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in #ungrip6 years ago

Rather than me sharing what I think, I decided to dedicate a post to messages and testimonials that I've received from others.  I've split this into two groups.  The first group of messages is from men who attended the last Men's Heart Retreat (level 1) and the second is from people testifying to my capacity to hold space as a Spiritual Mentor.  I now humbly turn over the post to my dear brothers and sisters.  If you want to testify as well, feel free to do so by commenting on this post.  Thank you to all the beautiful spiritual beings who took the time to write!!!  I love you all dearly!

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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~  Men's Retreat Testimonials ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

“Coming together to hold space where it’s okay to be vulnerable as men is one of the best medicines. Being able to express our weaknesses and being completely open to understanding that we are not alone in the fear that we are inadequate. This retreat allowed for this to happen. Admitting to yourself that it’s okay to cry and okay to be hurt is something more of us as humans need to do. Because if we don’t and we walk around like we are always “strong”, then that eventually manifests into physical medical sickness. Let it out and don’t hold that garbage. This retreat will allow that process to begin. Challenge yourself to something that no other man is willing to do. Learn to love freely and openly.” - Sweetgrass Sitting Bear (Benjamin Badger – Kehewin First Nations) [testimony regarding Men's Retreat]


"Contemporary living is rife with responsibilities and distractions. I am normally tuned to survival and the day-to-day, often peeking around the corner or taking a glance back to better navigate through how life is manifest on this plane of existence.  Getting away to embrace with nature and intertwine my thoughts and spirit with others on a journey of discovery during the weekend sabbatical so graciously hosted by White Walking Feather has allowed a reflective time. A string of priceless moments embodied in pursuing a more focal course.   I now see myself and the role the divine intends just a slice more clearly, less skewed by way of the constant ebb and flow that is the channel we’re normally tuned into. This is because I have brought back with me a lens of clarity bestowed on me by my experience and interactions with others in a safe, creative, humble and natural setting. A place and time where I witnessed everyone as an extension of themselves, truly a rare occurrence and one I am forever grateful to have had." - Jason P.


"What was to come of this?  What did I get myself into?  Was this the right choice?  Most of all, am I ready for this? That morning was not, to say the least, any different from any other morning that had been, in the previous days, weeks, months.  But I was awakened by an opportunity literally knocking at my door step.  Tired eyes blinded by the glaring sun as it was approaching midday.  My good friend George was sitting on the driver side of the white community van with my uncle Lloyd sitting on the passenger side.  What he asked me next set in motion a roller coaster of emotions that I would soon meet head on. I’m a user, and my name is Ross Gadwa and I am 37 years old and a member of Kehewin Cree Nation who has, just like you, begun to walk the life long road of recovery.  This retreat to me, at the time, was something I didn’t think much of but thought of it as a chance to get away for a couple days and just reset myself.  What I didn’t know was the insight I was about to receive from the most unlikely sources.  They are those who you will soon meet in those few days and hrs within that circle.  They too will be pondering, as you are, about all of it.  But don’t get me wrong, even if you don’t keep in direct and constant contact with them after this endeavour, you will find yourself forever having a place in your heart for them.  As men, we are taught to be strong and stoic in society’s eye.  Never to falter when it comes to emotions, the will to break us and make us valuable to the world around us.  This weekend those barriers that society built around the common man will be torn down and you will see from a new perspective, your eyes will water and those tears that fall, carrying with them the weight of all that pain you built up inside and stored away.   Within that circle men from all walks of life, from different stories of addictions, different yet the same struggles as you face, will leave that circle as brothers in recovery.  Don’t be afraid to fall or stumble your first time out.  Nothing in life is obtained overnight.  Progress is a slow process and if you can allow yourself to fail, but still forgive yourself, then you my friend are on the right path.  This retreat stripped me of all that I used as excuses to why I couldn’t do it, couldn’t stop, wouldn’t stop.  There was more to my own story that I didn’t even know, there was more to my pain that I held deep down.  Little by little, session by session things started to make sense, a light shined on the deception that I was alone and that I had to go through this journey alone, which wasn’t true at all.  Today as I look back on that short time that took my mind on a whirlwind of chaos, that time that helped save my life.  I too still find myself stumbling along the way but to this day I do not see it as failures, just another chance to get up and get it right for that day.  Best of luck to you on this journey.  The best things in life never come easy, yet the price is your pride.  That’s so hard to swallow, but your life is on the other side of that bitter pill.  It's a life like no other, it’s your life you fought to get back.”  - Your friend in recovery, hiy hiy (Thank you in Cree).  R.T.G. 

~~~~~~~~~~~~~  Spiritual Mentorship Testimonials ~~~~~~~~~~~~~

 “I have had the honour of participating and co-facilitating spiritual healing retreats with White Walking Feather for the past year and I continually witness his gifts that he gives to others from his great depth of wisdom and consciousness. He stands strong in his eternal sovereign truth and helps others to do the same with deep compassion and awareness of what it means to be a spiritual being having a human experience. I would highly recommend Rob as a mentor to anyone wishing to connect deeply with themselves, their own sovereignty, with others in community and mother earth. Blessings to White Walking Feather on his journey of divine strength as he shares his wisdom with others.” - Sandra Kunz (Edmonton) 


"I was very pleased and excited to hear that White Walking Feather is offering mentoring, for those that are willing to do the work. I am so grateful for all the work he has done, and continues to do. He has knowledge and wisdom that he shares openly in his books and blogs. How generous is that? A couple years ago, I had a visit from Child Protective Services. It did not go well. I didn't handle things in a good way. They were pushing me, to have my daughter released into their system. I called WWF immediately. I was shaken. Scared. Knowing that he would understand my situation. Living off grid. Trying to live peacefully. WWF helped me draw up a letter, mentored me, helped me to grasp and understand what needed to be done, and why. He spoke to my heart. Please know that YOU must do the work. I have heard nothing back from CPS. They heard me. In my experience, he won't candy coat things for you. Sometimes you have to get into the trenches, and do the work. I have a great respect for that. I thank you WWF from the bottom of my heart for offering all the tools and knowledge you have shared with us. With much respect and love" - A Northern Earth Mother (@earthmother)


My wife and I are part of the Homesteaders Co-op and you can connect with me through the co-op for Spiritual Mentorship sessions.  https://homesteaderscoop.com/product/spiritual-mentorship/

We are also a part of a tribe that hosts retreats.  You can catch up on all our offerings by visiting our Facebook page.  https://www.facebook.com/Goddesses-Lair-Lions-Den

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