Stewards of Terra Mater - update

in #ungrip7 years ago

We never know how our actions impact other people.  A series of events have been put into play and now are rippling through the hearts of others.  Being a Steward of Terra Mater is about finding prosperity for all life, not just the few, no matter the color of our skin, our beliefs, language or position in life.  

We all have grown up in a paradigm where scarcity runs the game.  The corporate empires require scarcity in order to enjoy profits. The idea that only those who can afford to pay can receive food, clothing, shelter or even water is a repugnant thought.  The scarcity model creates poverty by capitalizing on every widget and everything is for sale including life itself.  Too much product and not enough demand, profits crash.  Lots of demand and little product, profits soar.  They create scarcity on purpose in order to protect profits and own the world.

If we want to have prosperity for all, then a paradigm shift must occur.  @FullTimeGeek continued an idea that was started by others, but has taken on a life of its own.  The idea of delegating steem to help others still comes around to help ourselves too, creating a win/win scenario.  

 But other fell into good ground, and brought forth fruit, some an hundredfold, some sixtyfold, some thirtyfold. - Matthew 13:8

@taskmaster4450 wrote a nice document regarding his views on this very issue and it got me thinking about this paradigm that is unfolding.  This platform supports the intent of the individual.  Those who engage in usury and other more traditional actions function in a scarcity model.  I decided to take a leap of faith and utilize the prosperity paradigm with this tool, inspired by @FullTimeGeek.  A leap of faith in others as my eyes weep witnessing the impacts of that choice as it went FAR BEYOND my expectations.  My heart aches with gratitude knowing that others have been enriched with a gesture of love and faith.  The interesting thing is that it did not 'cost' me anything to do it.  I continue my writing and people still upvote my work.  But my heart has been enriched by the experience and I suspect my heart aches because it grew three sizes as a result.  

This idea of paying it forward and gifting is at the root of the prosperity paradigm.  If we can make it work here, then it will also manifest in our actions in the physical realm as well.  This is an idea that can change the world and I am excited to see it through to prove the point. 

But what impacted me most was the reaction that I got from the five people I delegated steem power.  Having @FullTimeGeek then contribute steem to those same five people demonstrated a level of integrity and commitment to the prosperity model and faith in them and myself as well.  That is true leadership.  I'm confident in saying that the two of us both believe that it is our duty to replenish the Earth as we were commanded to do by Creator.  Replenish means prosperity for all life!  To do that requires a leap of faith in self, each other, Creator and Mother Earth.  Being a steward is tough, demanding, responsible, accountable work!

Scarcity model only wants to feed a man a fish.  They also want to grow the fish, transport it, store it in warehouses and sell it at retail, profiting every step of the way.  That makes the man completely dependent and they demand obedience and dependency.  Prosperity model teaches the man how to fish, provides the tools, equipment, land, water and all the other resources the man needs to be independent and self-sufficient.  

It is this paradigm that I've dedicated the past 11 years of my life and that I've seen sparks of in the five people who have become members of the Stewards of Terra Mater.  I also include @FullTimeGeek in the group as well.  I encourage people to visit and engage in these individuals as they are getting their feet wet with this platform, but my heart tells me that have a lot to offer in their own unique ways.  






I also have people learning from me directly, @lyndsaybowes being one of them.  I am honoured that she and others have made a commitment to be the best steward that they can be.  It is a lot of hard work, but it fits right in with the prosperity paradigm and I see it unfolding before my eyes.  

Being a proper steward requires that we accept life and death as we find a balance between them both.  Here on our domain, new life has joined us.  We expect many more spiritual beings to join us in the coming months as the goats, chickens and ducks go forth and multiply too.  But we also must deal with death as it is a part of life.  As we explore the ideas of prosperity, the scarcity paradigm will die as it cannot compete and so too will parts of the old 'us'.  Life will not be the same and we will mourn the loss of the old ways as we explore how the new ways will unfold.

I am no expert in this paradigm shift, but I must say it is a huge surprise to see a platform like this support the idea.  I did not know how this paradigm shift would occur.  How ironic would it be that the geeks of the world found a way, whether by design or by accident to build a tool to help us learn these lessons.  

I choose to see where this takes us.  If more and more people embraced the idea, then nobody will be left behind.  But it requires that we search within our hearts and make the changes as in the end, this is only a tool and how we govern ourselves will determine whether we continue on the current path of greed or abandon it for prosperity instead.  

May we find a way to take that leap of faith and learn how to fish for ourselves so that we have more than enough for everyone!  We could then heal Mother Earth at the same time as the scarcity model does not care and continues to rape and pillage.  Stewardship brings with it the highest duty, not ownership.  When we accomplish this goal, I believe the spiritual rewards will be great as we 'Graduate Life with Honours'.

I want to leave this post with a link to one of the Stewards of Terra Mater.  Her visceral reaction to the gifts she received touched my heart deeply and demonstrated how our actions can impact others in ways we will NEVER realize.  I had no idea she felt this way until she wrote this post.  So don't ever give up!  One man / woman CAN make a difference, whether we are aware of it or not.  We never know how we help others.  What may seem insignificant can mean the world to somebody else!  Choose words and actions wisely!!!

Grace, the dog that chooses to serve with us, delivered 6 puppies today.  We are blessed with new life!  


How ironic would it be that the geeks of the world found a way, whether by design or by accident to build a tool to help us learn these lessons.

Total Goosebumps because I have had this exact same thought!!!!!!!! WOOOHOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!! This is how we transition to a new paradigm, we're living it!!!

hahaha. Geeks have been teased, ridiculed, dismissed, bullied and feared. But they persisted. yaaaaaaa. I agree with you sister. I feel that we are living through it right now!

As our friend @fulltimeangel says: God Bless The Geeks!

Ahh, never enough thanks. I adore this community that is growing. I think that being a steward of terra mater was something I was already doing, but now I have more motivation, more community and more to do!

I agree. You were already doing it, that is what has drawn me to your work. <3 May your voice reach far and wide.

So cuteeeee! What Race is Grace? Mixed Breed?

And yes, I agree, a paradigm shift is needed. People are so formatted to a mindset of scarcity they do not seem to realize we don't need to be afraid these days in most countries.

Nature gives us everything we need and we have the technology to amplify even that to create surplus of products everyday.

At least in the western world.

Cheers WWF.

Grace is a Great Pyrenees / Akita and the father is Dogo Argentino / American Terrier. They make very nice puppies. There are two there that look like Holstein cows. lol

Yes, all we need comes from Mother Earth. The fact that we have to pay others for it shows how dependent and enslaved we are. Peace to you.

I saw a text when other people like you it's a bonus, you liking yourself is the real prize. Our actions impact others in ways we can't imagine, causing grief, envy, love, pity and all different emotions but at the end of it all, is how we see ourselves, our self love and given my opinion, a shift in paradigm should be directed to our values and beliefs. Some want to build a life, others want to live a life, what you intend to do, you're right focus on that, live your life be happy be free.

I agree with you. You summed up much of my work. <3 You will most likely enjoy my blog very much. It is great to meet you and I look forward to our exchange of ideas.

My pleasure, I just followed you and I hope to catch more of your works. Cheers!!

nice dogs and good photograpy

Very nice blog @wwf.

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