger) and we’ll try to include them in the next report.


Bravo @roxane! Joli travail 😉

Je suis ravie de constater que la communauté francophone se développe! C'est une excellente nouvelle! J'ai rencontré des nouveaux steemians francophones lors de mon dernier meeting à Barcelone. Ça m'a motivée à poursuivre mon action de promotion de steemit à Barcelone, auprès de la communauté latine , amglophone et francophone bien évidemment!

A bientôt Roxane!
Saludos de Barcelona 😎

Fantastique !

Congratulations for the french community! You two are doing a great work.

Regarding the tags, what is the position of #fr? I see it is not in "most used tags".

Thank you @jga !

The analysis is performed on the subset of post tagged with #fr, so all of them contain that tag.
Therefor it has been omitted from the top tags list ;-)

Ohh ok, I see. Thanks.

Ce serait chouette si les graphiques étaient lisibles !!!

L'astuce de @roxane du clic sur les image pour les avoir en grand c'est dans une extension, on s'habitue vite à ces choses là ;-)

Par contre tu peux utiliser clic droit > ouvrir dans une nouvelle fenêtre pour les voir en taille normale.
Bonne analyse !

Merci @oroger, tu as raison, je n'avais pas fait attention. Comme tu dis, on s'habitude rapidement aux extensions :D

Je te remercie pour ton commentaire.
En cliquant sur les graphiques, ils s'agrandiront dans ta fenêtre et seront lisible.
De plus, tu peux aussi aller jouer avec les graphiques (et qu'ils s'ouvrent dans ton navigateur) en cliquant directement sur les liens qui sont repris au point " Play with the charts ".
Bien à toi,

Allez les Bleus!

Mééééé nooon !!!! J'suis pas une bleue moi ! J'suis belge :D Et la francophonie ça s'étend plus loin que la France hein :D

C'est super! Je veux communiquer avec plus de steemians français :)

Tu les trouveras sous le tag FR :D (et sur différents Discords, ça dépend ce que tu cherches)

Chouette j'apparais finalement sur le graphique !

Merci pour ton analyse mensuelle, c'est toujours sympa de voir les chiffres :o)

HAHAH en fait tu as tjs été sur le graphique je pense ;-) Juste que tous les noms ne sont pas écrit par manque de place !

C'est donc ça ;o)

Thanks @roxane for this data. Hope our french community will grow again this year !

Pas de doutes là dessus :-) Et puis si on fait un effort commun, ça devrait tôt ou tard finir par exploser ;-)

C'est génial

HAHA you are learning french sweety ? :D

all thanks goes to google
"je suis intelligent comme toi"
juste essayer et apprendre le long du chemin

Very happy to see this. We need support and we need to support each other so we can grow bigger together.

Keep up the good work.

Kind regards,
Anna, @arhitekt

You are so right !

This is very good list.I mean busy is mainly used for software.They give a free upvote.Otherwise, i know life is a most usable tag.
Thank you for your blog

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