The most difficult step: to make the shift from 'slave think' to 'king / queen think'

in #ungrip7 years ago

I view all life as sacred.  To attack, violate, steal, enslave or even murder one another is a violation of that sacredness.  To even make demands of one another disrespects the true nature of who we are; sacred spiritual beings.  I see the world very differently than I did 20 years ago or even 5 years ago.  My determination and resolve to not engage in violence against another increases with each passing day.  I've been on this path a long time, as my dear friend testified to yesterday when she stated:

I have watched you stick by your principles through some of the most difficult hardships. You have been adamant and uncompromising  (frustratingly so, for some of those around you who love you) in your  position. - @angelfire808

I've worked hard to not think like a slave and I know it frustrates people around me as I work through what it really means to me.  That is the foundation for all my work over the last 20 years.  I believe we were created in the image of our Creator.

So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them. - Genesis 1:27

Because of that, we are here to learn how to govern ourselves as kings and queens.  We cannot do that when we are slaves to others.  Each and every single one of us has royal blood and is sacred. There are those who engage in war and violate that sacredness.  Some call it evil while others suggest they are hear to provide resistance for our own growth.  What ever the motivation, we are confronted with choices on how we are going to act as a result.   Some choose to go to war. I choose peace and to live that way despite the war!  For me this is not about physical wealth, power or control.  It is about spiritual growth, honour and respect.

 Rev 17:14 states:  "These shall make war with the Lamb, and the Lamb shall overcome them: for he is Lord of lords, and King of kings: and they that are with him are called, and chosen, and faithful." 

The 'kings' that are being spoken of is you and me, NOT those who rule the planet.  The most difficult thing to witness is a king or queen behaving like a slave because they don't have any faith in themselves or don't believe they are worthy of such distinction.  As a result there is a tendency to succumb to the violence whether that be through ignorance, desperation or temptation.  

That is the adamant and uncompromising principles that my dear friend spoke of in her comments.  By recognizing that we are all sacred kings and queens, that means that I cannot demand, claim or force my will upon others.  That requires that I build a relationship and ask for permission should I need or want anything from somebody else.  Boundaries become critical as we start to accept our royal position as the Kingdom of God is within each of us.  

That spiritual jurisdiction trumps any man made jurisdiction here on this planet.  But it requires that we abandon those earthly jurisdictions and learn how to properly govern ourselves within the Spiritual jurisdiction that we represent here on Earth.  Our bodies are the temples for us 'spiritual' beings.  As such, if we abandon that which was granted to us by Creator, we reject it all and fall pray to those who would use violence, force and coercion to govern the fallen.  

I think people hate their chains but they don't want to let them go because it is familiar and they are unworthy to live without them.

To shift from slave think is a tough and challenging process.  It requires that we learn how to have healthy, respectful, balanced, centered relationships with our self, our body, Creator, Mother Earth and all the other kings and queens on this planet.  Peace, patience, non-violence, love, kindness and goodness are all necessary skills and attributes to work on during that process.  Towards others, but most importantly towards self!  

I AM worthy. 

I AM peaceful.

I AM kind.

I AM loving.

I AM patient.

I work hard to brings those attributes into my life so that I can govern myself in a proper way.  That also means that my boundaries are uncompromising and I'm very adamant about that!  I've even put Queen Elizabeth II, the Governor General of Canada and the Lieutenant Governor of Alberta on notice that should they want to contact me, they must follow a protocol.  I require that they ask for permission and fully disclose the subject matter they want to discuss.  If I consent, I will then grant them permission to have an audience with me.  Being a king requires protocol and I also require that people call before they visit.  My gate is locked at all times.  Any violation of my protocol is a trespass as my vessel is the land and I have expanded my kingdom to include the land upon which my vessel came from, depends on for all its food, clothing, shelter, water and air.  

Suddenly governing myself takes on a whole new meaning as I look towards the Queen to see how she governs.  I've made many improvements as I refuse to govern others.  But I've learned a lot from her and her servants.  

