Let's all get Steem really happening

in #usesteem8 years ago (edited)

The important thing to understand about a currency, is that when both buyers and sellers of goods other than currency are banking in a particular currency, the currency gains value because it is not being sold off. It works for any currency, the Nigerian Naira is a particular case in point, it is worthless because most Nigerians now don't use it either.

This is true of any currency, until it becomes denominated in real goods

If a car can be bought with Steem, than Steem can be denominated in cars.

In other words, if you want to see Steem become more valuable and important, use it for trade other than into other currencies.

Here is two good links about this subject, the first is a newly opened marketplace that banks part of its capital in Steem Dollars, and the other is talking about how moving to banking in Steem lets us escape from the ponzi scheme that is central banking:



Lastly, this guy is who put me onto this, he was going on about it all yesterday in the telegram chat, and he showed me some links that made me think I need to throw my SP behind promoting this. So upvote and reblog his too:


We can't stop here! This is Whale country!


I agree with your premise, use of Steem to buy and sale does raise its value. I'm not sure that the tools exist just yet to facilitate that. Yes you can do it, but it's still "clunky" if you know what I mean. Nevertheless you get an upvote from me.

Yes, there needs to be an initiative like Blockpay but just for steem. Blockpay accepts steem, but if we ran a SteemPay system competing with them, we could raise Steem's profile faster and get more stores to have a POS for it. It requires some funding for developing a POS package and a scheme to get the traders to sign on and have their terminal in their system.

I am going to make a nice, shiny, picture-filled post outlining a business model.

Speaking of your link to @jholdsworthy:
Thing is, Fed has the whole world supporting it, so the bubble haven't burst yet (it was close to bursting several times since 2008). But if you want how that works if you have other countries as creditors and don't want to go to war... Check out Russian 1998 crisis caused by GKO bonds (thats Russian treasury bonds), to see how it happened recently in another big country. :->

Tried to post this as comment there, but after a month the discussion is frozen.

The support of the Fed is waning fast. The fundamentals of the economy are going very fast down the drain, backed by their fiat ponzi scam. Yeah, it's happening right now in Venezuela, it happened in 1997 or so in Bulgaria and Hungary, and the establishment in Nigeria still tries to deny it happened but most people there use FRNs now...

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