UpVote Service Update - Maturity and Integrity

in #upvote7 years ago (edited)

win win.jpg

With the price of Steem in serious correction and consolidation - I am adjusting the Terms of Service:

1 SBD or 1 STEEM = 2.00 Upvote

0.5 SBD or 0.5 STEEM = 1.00 Upvote

0.25 SBD or 0.25 STEEM = 0.50 UpVote

0.13 SBD or 0.13 STEEM = 0.26 Upvote

0.06 SBD or 0.06 STEEM = 0.13 UpVote

If Your vote is in the Queue and you are not interested in these updates - let me know and funds will be returned.

I am Experimenting with Best ways to service as many Steemian's in a way where the result is always a Positive Benefit. Also known as: Win/Win Mutual Benefit.

I Believe in Reciprocal Economics. Simply explained as:

"The Whole is Greater than the Sum of it's Parts"

The timing Here was somewhat unexpected, yet serendipitously brilliant. I've had much communication with Minnows and Dolphins - who have expressed a variety of Future Potentials Here. Minnows asking about "smaller upvote exchanges" and dolphins asking about "larger upvote exchanges". The Plan is to Accommodate both. At the moment terms will be as listed above.

The Above terms for Upvote Exchange will be in Beta Testing for 1-2 weeks. Please note that terms can be adjusted as a result of best response abled decision to Accommodate new Play Creation in Community Building and Support Here.

The Focus of @worldclassplayer is Win/Win Mutual Benefit Agreements.

If You are familiar with a similar win/win service, let me know. If you are interested in creating a similar service, let me know. Creative Collaboration is Awesome!

CREDIT is an Option. If you would like to save your 3.00 Upvote for the Future - A Future Credit Arrangement Can be Made. Simply write in the Comment Section Below: "CREDIT POST (insert Names)" This will let me know that the SBD paid for posts in the que....will be transferred into deposit for Future 3.00 Upvote.


Well 4-5 days posts are not upvoted so is expired right now.


upvoted post and a comment and left a couple messages on this post for you.

will refund your 3rd post that is in queue

U know mahh man I upvote and resteem for you every time ;)

Mahhh Mann :)

You know - I just so happened to watch American Ganster the other day and I couldn't help but say @kid4life Mahhh Mannn

haha Cheers Broski :)

I just wait for my upvotes :P

"HAHA" I watched that movie a 100times, 4 real! top shit!

Mahh man !! see you around! ;)

I think it will still be profitable so I'll continue to use your services. I hope the 3.00 will come back when everything gets back to normal. I appreciate your services by the way.

Thanks for your comment @duckmast3r

Appreciate the feedback!


Keep up the great work brother! I imagine you're going to be a very busy man in the future.

Thanks Brother!

100% Indeed :)

I am ok with the changes, but could you please start working the queue? at least half of it, as some of my posts get paid out in 2 days.

Yes. exactly.

Just looked at where your posts are in the queue and all of them should be upvoted before expiry.

Also - i saw your post about Steemit internal market ...person or bot trading SBD and Steem. I think it's ok. I mean - if anything it's opened my eyes up further to trading strategies in terms of setting up Buy and Sell walls in the order books.

Reminds me of someone I saw awhile back trading USD and GBP in the forex market. They were placing both sided over the course of about 10 years. And every order that closed resulted in a profit! They had something like 4 million orders placed in that time frame....not all of them filled...but fascinating strategy and approach.

I learned about this when I was researching "Rule of Thirds" as a trading/investing model.

this strat only ! works with steem because there is not fee for buying/selling. Not so in forex. you always pay the spread and possibly comissions. I tried it in demo mode for half a year...

ah i see. Thanks for sharing.

"thirds rule strategy"


I rather want a refund. My post is almost about to expire.

noted will refund you 3 SBD now for the posts and funds sent.

nice... I want yo try this... services like @booster or @minnowbooster just doen't cut it and @randowhale is gettin more of a gamble day by day with the dwindeling reward pool...

so how exactly does this work... send you SBD and a link or how like with these others, or how?