It may sound weird to say but I love her and the government.  They gave me the greatest gift one can give.  They made live so uncomfortable for me that I woke up to the state of my relationship with her and took on the duty to govern myself instead.  She gave me a kick in the pants through tough love to give me that push I needed to step up and be the king I was born to be.  

It is respect when we ask for permission first.

It is honour when we no longer make demands.

It is love when we reject the use of violence, coercion or force.

It is patience when we speak our own truth rather than engaging in guilt or manipulation.

It is tough love when we confront others on their slave think.


To shift from slave think is a tough and challenging process. It requires that we learn how to have healthy, respectful, balanced, centered relationships with our self, our body, Creator, Mother Earth and all the other kings and queens on this planet. Peace, patience, non-violence, love, kindness and goodness are all necessary skills and attributes to work on during that process. Towards others, but most importantly towards self!

Self-love and respect are the hardest to learn on this journey and to feel worthy of self-governance. We have been indoctrinated since birth that we need others to care for us, that we are weak and incompetent to do so ourselves. It is a journey worth the effort.

My friend, once again I agree with you 100%. It was indeed the toughest journey for me and I know many others who still struggle with self-love, self-acceptance, self-forgiveness. We are taught that it is selfish to do this type of work. Shame, guilt and other covert violent behaviours are used to prevent people from doing this work. It is sad, but it is shifting too. People are doing it despite the covert violence of others.

I believe that education is the foundation of the success of society if the peace of society is reconciled. Violence is truly a phenomenon that surpasses the world. Especially for children who die in war every day. Thank you for addressing the issue

My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge - Hosea 4:6

Education is critical in this day and age. There is no more excuses. There is so much data at our finger tips, all that is required now is the desire to sift through it and figure it all out.

Thank you for your comments. I appreciate your contribution to the discussion.

That requires that I build a relationship and ask for permission should I need or want anything from somebody else.

I believe that this is key, without spending time to build a relationship and get to know the person, how could we know how best to help them in return for their aid to us. We should never make demands on others, in particular ones we would never consider doing ourselves if we had the capable skills. It’s very hard to stick to your guns, espically in the face of conflict, so kudos to you for being able too. I’m not good with conflict and will compromise to get rid of it often. Something I need to work on, along with saying no. But there is always tomorrow and give. It’s 1am I think it can wait until then.

Thank you Queen @insideoutlet! <3 I too really struggle with conflict. For most of my life I avoided confrontation at ALL costs and those costs were steep! Now when I am confronted with something I turn and face it. Most people are not used to that. But it is what I had to do in order to honour who I AM. I have confidence that you can work through it yourself. Keep up the great work ... Your Grace! Thank you for writing and sharing. I really do appreciate that a lot!

I wish I could just follow you around and take notes for a few weeks LOL

Given all the upvotes you have thrown my way this morning, I think you already are! hahaha

Doing my best lol

Your blog is a source of inspiration to STeem newbies. Thanks for always bringing this up here

Thank you @ndianasimon! Welcome to Steem! I have a number of posts to help people who are new here. You are welcome to look through my blog. I'm working on my third book, so if you find anything does not make sense, the first two books may shed some light. Everything is posted here. Don't hesitate to ask questions. I'm on (@wwf) and discord (WWF#2870).

Paradigm shift is very important throughout of our life and thats make us human. You are really a critical thinker. We can make this place much peaceful and charming if all the humanity think like you. Your positive and peaceful attitude towards life is really worth following to make Earth a peaceful and lovely place to live on.

I thank you and congratulate you for your positive thoughts and effects it carries for the reader.

Thank you @cheema1. I really appreciate your comments. I pray that we all can lead by example to bring peace, but it requires that we find it within first. Then we can express it outside of ourselves in all our relationships. Peace to you.

Fantastic stuff @wwf

I have had a few moments in my life where clarity of what you speak shone through. I felt like I was divinity and that it was all around me as well. God-stuff everywhere. With this came a wisdom that I couldn't conceptualize, and a knowing that there was a right way to it, a righteousness and an order.

