Thank you @wwf .. WhiteWalkingFeather

in #fulltimegeek7 years ago (edited)

Yesterday. I didn't sleep. When I saw my wallet, I was surprised. and mixing happiness with crying
Because I was living in a very bad situation. Full of grief. A lot of problems. Darkness everywhere.. There is no one beside me....

Seeds that are grown .... will give you a crop of the same kind,
If you will help everyone .... everyone will help you.
If you love everyone .... everyone will love you.
If you hurt someone ..... everyone will hate you.

These are my rules of life.

I was in here in Steemit in order to escape from this bad reality...
I avoid Facebook because people publish beautiful things about their lives but I don't have beautiful things to share...
Facebook is full of passive energy...
I use Steemit because there are positive people.
People who share their ideas ... not their money....

In all this darkness... @wwf come and light me a candle and give me something I've been looking for it so much... The Hope.....
He made my life full of colors after it was black and white only
I don't care about money much... But what he did to me. He made me live a new life. This life began today.....
Now I have the hope of living a better life... To be unique person ... I can help around.

I'm so crying. Crying too much.... I want to hug @wwf and cry in his lap because he can feel me...
I don't know how to thank him... I can only tell him: Thank you @wwf the greatest human
thank you @FullTimeGeek




Your words bring tears to my eyes. I think you did extremely well in saying thank you as your words are so beautiful you moved me to tears. Spirit guided me to help you in this way and I am grateful that I listened. I had no idea how you were feeling. My heart screamed out to help you, so I listened to my heart.

I saw you working hard for months and I pray that your hard work starts to pay off now. But most importantly, I pray that your heart heals from the trauma and you find a path towards healing, freedom, prosperity, joy and love.

I'm not sure if me sharing my own journey is helping you, but I am grateful that sharing some of the prosperity that I found here does.

I pray that the exposure to the people that follow me will bring more interest in your work and your journey. May Creator help in your healing journey and may you find the courage to then share it with others so that they can heal as well. But first things first. Heal thyself my friend. I will do what I can to help. I pray that this friendship brings you the inspiration that you seek to work through that journey.

I'm not sure if you are familiar with my own journey, but I have struggled for decades and found a way out of hell. I share that journey openly in my book, videos and my posts. If there is any topic you want me to write about, just say the word. I have no issues sharing my deepest, darkest struggles and how I worked through it. I pray this helps you further.

Many miracles and gifts come to folks on Steemit! Use them wisely.

Thank you for sharing your story. I am so touched! @wwf brought tears to my eyes, too.

Foti 3liya rani votit 3lik

Are you okay?

I'm in excellent condition
... I was busy .... On Sunday I found myself having a very high positive energy ... I am a teacher and now I am doing some charitable work in school. Yesterday I agreed with the teachers to donate 5% of the salary of each teacher in order to help the poor pupils
I am preparing for an exhibition with students for freedom and the fight against hatred I have a lot of projects in my head hehehehe
Now I'm writing a topic and trying to be good - I'm still learning English - I'll publish it today ... but I do not know when
thank you my brother @wwf

Very good to hear from you. I hope you don't mind me checking in with you. Your works sounds interesting. I look forward to hearing about it. <3 I am grateful that you are doing well.

I will be very happy to share this with you because you are the one who ignited this enthusiasm within me
I started my work just two days ago ... I will tell you all the details ....

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