Yes - send a SBD or a fraction of an SBD as listed above in the post. Your post will be upvoted in time...as it goes into the queue.

It is best to send posts not older than 2 days. Posts older than 2 days will be treated as a gamble. Post 2days old and younger should be upvoted before voting expiry no problem. If post is not upvoted funds will be returned.

so to recap:

send SBD and post link to @worldclassplayer

post will be upvoted in time. will likely take some days before upvote is give. All votes are done manually.

Thanks @fraenk


Oh wow @worldclassplayer. didn't know about your 2 day rule. I have found that when you upvote first day or second day, by the time the 7 days comes, the 3.00 is now down to 2.80. So this week I waited 4 days before submitting to see if an author would get to keep more of the 3sbd

The idea with the 2 day rule is that i actually upvote it closer to the expiry...to prevent against price drop and to also fill up the queue with upvotes. The thinking behind the strategy is win/win

Thanks for your comment @internetguy

Cool... I'll try that... sending you 0.5 SBD for this link ... it's 2 days old, that's fine, yeah?

so... 21hrs until post rewards are paid, you have approx. 9hrs left to bring that upvote...

post will be upvoted in time. will likely take some days before upvote is give. All votes are done manually.

yeah well... that didn't work out in time at all... please refund!

will do. There's been a small amount of refunds required as I am in beta testing ironing out the kinks in creating most optimum and reliable service.

Thank you for your comment.

thanks for the refund!


Best Regards @fraenk


@worldclassplayer. I have 2 requests in the que. One sent before this announcement, and one after.I'm assuming I'll get a 2 sbd and a 2 sbd upvote? Thats OK Thanks for all your help. May I ask how you keep track of all the requests and who was upvoted? You doing manually or do you have a bot that collects requests and upvotes back?

Yes 2.00 upvotes for now. I am manually voting. It's pretty easy to keep track of. There is a record in the wallet of received sbd's with post links...and when I come back to upvoting after letting power charge up...i cross reference with my 'comments' to see which post i last commented "you received an upvote from @worldclassplayer"

@worldclassplayer here is a bot that will do the upvotes for you. maybe help automate? https://steemit.com/radiator/@inertia/luckyluke-rb-voting-bot

wow - Awesome - Will definitely explore this!

Thanks @internetguy

If i can make use of this here, i would like to send a tip your way :)

Steem On Brother!

I like toast 🍞

Steem On! Hope it helps. No tip needed just glad to be of help if it works.

reason I ask, over at the Steem Poker League, Tuck is manually tracking winners and paying our SBD, like you are doing. We would like to automate it and have a bot check who won (or paid in your case) and then payout (upvote in your case). We are trying to find someone who could automate the process. Thanks for your upvotes. BTW, I sent 1 sbd yesterday for a post that is now 6 days old. maybe too late to vote on that one.

Interesting in the bot consideration. that could indeed be a useful functionality.

I will return SBD for 'tommy lee portrait'
will upvote your other post tommorrow as it too is close to expiry.

in future, send posts that are less than 2 days old.

Steem On Brother, and thank you for sharing - it is appreciated!

Thank you. Will do. Will you keep you posted on the bot. We have some folks working on it.

Yes! Awesome! I'm new follower. Added this post to deck out my feed. Thanks for that.



A $1.00 SBD to $2.00 SBD upvote is still a really good deal. Even though the poster doesn't see all of that $2.00 SBD (a portion is divided out between the curators and the balance is usually 50/50 Steem power and SBD), I would still recommend the services of @worldclassplayer for his efforts to help his fellow Steemian with a Win / Win. I'm sure as SBD improves in value, we'll see even better deals in the future. Steem on! @ironshield

Thank You @ironshield

Appreciate the feedback and 100% Agree :)

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