The hardest "sell" in historysteemCreated with Sketch.

in #ungrip6 years ago

No, I'm not trying to sell life insurance, vacuum cleaners or even encyclopedias for that matter.  Instead I am left humbled at just how difficult it is to influence people to explore peace.  I'm not talking about freedom from being disturbed as most governments think they can fulfill that through their institutions of control and tyranny.  They speak about peace all the time, but not the type of peace you or I want.  They are forked tongue devils and found ways to engage in evil violent acts all done under the guise of peace. They are liars, every single one of them.

Instead I'm talking about security, safety, prosperity and felicity as peace and harmony make and keep things safe and prosperous.  This type of peace is not found through the barrel of a gun or through state sponsored institutional programs, but rather is found through spiritual work, exploration and healing, requiring a leap of faith from each of us.  

Prasadchangarath [CC BY-SA 4.0]

The majority of people say they want world peace, but how many of us are willing to do what it takes to accomplish peace within our world?  How many of us are willing to explore the dark corners of our soul, shine a light, heal and fully integrate what we find?  How many people are willing to accept full responsibility for their lives and no longer blame others for the struggles they experience and allow others to do the same?  Why do you think Christ said this:

Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword. - Matthew 10:34

Finding peace within ourselves is not a peaceful process.  It involves turmoil, gut wrenching explorations and work that would humble us all.  It requires that we walk away from everything that we find comfort in our lives and do things that goes well beyond social norms, swimming against the flow of the stream.  It is counter intuitive as finding peace requires that we swim through the dark abyss, which is no easy task.  Most fear the abyss, so when that chaos presents itself, they search for an external authority to provide statutes and regulations in order to facilitate some resemblance of order, mistaking it for peace.  Order is not peace!!!  Peace is found on the other side my dear brothers and sisters.

The sales job that I do is worse than pulling teeth.  It involves a lot of rejection and I'm comfortable with that.  My heart feels the sadness as at times I feel like I've failed to reach certain individuals, but I do know I've reached many who have embraced a Spiritual approach to life on this planet.  I find comfort in knowing that I plant a lot of seeds.  Only a small percentage of those seeds will bear fruit.

And he spake many things unto them in parables, saying, Behold, a sower went forth to sow; And when he sowed, some [seeds] fell by the way side, and the fowls came and devoured them up: Some fell upon stony places, where they had not much earth: and forthwith they sprung up, because they had no deepness of earth: And when the sun was up, they were scorched; and because they had no root, they withered away. And some fell among thorns; and the thorns sprung up, and choked them: But other fell into good ground, and brought forth fruit, some an hundredfold, some sixtyfold, some thirtyfold. Who hath ears to hear, let him hear. - Mat 13:3-9 

I confront these tough times with an equal amount of toughness as I know that there are a lot of stony hearts, fowls and scorched earth on this planet.  I ask tough questions and have a zero tolerance to violence as I look for fertile soil upon which to plant ideas so that those ideas will bear fruit.  I am not afraid to confront people and I make a lot of enemies along the way.  I piss off a lot of people, mostly those who refuse to surrender their violence as they feel it is the only way to confront the violence and tyranny in their lives.  

 for all they that take the sword shall perish with the sword. - Matthew 26:52

Why am I being such a hard ass when it comes to violence?  Why do I write so many posts about violence?  

Because I love you!!!

I know damn well that the vast majority of people fail to see how peace can win over violence.  I'm often confronted with the statement about how peace can stop a bullet.  People want to pick up arms and fight the government and then we wonder why war continues to propagate in our lives.  What in the hell are we missing that will convince people that healing ourselves to find peace within is more powerful than any bullet, gun or bomb?

For me, I've found that when I healed myself.  I connect deeply and more strongly with Spirit.  I find myself more spiritual now than I've ever felt in my life.  Spirit governs this planet.  Always did.  Always will.  When we do the work to heal ourselves, surrender to Spirit and dedicate our lives to peace, love, prosperity, joy, patience and meekness, Spirit steps in to protect us and provide us with the prosperity that we need.  

I cannot explain how it works and perhaps that is why this is the hardest sell in the world.  It can only be experienced but only after doing all the work.  This is not something that we can test drive to see if it is a fit for us.  Either we want it or we reject it.  All we have is the seeds that people plant in our lives.  It is up to each individual to sprout and grow those seeds to maturity to figure out what we got.  What are those seeds?  


When we stand up to testify, we share with others what we see, feel and experience.  Unfortunately, most people will only accept the testimony of somebody in authority.  Why is it that only police, doctors, lawyers or other professionals are the ones that can provide testimony that people will accept?  

 I always wonder why it is in court if a woman's a prostitute, she has to have bad eyesight. - Jim Garrison (JFK film)

Part of the decolonization process is to accept people's testimony, evaluate it for ourselves and we either accept it or reject it.  We don't need an external authority to make that determination or evaluation for us.  We have the capability to do that analysis ourselves.  I accept the testimony of all those who walk the path of peace and as a result, I've not only felt but also witnessed the manifestations of peace, freedom and protection that came with the work that I've done.  I did that work because I took a leap of faith on the testimony of others who did the same.

I shared the testimony of many others who took the time to share parts of their journey in a post I shared this morning.  It is up to you on whether you want to believe them or not.  It is up to you on whether you want to take that leap of faith and see what all the fuss is about.  Only those with the courage to do the work will find their way through the chaos and abyss to find peace on the other side.  

The state will never be able to reproduce the peace we all seek.  NEVER.  Why?  Because they cannot do the work for us.  We all must do that work individually.  This is the sword that I believe Christ was speaking of.  He came to show us how to use that sword so that we can find the peace.  He could not cause peace any more than I can or even the state.  Only each individual has the jurisdiction, authority and power to bring peace into their own heart.  

That is why peace is the hardest "sell" in history.  It would be easier to sell coal to the devil, ice to Eskimos, salt water to sailors or tailings to miners.  How many people are willing to rip open their heart, explore the darkest abyss of their soul, heal what they find, change their life completely and walk the path of peace?  How many are willing to do that work despite what friends and family say?  How many are willing to walk away from authority and go against what society has taught us our entire lives?

More than you may think.  I know many people who have done that and some of them wrote testimonials about their journey.  My blog is also a testimonial as well.  I pray that others find inspiration to do their own work.  If you are interested in any of our retreats and you want to take that leap of faith, you know what to do.  

Speak up and jump in with both feet!  The water is nice!  

Asteiner [CC BY-SA 3.0]


The 'order' you speak of is certainly a hurdle. There is such an extraordinary sense of being pacified by the comforts of 'normal' routine. It's such a needed instinct for survival. Slowly, the unraveling of an unserving series of habits into a whole new life will have to happen. In and amongst everyone who clings to the status quo! No doubt moving through the abyss. Prayers for you as you have made it to the other side. Take good care of you and your wife! So you may long be the lighthouse for many as we make our way through the dark. Towards true harmony. Life takes on whole new meaning when you begin to yearn for peace rather than be pacified by the "normal" way of doing things. One step at a time. We plod along the complicated mine field life offers. Gratitude, peace & contentment to you ❤🌄🌷

I absolutely love your assessment and the way you expressed it. It is all indeed instinct for survival and to break free of that so that we can live requires extraordinary efforts. Peace to you Jill. An honour and privilege to have you on this journey with us.

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