Slowly I've been breaking down my conditioned thinking, pulling instead from experience and feeling to bring that order into my life, to learn through mistakes and through that right feeling the way to live, the way to BE. Finding that joy and strength within, the peace that we are.

Bravo! Way to go. Sounds like you are working through it all. Keep up the great work. I'm still working through stuff myself. That is what life is all about; relationships! May you find the peace we all deserve!

Thank you! I'm feeling great lately, trying to be more vulnerable in both my relationships and to the world, which is something I have struggled with in the past> I really appreciate your posts, some of the best I've found and you always put your all into them, definitely someone I look up to on steemit, both for your "steemiting" and your life experience

Thank you my friend. I am glad to hear that you are feeling better and working at opening up more. I am grateful that my efforts to influence people are working. :)

It means a lot to me to hear you say that. It brings renewed energy and motivation to continue writing and sharing, knowing that people are learning and benefiting from my experiences. Thank you! <3

Of course, I try to support people on here whose content I enjoy with interaction and votes so you'll see me around

I look forward to interacting with you more in the future. Thank you for your interest in my blog. I treasure that immensely. Thank you.

I think people hate their chains but they don't want to let them go because it is familiar and they are unworthy to live without them.

It's interesting that an episode of an anime I was watching lastnight portrayed this. A slave girl had multiple opportunities to release her physical chains, having them severed a few times, but this is why it took her so long.

Beautiful empowering post thankyou <3

Thank you Queen Jade for sharing that. No such thing as coincidence eh your Grace!

@wwf this life comes up daily with a new lesson or experiences..
sometimes emotional, sometimes aggressive, sometimes creative, sometimes or many times i must say (in my case) depressed,
this is what i feel
this is making me my concept of life more and more complicated

My friend @sid9999, I hear what you are saying. I spent over 20 years of my life feeling depressed and even now I have my good days and not so good days. What I found really helps is to start confronting my own shit and talking about it. I share a lot of very personal things here and even on facebook over the years. It is a skill that I learned going through my recovery. I found that we all struggle with the same basic kind of problems. So I'm not alone in this journey. Despite all that I have learned, challenges still come, but the lessons are getting more and more gentle now that I've surrendered to the learning process. Prior to surrendering the lessons were absolutely brutal, harsh and nearly deadly. I speak of this often. So now I accept the ups and downs and just go with the flow. It makes life way easier I find. I speak of this frequently, so you are welcome to look through my blog and my book 'Graduating Life with Honours'. I speak of my recover from depression in the book. Perhaps it will help you.

Peace to you.

thanks for update wonderful stuff and beautiful article @wwf
#freedom is always give to every one but it is not care every one.
download (1).jpg
I always support blog and inspiration your work, look great project.
All the best and keep it up

Thank you. Care to share more about what you like about my work? I'm looking for interaction with people.

Thank you brother. <3 May Creator bless you with courage, freedom and happiness! :)

Glad to thankful that you reply my comments. I really appreciated your work and learn much thing. you r our ideal and inspiration at #block steemit chain world wide.
Stay blessed

i 100% agree with you and the 5 attributes you described in your article if all the people of world believe in these attribute then there will be no distance between king and slave, thank you for this amazing article keep it up.

Thank you King @ashrafashoor. I appreciate hearing from you and I am grateful that you resonate with it. Peace to you Your Grace!

welcome sr ! you are king of kings for me

While I appreciate the sentiment, I am not a king of kings. I refuse as that responsibility and title goes to Creator, not me. I'm also not a 'sir' as that is a title granted by the Queen for her knights. As a refused all titles, benefits and privileges, I cannot accept those titles. :) I do follow the 'spirit' of your message and recognize that you see me as a leader as I lead by example. So I ask that you stand beside me and lead by example as well. Side-by=side we can make a difference in this world. :) Peace to you.

Yes absolutely
We will do it .thanks for your response to my cheap comments.

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